
Social life

The value of a night rest in the work of the cardiac system

It has been proved by British scientists that life expectancy directly depends on our night sleep.
17 November 2015, 09:00

Fried food - plus extra pounds for your child

In our time, an abundance of food, overflows our tables. The choice is great. A variety of dishes, you can meet not only at home or away, but also in cafes, restaurants, eateries.
16 November 2015, 09:00

9 days without sugar will help improve health

In San Francisco, a group of scientists found out how, in fact, sugar affects the human body.
06 November 2015, 09:02

The embryo that died in the womb was able to become a father in many years

In the United States, experts accidentally recorded a unique case of fertilization, when the father of a completely healthy baby was an embryo, which died in the early stages of pregnancy in the womb.
05 November 2015, 09:00

1/3 of pregnant women suffer from depression

In the UK, experts found that almost a third of pregnant women suffer from depressive disorders.
02 November 2015, 09:00

Men with "tummy" earn more

In this case, women all the way around - as statistics show, in full women wages are much lower than those of skinny girls.
23 October 2015, 09:00

A sedentary lifestyle is not as bad as it was thought

In one British university, they found out that a sedentary lifestyle is not so harmful to health and can not be the cause of premature death, as was previously thought.
21 October 2015, 09:00

Sex change without surgery or people-gevedos

In the Dominican Republic, experts have discovered an unusual type of people who mutate and change their sex during adolescence, without surgery or taking any medications.
08 October 2015, 09:00

Spray instead of shower

In our life we are so used to the soul that it is even hard to imagine how one can do without it.
02 October 2015, 09:00

Our life leads to cancer

Philip Darbri, a biochemist at one of the leading British universities, well remembered the moment when she refused to use all her toiletries and sent them to the dump.
30 September 2015, 09:00


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