Pregnancy tests by week
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Analyzes during pregnancy are given for a whole pregnancy throughout the week, it is better to organize them into your individual calendar - it's very convenient.
The entire duration of pregnancy is divided into trimester, for each of which has its own list of studies of the condition of the fetus and the mother.
- From 0 to 12 weeks, the first trimester lasts. Usually, it is during this period that a woman learns about pregnancy and registers in a women's consultation. At this time, blood tests for the presence of AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, determine the blood group, rhesus, take blood for general analysis and to determine the level of sugar, also conduct a clinical analysis of urine, make a cytological analysis of the vaginal smear. Also it is necessary to visit such physicians as therapist, oculist, ENT, dentist, pass ECG.
- From 12 to 24 weeks, the second trimester lasts. In these terms, the pregnant woman undergoes the first ultrasound examination for:
- clarifying the timing of pregnancy;
- determination of the number of fetuses in the uterine cavity;
- determination of probable abnormalities in the development of fetal organs and systems.
In addition, at 16-18 weeks a test is performed to identify genetic abnormalities in the fetus.
- AFP level;
- level of HC;
- level of NE.
If the deviation from the norm is confirmed, then this indicates a chromosome violation in the future child. But at this time it is not necessary to make hasty conclusions to exclude the error, the analysis is repeated in the interval between 15-20 weeks.
To visit the gynecologist supervising pregnancy, on these terms it is necessary once in two weeks, provided that pregnancy proceeds without complications.
- From 24 weeks and until labor lasts the third trimester. At 24-26 weeks, ultrasound is performed to:
- To study the structure of the future child;
- To check up, whether there are pathologies of development;
- Determine the gender;
- Determine the volume of the amniotic fluid;
- Assess the condition of the placenta at the attachment site and in general.
Also, once again a clinical blood test is performed, the level of hemoglobin is determined. After the 30th week, a visit to the gynecologist takes place every 2 weeks. During this period, an exchange card is issued with the completed results of all analyzes performed.
After the 32nd week, a decree is issued if the future mother was employed.
On the 33-34th week, dopplography is performed to assess the intensity of circulation in the uterus, placenta, fetal vessels.
On the 35-36th week, you need to donate blood again to rule out the possibility of contracting AIDS, syphilis; to donate blood for biochemistry and a vaginal swab for cytology. Also, the last session of ultrasound is carried out, in order to:
- clarification of weight and growth of the fetus;
- clarification of presentation and volume of amniotic fluid.
If there are no pathologies at this time, then a visit to the gynecologist is reduced to one per week, and every week you need to take urine analysis and so on until the birth begins.
Who to contact?
Analyzes at 1 week of pregnancy
Analyzes at 1 week of pregnancy are an exciting process, and, basically, the main task is to make sure whether pregnancy has come or not. The first test that can be done at home is to do a pregnancy test. But, in the first week after fertilization, the test will not yield a positive result, since the fertilized egg has not yet established itself in the uterine mucosa. Only after the egg is attached, hCG begins to be released, namely, this hormone testifies to the onset of pregnancy. It is best to resort to the help of an express test in the first week of the delayed period.
The most reliable way to confirm the fact of pregnancy is a blood test for the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). In the first weeks of its concentration will be from zero to five mU / ml. Further, depending on the growth of hgch, you can establish the most accurate period of pregnancy.
Ultrasound in the first week of pregnancy as a diagnostic method is ineffective. To send a woman to ultrasound may be in order to exclude myoma, cystic and tumor formations, blood clots in the uterus.
If the pregnancy was planned, in the process of waiting for confirmation, you need to beware of colds and infections, abandon bad habits, medical drugs, do not get nervous and do not overwork, take vitamin complexes.
Analyzes at the 2nd week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 2 nd week of pregnancy, many future mothers are simultaneously being registered with a women's consultation. At this time, the future mother, should make the following mandatory tests:
- Carrying out the analysis for hCG (from day 7 after the alleged fertilization) - the presence of hCG in the blood confirms the fact of pregnancy and makes it possible to establish the most accurate timing.
- Ultrasound examination (according to indications if pregnancy is planned) - to make sure that there are no cystic and tumor formations, blood clots in the uterine cavity, and also to exclude other abnormalities of the reproductive system, as well as to exclude ectopic pregnancy.
If the pregnancy is confirmed according to the xhch data, then the appointments for the following tests are given:
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Pass the analysis for TORCH-infection.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood, determining blood coagulability.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is also recommended to visit the specialized doctors - dentist, therapist, ENT doctor - to treat possible diseases and not complicate the course of pregnancy.
