
Sugar in the urine during pregnancy

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Sugar in the urine during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon.

And it can arise after a lot of drinking or eating sweet food. That is why in this period, you need to take extra care and observe certain rules. Pregnancy should be treated correctly, without any complications

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Causes of sugar in the urine during pregnancy

The causes of the appearance of sugar in the urine during pregnancy can be varied. The first thing you need to think about is nutrition and way of life. After all, it is the wrong food that gives rise to this phenomenon.

The main causes of the appearance of sugar in the urine are many. Naturally, the leading place is behind diabetes. If before pregnancy a woman did not have this disease, then, most likely it proceeded secretly. It is likely that this is a temporary gestational diabetes, which will soon pass.

The appearance of sugar in the urine can be triggered by the presence of problems with the endocrine system. Diseases of the pancreas also lead to this phenomenon. Problems with the liver can cause the appearance of sugar in the urine.

The common cause is kidney disease. In this case, there is no sugar in the blood, it is observed exclusively in the urine. The cause may be hidden in the wrong diet. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should carefully monitor your health. So that in the future there were no complications. Sugar in the urine during pregnancy does not favorably affect the body.

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Symptoms of sugar in the urine during pregnancy

Symptoms of sugar in the urine during pregnancy can not manifest at all. But nevertheless, there is a certain symptomatology. Thus, repeated analyzes in urine contain a high amount of sugar. The pregnant woman constantly feels fatigue and drowsiness.

Strong thirst begins to excruciate, regardless of the time of the year. A day a lot of liquids are being drunk. There are frequent urge to urinate. Weight begins to fluctuate, and tangible. For pregnancy, such jumps are not the norm. Sharply increases appetite, I want to eat constantly.

If you have such symptoms, you should immediately seek help from an endocrinologist. It is likely that we are talking about gestational diabetes. For pregnant women this is quite typical.

Due to the appearance of a new growing body, the mother's body begins to quickly activate all of its reserves. After all, the main task is to ensure optimal life of the fetus. A large number of nutrients are supplied through the baby's placenta.

On the pancreas superimposed colossal load. That's why diabetes can develop. In this case, complete normalization of the sugar level in the urine during pregnancy occurs 6 weeks after birth.

Sugar in the urine during pregnancy, as a sign of disease

Sugar in the urine during pregnancy, as a sign of kidney disease, liver and pancreas. Independently this phenomenon does not arise. He is helped by various problems. In most cases, this is a sign of the presence of diabetes. And if before pregnancy there were no symptoms, then during it, the disease decided to show itself. It is likely that we are talking about temporary diabetes, which occurs quite often and passes on its own.

Sugar in the urine can be increased because of problems with the endocrine system. In this case, you need to seek help from an endocrinologist. A sharp fluctuation of sugar can be triggered by diseases of the pancreas. Often, sugar in the urine appears due to pathological changes in the liver.

But in most cases, it is directly about temporary diabetes, which will be resolved on its own within 6 weeks after delivery. If you notice any symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor. Sugar in the urine during pregnancy is not a joke!

Diagnosis of sugar in the urine during pregnancy

Diagnosis of sugar in the urine during pregnancy is held at 24-28 weeks. During this period they make a general urine test, on the basis of which the level of sugar is determined. If sugar has been detected, a glucose tolerance test is performed.

Due to this procedure, the sugar level is assessed. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach, after 2 hours, after a glass of glucose has been diluted with water. The obtained results are compared with the standards and, based on this, a conclusion is drawn.

If the fluctuations are significant, a diet is prescribed with the exception of the diet of digestible carbohydrates. These include sugar, fatty, fried and baked goods.

Daily monitoring of sugar levels in urine and blood is carried out. After childbirth, these indicators come back to normal, literally in 6 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to be under medical supervision. Sugar in the urine during pregnancy can be the cause of any disease, so you need to take this matter seriously.

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Treatment of sugar in the urine during pregnancy

Treatment of sugar in the urine during pregnancy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. The first thing you have to follow a certain diet. Food should be limited and correct. It is advisable to exclude sweet and flour products, as well as fruit juices.

A pregnant woman who has had sugar in her blood should eat right. In no case can you overeat. During the day, you need to organize a certain diet. It is advisable to eat three meals a day normally and in addition to arrange snacks.

Full nutrition should be present, otherwise the pressure may drop drastically. This phenomenon can adversely affect the fetus.

Women who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes need to control their own weight. In a week it is possible to type no more than one kilogram. Otherwise, this will exceed the permissible load on the body.

It is important just to observe the correct regime. In this case, the sugar in the urine during pregnancy is normalized independently after a certain period of time. The use of medication is not required.

Preventing sugar in the urine during pregnancy

Preventing sugar in the urine during pregnancy is simply necessary. You need to consume carbohydrates throughout the day. And it should be done evenly. Proper nutrition is the key to successful prevention.

It is recommended to eat 6 times a day. And 3 portions should be of medium size, and the remaining 3 small. It is possible to have a light snack, which is included in number 6.

The diet should contain less carbohydrate than usual. It is best to include in the daily diet complex carbohydrates, which contain a lot of fiber.

Skipping meals is not recommended. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the load on the pancreas and not cause the appearance of sugar in the urine.

Breakfast should be tight. This will keep the glucose level in a healthy range. It is desirable to limit the consumption of bread, milk, cereal and fruit. They will be replaced by proteins, in the form of cheese, eggs, nuts and butter. In the daily diet should be a large amount of fiber.

Do not ignore physical activity, they play in the whole process is not the last role. All this will not increase sugar in the urine during pregnancy and completely avoid its appearance.

Prognosis of sugar in the urine during pregnancy

The prognosis of sugar in the urine during pregnancy is generally positive. If the increase in glucose was caused by the development of temporary diabetes, it will pass on its own after the birth. This phenomenon occurs quite often. Experiencing this is not worth it, it's enough just to follow a certain diet.

If the sugar in the urine appeared against the background of any diseases, then the forecast in general is also positive. After all, in the course of proper treatment, all this is eliminated.

Naturally, the normalization of sugar in the urine is not so simple with ordinary diabetes. In this case, you must constantly observe a certain diet and not overeat. If the pregnant girl follows all the recommendations, then nothing terrible will happen. It is important in time to consult a doctor, so that he conducted a diagnosis and identified the cause of the disease. If the woman did everything right and at the same time observes a certain diet, the sugar in the urine during pregnancy will reach its optimal level fairly quickly.

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