
Upbringing and care of the newborn

Which diapers are best for use?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. It depends on many factors: on the thickness of your wallet, on the degree of your employment, and finally on your desire to sleep at night.

What needs to be prepared for discharge from the hospital?

The room for the newborn should be light, well ventilated, the temperature in it should not exceed 25 ° C. Do not worry if you can not give the child a separate room.

Pain in the abdomen of a child

There are at least 85 causes of abdominal pain in children, but there is rarely a problem of finding the exact cause to establish a fairly rare and accurate diagnosis.

Problems that most often occur in childhood

The child constantly cries. During the first month of life, a child usually cries without tears. The mother of the child seems to learn to recognize the different values of this crying: irritability, hunger, pain (in the latter case, crying is more intonated).

"Small problems" of newborns

A healthy newborn born in time requires very little nutrition in the first few days. Therefore, do not worry if these days he takes a bad breast, and do not need to offer him a bottle of milk. By the way, the newborns, who were trapped in the earthquake for 4 days, survived well.

Tips for caring parents: Diapers or diapers - that's the question!

It was far away when parents bought a bunch of diapers, which they had to change 17-20 times a day. They still needed to be boiled, dried and ironed. Diapers came to help modern parents ...

Recovery of Hoare Atresia

Congenital atresia of the khoans arises due to the fact that in the embryonic period the mesenchymal tissue covering the lumen of the choana as a membrane does not completely or partially dissolve. In one of 7,000 cases, a newborn baby can not breathe through the nose.

Newborn child: why did the temperatures on the thermometer change?

When the baby is born, one of the first manipulations that will be done to him is the measurement of body temperature.

We strengthen the immunity of the newborn

Every parent wants his baby to grow up healthy and strong.


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