According to the analysis and questioning of the pregnant woman, an individual plan for smoking pregnancy is prepared, with a number of the transferred diseases and existing pathologies.
Analyzes at the 3rd week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 3rd week of pregnancy, many future mothers give at the same time registration with the women's consultation. At this time, the future mother, should make the following mandatory tests:
- Carrying out the analysis for hCG (from day 7 after the alleged fertilization) - the presence of hCG in the blood confirms the fact of pregnancy and makes it possible to establish the most accurate timing.
Ultrasound examination (according to indications if pregnancy is planned) - to make sure that there are no cystic and tumor formations, blood clots in the uterine cavity, and also to exclude other abnormalities of the reproductive system, as well as to exclude ectopic pregnancy.
If the pregnancy is confirmed according to the xhch data, then the appointments for the following tests are given:
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Pass the analysis for TORCH-infection.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood, determining blood coagulability.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is also recommended to visit the specialized doctors - dentist, therapist, ENT doctor - to treat possible diseases and not complicate the course of pregnancy.
Analyzes at the 4th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 4th week of pregnancy, many future mothers are simultaneously being registered with a women's consultation. At this time, the future mother, should make the following mandatory tests:
- Carrying out the analysis for hCG (from day 7 after the alleged fertilization) - the presence of hCG in the blood confirms the fact of pregnancy and makes it possible to establish the most accurate timing.
- Ultrasound examination - to make sure that there are no cystic and tumor formations, blood clots in the uterine cavity, and also to exclude other anomalies
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Pass the analysis for TORCH-infection.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar in the blood, determining blood coagulability.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is also recommended to visit the specialized doctors - dentist, therapist, ENT doctor - to treat possible diseases and not complicate the course of pregnancy.
Analyzes at the 5th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 5th week of pregnancy, many mothers take out simultaneously with the registration for the women's consultation. At this time, the future mother, should make the following mandatory tests:
- Carrying out the analysis on hGh (from 7 days after the alleged fertilization) - the presence of hCG in the blood confirms the fact of pregnancy and makes it possible to set the time.
- Ultrasound examination. Conducted to make sure that there are no cystic and tumor formations, blood clots in the uterine cavity, and also to exclude other abnormalities of the reproductive system. And most importantly - the elimination of ectopic pregnancy.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Pass the analysis for TORCH-infection.
- Carry out the analysis for hormones as prescribed by the doctor.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood, determining blood coagulability.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is also recommended to visit the specialized doctors - dentist, therapist, ENT doctor - to treat possible diseases and not complicate the course of pregnancy.
Analyzes at the 6th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 6th week of pregnancy provide for a further visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother, fixing pregnancy in the women's consultation, should conduct the following mandatory tests:
- Carrying out a pregnancy test (you can buy it at a pharmacy, the test is shown with a monthly delay of 7-10 days)
- Carrying out the analysis on hgch (from 7 days after the alleged fertilization) - the presence of hCG in the blood confirms the fact of pregnancy.
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 5 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analysis at week 7 of pregnancy
Analyzes at week 7 of pregnancy provide for a further visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother, fixing pregnancy in the women's consultation, should conduct the following mandatory tests:
- Conducting a pregnancy test at home (you can buy it at a pharmacy, the test is shown with a monthly delay of 7-10 days)
- Carrying out the analysis on hgch (from 7 days after the alleged fertilization) - the presence of hCG in the blood confirms the fact of pregnancy.
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 5 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analgeses at week 8 of pregnancy
Analyzes at week 8 of pregnancy provide for a further visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother, fixing pregnancy in the women's consultation, should conduct the following mandatory tests:
- Carrying out a pregnancy test (you can buy it at a pharmacy, the test is shown with a monthly delay of 7-10 days)
- Carrying out the analysis on hgch (from 7 days after the alleged fertilization) - the presence of hCG in the blood confirms the fact of pregnancy.
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 5 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analyzes at the 9th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 9th week of pregnancy provide for a further visit to the doctor who supervises the pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother, fixing pregnancy in the women's consultation, should conduct the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analyzes at the 10th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 10th week of pregnancy provide for a further visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother, fixing pregnancy in the women's consultation, should conduct the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analyzes at the 11th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 11th week of pregnancy provide for a further visit to the doctor, who supervises the pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother, fixing pregnancy in the women's consultation, should conduct the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analgeses at the 12th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 12th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analgeses at the 13th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 13th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analyzes at the 14th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 14th week of pregnancy include a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting biochemical analysis, determining the level of sugar and hemoglobin.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis, RW
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal can be considered an analysis in which there is no protein, sugar, white blood cells. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional vaginal smear is prescribed for the microflora - this allows to identify the causative agent and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analgeses at the 15th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 15th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if the consultation of these doctors has not been received previously or requires a course of rehabilitation).
