Pulls the stomach in the first week of pregnancy: causes and treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The onset of pregnancy is often accompanied by a variety of new sensations for the woman, many of which can be of considerable concern to the expectant mother. For example, is it worth worrying if the belly pulls a little in the first week of pregnancy? Is everything alright, or is it urgent to run to a doctor?
On the Internet, you can find a lot of information that pulling pain is one of the signs of a threat of spontaneous abortion, or, simply speaking, of a miscarriage. This statement is not without meaning. However, a qualified doctor will not frighten a woman with such predictions, but will conduct the necessary studies to pinpoint the cause of unpleasant sensations.
Special statistics regarding the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in the first week of pregnancy is not maintained. However, it is suggested that at least one woman out of 50 can feel minor unpleasant sensations in the early stages. In one woman, out of 150, soreness can be associated with an ectopic pregnancy.
Causes of the stretching pain in the abdomen in the first week of pregnancy
To determine the reasons for the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen is a doctor, since it is almost impossible to do this yourself. It is very important to keep pregnancy in the early stages and to prevent any violations related to the beginning of this period.
The pulling sensations in the lower abdomen can be associated with physiological and pathological causes.
Physiological causes include the following:
- the natural tension of the muscles of the uterus, reminiscent of this during menstruation;
- increased blood flow in the uterus, accompanied by an increase in the mammary glands and unstable mood.
All of the above reasons are natural and are considered a variant of the norm. However, there are other, pathological, reasons that should be distinguished from the physiological and respond to them in a timely manner.
Pathological causes of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen:
- threatening spontaneous abortion;
- ectopic pregnancy.
Sometimes the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen may not have a connection with gynecology. For example, such signs often accompany dyspepsia, intestinal cramps, which can become symptoms of early pregnancy toxicity.
Risk factors
The risk factors that can contribute to the appearance of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in the first week of pregnancy can be:
- multiple pregnancies;
- diabetes;
- polycystic ovary;
- infectious diseases in the pelvic area;
- abdominal trauma;
- diseases of the reproductive system;
- disturbance of the balance of sex hormones;
- anomalies in the appendages;
- the presence of endometriosis, adhesions;
- smoking and drinking alcohol.
The pathogenesis of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy is not fully understood: only a few theories have been voiced. The most famous of them is a generally accepted variant, according to which stretching of tissues and strengthening of blood circulation in pelvic organs stimulate pain receptors. If simultaneously with these signs or against the background of them there is any pathology of the reproductive system, the soreness in the lower abdomen has another etiology.
Symptoms of the stretching pain in the abdomen in the first week of pregnancy
If we consider the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, as a variant of the norm, then other symptoms are usually absent. Such feelings are usually minor, transient, unstable and not too painful. Many doctors agree that the first signs that a woman is pregnant are just such pulling sensations, as well as weakness (or, conversely, energy recovery), mood swings, and breast enlargement.
If the stomach is pulled constantly, severe pain appears on one side or across the abdomen, pathological vaginal discharge (pale, pink, brown, bloody) is observed , temperature rises, or other painful symptoms are present, this is a very serious reason for an urgent appeal to to the doctor, up to a call of "first aid".
Complications and consequences
If the stomach is pulled during the first week of pregnancy, then in most cases it is a physiological normal phenomenon. However, one should not forget about other, possible negative consequences of pulling pain:
- threat of abortion;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- frozen pregnancy.
As a rule, the first week of pregnancy is not critical, since complications of the wrong course of pregnancy are detected later. But many doctors advise you to seek medical help for any first negative symptoms: it is often the earlier treatment of a doctor to prevent many adverse effects.
Diagnostics of the stretching pain in the abdomen in the first week of pregnancy
Women in the early stages of pregnancy who complain of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, are prescribed the following diagnostic tests:
- Analyzes:
- a general blood test (leukocyte count, hemoglobin, hematocrit);
- estimation of ESR;
- general urine analysis;
- conducting a blood test for HCG.
- Instrumental diagnostics:
- Ultrasound of the small pelvis (abdominal, vaginal);
- the technique of color Doppler mapping for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy and monitoring the condition of the ovaries and tubes (used in cases where other types of research are not so informative: for example, with obesity).
Sometimes a normal bimanual examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis. For example, with ectopic pregnancy in the ovary region, pain is found on the side of the lesion, which also manifests itself when the cervix is displaced.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the stretching pain in the abdomen in the first week of pregnancy
Before consulting a doctor, taking any medication from the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen is not recommended. In extreme cases, it is acceptable to take such drugs as No-shpa (Drotaverin) or suppositories with papaverine.
Dosage and methods of application |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
But-shpa |
Take 20-40 mg 1-3 times a day. |
Palpitation, a feeling of heat, dizziness. |
If the drug has not had the desired effect after a double dose, you should consult your doctor. |
Papaverine |
Apply rectally, 20-40 mg to 3 times a day. |
Nausea, constipation, increased sweating, lowering of pressure. |
Do not use the drug without prescribing the doctor more than 2 times. |
Do not take medications that affect the intestinal peristalsis, since they can lead to muscle contractions of the uterus.
If the above drugs did not lead to relief, then it is better to stop the experiments and see a doctor.
If the doctor does not detect gynecological problems in a pregnant woman, she can prescribe prophylactic medications that will prevent the uterus's tone and support the normal course of pregnancy. To such medicines carry, for example, Magne-B6 (Magnum), Hofitol, etc.
