
Social life

Natural birth will be a thing of the past

A famous obstetrician-gynecologist from France said that in the next few decades women will definitively stop giving birth to their children on their own, and this will be caused by modern medicine.
11 June 2015, 13:00

In Sweden, there will be robotic nurses

At the Swedish University of Technology have developed a robot-nurse who is able to monitor the status of a person around the clock, bring food or medicine, besides, the robot can talk to the client or call an ambulance if necessary.
09 June 2015, 09:00

LSD will get rid of drug addiction

In Britain, the first results of studies on the use of LSD for the treatment of drug addiction and mental disorders were published, in which twenty young people took part.
05 June 2015, 09:00

Antibiotics are dangerous for children

There is a theory that taking antibiotics by children can threaten their health in the future, and specialists have long been engaged in studying how such drugs affect children's health.
02 June 2015, 20:30

Coffee and green tea contribute to longevity

Researchers from Japan have identified a link between regular consumption of coffee or green tea and a reduction in the risk of premature death.
25 May 2015, 09:00

Old age occurs 15 years before death

Specialists from the Institute of Applied International Studies drew attention to modern retirees.
07 May 2015, 09:00

Dependence on alcohol can be treated with proteins

Specialists from the United States made a sensational discovery, which can be the beginning in the development of new and effective methods of treatment with alcohol dependence.
04 May 2015, 09:00

Protein diet is dangerous to health

Among adherents of a healthy diet, protein diets are widely distributed.
20 April 2015, 09:00

A relationship between autism development and vaccination was found

Recently, specialists have proved that vaccination negatively affects the health and development of children.
15 April 2015, 09:00

Depression provokes the development of arthritis

In Switzerland, a group of scientists managed to establish that depression is dangerous for physical health, and not just for psycho-emotional, as previously thought.
14 April 2015, 09:00


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