
Social life

High doses of caffeine provoke attacks of panic attacks

Caffeine is a strong psychoactive compound, in large doses it can even lead to premature death.
19 March 2014, 09:00

Excessive consumption of protein foods leads to premature death

The research team from California found that eating meat and cheese causes severe harm to the body, which can be compared with smoking.
18 March 2014, 09:00

Scientists have discovered the relationship between the growth of a person and the level of IQ

In Edinburgh University, one study showed that people of low growth have a lower intelligence, compared to high.
17 March 2014, 09:00

Violations of speech development in boys are associated with testosterone

Experts have long known that boys develop mentally more slowly than girls, besides this, boys develop with some delay, which is not considered a deviation from the norm.
09 March 2014, 22:25

To resist cancer will help a strong night's sleep

A good high-grade night rest not only contributes to the restoration of strength, but partly helps to withstand cancer.
14 March 2014, 09:00

From an excessive amount of sweet immunity suffers

Scientists have found that the use of sugar in large quantities disrupts the immune system of a person.
13 March 2014, 09:01

The younger generation is threatened by a new lifestyle-related disease

Now, more and more young patients with a disease called "computer hump" are asking for help from specialists.
06 March 2014, 09:00

Caesarean section provokes overweight in the child in the future

It is the caesarean section that provokes excess weight in children, and it is possible that other factors that were neglected could have affected this.
04 March 2014, 09:13

Elderly people lose the ability to absorb drugs well

Many doctors who prescribed medication for their elderly patients from depression, did not even suspect that they were causing harm to people's health.
03 March 2014, 16:30

A month without alcohol restores the liver

Experts continue to study how alcohol affects the human body. A new study was conducted at the Royal Hospital in London, during which a group of volunteers for a month refused to drink alcohol.
26 February 2014, 09:00


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