
Social life

Day to say goodbye to depression

American experts have developed a unique drug that allows you to get rid of the depressive state in just 1 day.
05 August 2015, 09:00

Satellites are used to detect eye diseases

Specialists from the research agency CSIRO (Australia) have developed a unique method that allows you to analyze the retina at a distance.
30 July 2015, 09:00

Psychosis, depression and schizophrenia prevent the consumption of fatty fish

In Germany, a group of scientists proved that fatty foods are necessary for people, since it contains fatty acids that improve the work of most organs and protect against the development of a number of diseases.
29 July 2015, 09:00

The Chinese will make alcohol useful to humans

Chinese experts made a sensational discovery - they managed to find a gene, through which alcohol becomes a healthy product.
20 July 2015, 09:00

A glass of red wine is useful in a "sedentary" way of life

A team of researchers from the United States, whose work is related to a healthy diet and lifestyle, said another useful property of red wine.
03 July 2015, 09:00

Trees improve memory and attention in children

Specialists from Norway, America, Spain led by Payam Dadwand in the course of their work came to the conclusion that green plantations and surfaces surrounding children contribute to the development of cognitive abilities.
02 July 2015, 09:00

Modern women should give birth at an early age

Scientists said that modern girls are already genetically predisposed to conceive and give birth to a child at an early age.
29 June 2015, 09:00

Longevity has its negative sides

Almost every person on the planet dreams of a long life. But, according to experts, the longer a person lives, the more difficult it is for him, since longevity has also negative sides.
25 June 2015, 09:00

Placental preparations found mercury, lead and other toxins

Drugs that contain placenta extract, as it turned out, are not so harmless to human health.
18 June 2015, 09:00

Embrace is the natural method of treating diseases

Scientists said that hugging is beneficial to health, both for the mental and for the physical.
15 June 2015, 09:00


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