- Conduction of ECG.
- Carry out the analysis for hormones as prescribed by the doctor.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is mandatory to conduct a triple test - the indicators of this test will help in early terms to provide information on severe chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The analysis is carried out at 16-18 weeks from the first day of the last month.
Analyzes at week 16 of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 16th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to the doctor who supervises the pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination (the first planned, 12-14 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the duration of pregnancy, the number of fruits, confirm the absence of physical anomalies in the unborn child.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if the consultation of these doctors has not been received previously or requires a course of rehabilitation).
- Conduction of ECG.
- Carry out the analysis for hormones as prescribed by the doctor.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is mandatory to conduct a triple test - the indicators of this test will help in early terms to provide information on severe chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The analysis is carried out at 16-18 weeks from the first day of the last month.
Analyzes at the 17th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 17th week of pregnancy include a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if the consultation of these doctors has not been received previously or requires a course of rehabilitation).
- ECG.
- Analysis for hormones as prescribed by a doctor.
- Analysis for the detection of urogenital infectious diseases according to the doctor's testimony.
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical analysis, determination of sugar in the blood.
- Analysis for the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is mandatory to conduct a triple test - the indicators of this test will help in early terms to provide information on severe chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The analysis is carried out at 16-18 weeks from the first day of the last month.
Analyzes at the 18th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 18th week of pregnancy include a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if the consultation of these doctors has not been received previously or requires a course of rehabilitation).
- Conduction of ECG.
- Carry out the analysis for hormones as prescribed by the doctor.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
If at this time the woman only becomes registered, then it is recommended:
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is mandatory to conduct a triple test - the indicators of this test will help in early terms to provide information on severe chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The analysis is carried out at 16-18 weeks from the first day of the last month.
Analyzes at the 19th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 19th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if the consultation of these doctors has not been received previously or requires a course of rehabilitation).
- Conduction of ECG.
- Carry out the analysis for hormones as prescribed by the doctor.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
If at this time the woman only becomes registered, then it is recommended:
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood.
- Determination of the blood group and rhesus of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is mandatory to conduct a triple test - the indicators of this test will help in early terms to provide information on severe chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The analysis is carried out at 16-18 weeks from the first day of the last month.
Analyzes at the 20th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 20th week of pregnancy include a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if the consultation of these doctors has not been received previously or requires a course of rehabilitation).
- Conduction of ECG.
- Carry out the analysis for hormones as prescribed by the doctor.
- Carrying out an analysis to identify urogenital infections according to the doctor's testimony.
- If at this time the woman only becomes registered, then it is recommended:
- Taking a vaginal smear on the microflora.
- Conducting a general, biochemical blood test, determining the level of sugar in the blood.
- Determination of the blood group and the cut of the pregnant woman.
- Conducting the analysis for AIDS (HIV), hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
- It is mandatory to conduct a triple test - the indicators of this test will help in early terms to provide information on severe chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The analysis is carried out at 16-18 weeks from the first day of the last month.
Analyzes at week 21 of pregnancy
Analyzes at 21 weeks of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if the consultation of these doctors has not been received previously or requires a course of rehabilitation).
- Conduction of ECG.
- The delivery of blood for analysis for hormones is carried out if there is a threat of miscarriage or the formation of intrauterine pathologies of the fetus.
If necessary, a prospective mother may be given additional tests and advice from a related specialist if the woman worries about complaints of malaise, weakness, etc.
Analyzes at week 22 of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 22nd week of pregnancy include a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, oculist, otolaryngologist, dentist.
- Conduction of ECG.
- The delivery of blood for analysis for hormones is carried out if there is a threat of miscarriage or the formation of intrauterine pathologies of the fetus.
If necessary, a prospective mother may be given additional tests and advice from a related specialist if the woman worries about complaints of malaise, weakness, etc.
Analyzes at the 23rd week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 23rd week of pregnancy include a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests and studies:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, oculist, otolaryngologist, dentist.
- Conduction of ECG.
- The delivery of blood for analysis for hormones is carried out if there is a threat of miscarriage or the formation of intrauterine pathologies of the fetus.
If necessary, a prospective mother may be given additional tests and advice from a related specialist if the woman worries about complaints of malaise, weakness, etc.
