
Scientists have discovered the relationship between the growth of a person and the level of IQ

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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17 March 2014, 09:00

In Edinburgh University, one study showed that people of low growth have a lower intelligence, compared to high. This research project involved about seven thousand people who were not related to each other. In the course of the study, the researchers performed an analysis of DNA markers, and, according to experts, there is not much connection between the growth and intelligence of a person, but it is extremely important.

As noted by scientists, genetic similarities of people with approximately the same height and intelligence were compared. According to the head of the research project Riccardo Marioni, in previous studies that were aimed at the relationship between growth and intelligence, only blood relatives (twins, etc.) were used. In this research project, scientists for the first time decided to analyze people who were not related by kindred ties. And as it was possible to find out, people with high growth were more clever.

During the study, scientists measured the level of intelligence with the help of special tests, and the blood test helped in the study of genes. As a result, the research team noted that 70% of the connection between the level of intelligence and human growth can be explained by genetic factors, and 30% by the influence of external factors. However, millions of people of low growth are unlikely to agree with the results of this study, as an example can be given a sufficient number of world-class geniuses whose growth did not exceed the average mark.

In earlier works of scientists, one more advantage of high growth was established . As the results showed, in people whose growth is above average, the formation of plaques in the arteries is much less frequent than that of people of medium and low growth, so high people are less susceptible to the development of cardiovascular diseases, in addition, the life expectancy of high people is greater. A possible link between ischemia and human growth was found in several studies, but the exact mechanism of this relationship could not be established by scientists. One of the latest studies has revealed that heart problems in humans begin because of the accumulation of plaques in the arteries, which are formed due to the elevated level of calcium in the arteries.

A few years ago, in Cambridge, scientists discovered the relationship between the cause of death and the growth of a person. The analysis showed that high people die more often from cancer, and people with medium and low growth more often die from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientists suggest that the internal organs of tall people are larger, which increases the likelihood that one of the cells will be pathological.

As noted by scientists, the growth of man is affected primarily by heredity, as well as the social conditions in which he was brought up. For example, low growth can be in case of poor nutrition, chronic infections, severe psycho-emotional experiences in childhood.

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