Dosage and methods of application |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
Magne-B6 |
Take 3-6 tablets a day. |
Diarrhea, bloating. |
The duration of treatment with the drug is determined by the doctor. |
Hofitol |
Take 1 capsule 3 times a day, before meals. |
Sometimes - diarrhea. |
The drug is not used for cholelithiasis. |
For early terms, in order to maintain and normal pregnancy, it is recommended to take complex vitamins that contain, first of all, folic acid, vitamin E, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. In pharmacies, you can buy special multivitamin preparations intended for the period of pregnancy: these preparations contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
- Elevit pronatal is an extremely popular drug that is useful even in the presence of a threat of miscarriage, since it contains magnesium and folic acid. Elevit prevents the increased tone of the uterus and improves blood flow in the pelvic organs. Take 1 tablet a day.
- Vitrum Prenatal or Vitrum Prenatal forte is a complex remedy with a high content of vitamins B, iron and other nutrients. Vitrum prenatal forte, among other things, also contains iodine. The standard use of the drug is 1 tablet a day.
- The "Mother's Health" alphabet is a complex preparation, with an increased content of B vitamins. It is recommended to use 1 tablet three times a day.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
In some cases, if the stomach is pulled during the first week of pregnancy, the physician can prescribe non-hazardous physiotherapy procedures:
- hydrotherapy;
- balneotherapy;
- heliotherapy;
- electrophoresis;
- acupuncture;
- electrorelaxation;
- easy gentle massage.
Listed physiotherapeutic options for influence on the body are considered the most safe and popular for maintaining a pregnancy.
Physiotherapy can be contraindicated:
- with oncology;
- with psycho-emotional disorders in women;
- when blood is extracted from the genital tract.
Physiotherapy sessions are conducted only after the appointment of a doctor and only under his supervision.
Alternative treatment
If you pull the stomach in the first week of pregnancy, you can use alternative methods to ease the condition of a woman.
It alleviates pain and relaxes the muscles of aromatherapy. You can spray fragrant oils in the room, use aroma lamps or special aromed medallions. With the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, the following will be especially useful:
- jasmine oil;
- lotus oil;
- rose oil;
- aroma of vanilla;
- melissa oils, valerian, geranium.
It is also useful to use daily for a handful of forest or almonds, beginning with the early terms and throughout the period of pregnancy.
If there are pulling sensations, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible. It is advisable to sit down at this moment, or, even better, lie down. Do not worry. Breathing is necessary exactly, controlling the depth of each breath and exhalation. You can take a vial of alcoholic tincture of valerian or motherwort and inhale several times the medicinal flavor. Remember: the mood and well-being of a future mother directly affects the course of pregnancy.
Herbal Treatment
Sometimes relieve the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen helps freshly made melissa tea, which should be drunk 2-3 times a day. Melissa oil can also help, if it is rubbed into the area of the temples, at night.
Some herbalists recommend to prepare juice from plantain: for this, fresh leaves of the plant are ground in a blender or meat grinder and squeeze juice through the gauze. Take 1 tbsp. L. For a quarter of an hour before a meal, three times a day.
In addition, prepare a herb-herbal decoction of 20 g of wild rose, 20 g of lemon balm, 20 g of oat grains, 10 grams of gold-bearing and 10 g of barberry. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 250 ml of water, boiled for 1 minute, insisted 1 hour under a lid and filtered. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.
The use of herbal prescriptions is possible only after the doctor determines the physiological cause of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. If a pathology is found, then strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions, and do not engage in self-medication.
Homeopathy is one of the most effective and safe ways to cure this or that disease, including during pregnancy. The main mechanism of action of homeopathic remedies is to create conditions in the body so that he can cope with the problem or disease himself.
Of course, before you start taking any medication, you need to consult your gynecologist. Self-treatment is not acceptable both during pregnancy and in any other physiological period of life.
For acquaintance we will result an example of some means of a homeopathy which it is possible to apply to the pregnant women in a case if pulls a stomach on the first week of pregnancy.
- At strong pulling sensations in the bottom part of a stomach and a loin apply:
- Aesculus
- Cali Carbonicum
- With the drawing pains and the threat of miscarriage:
- Belladonna
- With the pulling pain associated with early toxicosis:
- Causticum
- With pulling sensations, accompanied by nausea and vomiting:
- Ipecacuanha
- Arsenicum Album
Dosages of these drugs are prescribed individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the female body. Of the side effects of homeopathic medicines, it is rarely possible to develop an allergy: in general, the listed medicines are well perceived by the body.
Operative treatment
Sometimes, if the stomach is pulled during pregnancy, the cyst may be the cause. In this situation, the doctor may decide to carry out an operation to remove it.
The operation during pregnancy is performed by a laparoscopic method - that is, sparing and the least painful surgical procedure.
It is ideal to carry out such an operation in the second trimester, when the baby's organs are already formed, and the uterus has a relatively small size. However, it is possible to perform laparoscopy virtually at any time.
Surgical practice shows that with proper preoperative planning and proper doctor's tactics, laparoscopic surgery can be safely performed during pregnancy without any risk for the future mother and her baby.
Women who have already experienced pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, in order to avoid discomfort to other future mothers can give such advice:
- at least during the first trimester, any active activity should be avoided: do not drive a car on a bad road, do not ride a bicycle, run or jump, etc.;
- try to lie more, rest;
- take folic acid tablets, both before and during pregnancy;
- Do not take any medications not prescribed by your doctor;
- dress for the weather, avoid colds, hypothermia, try not to visit places where you can catch flu or ARVI if possible;
- avoid excessive anxiety, stress, fear;
- wear comfortable shoes, avoid falls and injuries.
Remember: a pregnant woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the health of the baby's future.
If you pull the stomach in the first week of pregnancy, then, of course, it is better to see a doctor, despite the fact that the term is very, very small. As a rule, a woman can be "kept" only from the fifth week of pregnancy. Nevertheless, if the child is long-awaited, it is worth worrying about it from the first days - when a woman finds out about her "interesting situation". Any qualified gynecologist will never refuse to help a future mother, assess her condition and chances to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.