

Schoolchildren from 7 to 17 years old, both physicians and teachers are divided into three age categories: junior, middle and senior school age. Each of them has its own characteristics, which must be known to parents.

What are the most common schoolchildren? What physiological processes occur in the puberty period? What problems can arise when schoolchildren eat poorly, move little and neglect personal hygiene rules? How to relate to the possible psychological characteristics of schoolchildren and problems with their physical and psycho-emotional health?

Why is the child passive in class?

Other children constantly draw their hands and are called to answer one after another, but this one always remains on the sidelines ... All the children are playing and running around the street, and this just would not be touched. Passivity schoolboy creates a lot of problems for him, because he does not give proper expression and be successful among peers. What are the reasons for the passivity of the child?

What if the child has no friends?

You never heard your child complain: "Nobody loves me!" Or "They do not let me play with them!" Do you know how painful it is for a child to feel lonely? What if the child has no friends "How can I help him find them?"

What is dangerous nedosypanie school children?

Researchers of the research institute of the American city of Providence argue that lack of sleep of schoolchildren significantly reduces their ability to absorb educational material. Conversely, if children sleep well before classes, they have a syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder associated with this condition. What else is dangerous lack of sleep for school children? And how many hours of sleep is the norm for a child?

How to protect the student from overload?

Overload of a schoolboy is the hottest topic on forums and in parental disputes. According to the research of the Scientific Center of Health, today only 3-4% of schoolchildren (one or two children for a whole class!) Leave after grade 11 with healthy children. All other doctors diagnose certain deviations in health. And the reason for this - many hours of school overload. How to protect the student from training overload? And what is considered an overload, and what is the usual norm, without which - anywhere?


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