
The higher the IQ level, the more gullible a person is.

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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25 March 2014, 09:00

At Oxford University, experts in their research made an interesting conclusion. In their opinion, people with high intelligence are more trusting.

The study of social relationships has shown that the degree of trustfulness to others and the level of intelligence are interrelated. As scientists believe, this phenomenon is explained by the fact that a person with a high level of IQ understands better in different life situations, and can also feel the attitude of people. This ability allows you to show resourcefulness in life and to remain in friendly relations only with devotees.

Also, experts have found that gullibility helps in almost any field of activity, particularly financial. To that gullible people have better health and in general they are happier in life than those who are not accustomed to trusting others. Earlier studies, also connected with human intelligence, found that IQ depends on the growth of a person. Experts believe that high people have higher intelligence than people of medium or low stature. Such conclusions were made after scientists discovered genes that affect the level of intelligence and human growth. However, such conclusions cause a number of doubts and contradictions.

Scientists have always been interested in the relationship between women and men. Recently, experts have found that the man's faithfulness and level of his intelligence are interrelated. At the London Institute of Psychology, a study was conducted, according to which scientists came to the conclusion that almost all intelligent men remain true to their second half. Experts from Britain said that a truly intelligent person would never change his woman. The scientists give a fairly simple explanation of this: monogamy in modern social conditions is the most profitable and simple form of relations between the sexes. It is also worth noting that the polygamous relations of animals in the evolutionary process gradually gave way to monogamous ones. According to experts, the presence of one sexual partner allows you to avoid severe stressful situations, as well as a long search for a new partner for sex, which allows you to save the nervous system.

Smart people are also more successful in life, as the perception of the world around them is different: the scientists noted a slightly different way of processing sensory information. The brain of a person with a high level of intelligence is more selective when perceiving moving objects. In other words, highly intelligent people are able to suppress large movements, in addition, there is more legible visual perception. The brain of intelligent people better perceives the movement of small objects, so it can concentrate on the movement of small objects, unlike people with a lower or normal level of intelligence. But in tests involving large objects, the results were directly opposite. Experts noted that this happens at a subconscious level, in this case we can talk about brain activity, the principle of which is radically different from that observed in people with an IQ level corresponding to or below the norm.

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