Analyzes at 24 weeks gestation
Analyzes at the 24th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests and studies:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Ultrasound examination (the second planned, 24-26 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Carried out in order to obtain data on the amount of amniotic fluid, confirm the absence of anomalies in the fetus, assess the placenta and the location of its attachment.
- Blood donation for a clinical blood test to control hemoglobin levels.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, oculist, otolaryngologist, dentist.
- Conduction of ECG.
Analyzes at the 25th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 25th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to the doctor who supervises the pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests and studies:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Ultrasound examination (the second planned, 24-26 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Carried out in order to obtain data on the amount of amniotic fluid, confirm the absence of anomalies in the fetus, assess the placenta and the location of its attachment.
- Blood donation for a clinical blood test to control hemoglobin levels.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, oculist, otolaryngologist, dentist (if at 24 week it was not done).
- Conduction of ECG.
Analyzes at the 26th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 26th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests and studies:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Ultrasound examination (the second planned, 24-26 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Carried out in order to obtain data on the amount of amniotic fluid, confirm the absence of anomalies in the fetus, assess the placenta and the location of its attachment.
- Blood donation for a clinical blood test to control hemoglobin levels.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
- Separately shown consultation from related specialists - therapist, oculist, otolaryngologist, dentist.
- Conduction of an electrocardiogram for evaluation of the cardiovascular system of a future mother.
If necessary, a prospective mother may be given additional tests and advice from a related specialist if the woman worries about complaints of malaise, weakness, etc.
Analyzes at the 27th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 27th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests and studies:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Ultrasound examination (the second planned, 24-26 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Carried out in order to obtain data on the amount of amniotic fluid, confirm the absence of anomalies in the fetus, assess the placenta and the location of its attachment.
- Blood donation for a clinical blood test to control hemoglobin levels.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
If necessary, a prospective mother may be given additional tests and advice from a related specialist if the woman worries about complaints of malaise, weakness, etc.
Analyzes at the 28th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 28th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests and studies:
- Ultrasound examination (the second planned, 24-26 weeks after 1 day of the last month). Conducted in order to obtain data on the growth and weight of the fetus, its position and presentation, to have an idea of the amount of amniotic fluid, the sex of the future baby is determined.
- Blood donation for a clinical blood test to control hemoglobin levels.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
If necessary, a prospective mother may be given additional tests and advice from a related specialist if the woman worries about complaints of malaise, weakness, etc.
Analyzes at the 29th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 29th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a month. On the term of the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidney should be done before each visit to the women's consultation. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
If necessary, a prospective mother may be given additional tests and advice from a related specialist if the woman worries about complaints of malaise, weakness, etc.
Analyzes at the 30th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 30th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to the doctor who supervises the pregnancy, once every two weeks. At this time, the future mother should make the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine pregnant for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
At the same time, the expectant mother should receive an exchange card with inscribed results of all analyzes and examinations performed, if 30 weeks have passed since the first day of the last month. On the basis of this document, the future mother will be taken to the hospital, it is better to always have it with you. Also at this time, working women (or students) are issued a decree - 30 weeks after the start of the last month.
Analgeses at the 31st week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 31st week of pregnancy provide for a visit to the doctor who supervises the pregnancy, once every two weeks. At this time, the future mother is required to perform the following mandatory tests:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
Analyzes at 32 week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 32nd week of pregnancy include a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once every two weeks. At this time, the future mother should carry out the following mandatory tests and tests performed according to the prescription of the doctor:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Conducting dopplerography (according to the medical prescription) - for evaluation of the state of the vessels of the uterus body, blood circulation of the placenta and fetus. This is necessary for the timely detection of intrauterine oxygen starvation in the baby.
- Conduct cardiotocography (according to medical prescription). This study allows you to assess the synchrony of uterine contractions and fetal heart attacks.
Analyzes at week 33 of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 33nd week of pregnancy must be submitted systematically, without violating the schedule. To visit the doctor, supervising pregnancy it is necessary once a week. At this time, upon the fact of visiting the antenatal clinic, the pregnant woman should:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Conducting dopplerography (according to the medical prescription) - for evaluation of the state of the vessels of the uterus body, blood circulation of the placenta and fetus. This is necessary for the timely detection of intrauterine oxygen starvation in the baby.
- Conduct cardiotocography (according to medical prescription). This study allows you to assess the synchrony of uterine contractions and fetal heart attacks.
Analgeses at 34 weeks of pregnancy
Analyzes at 34 weeks of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a week. At this time, the future mother should carry out the following mandatory tests and tests performed according to the prescription of the doctor:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Conducting dopplerography (according to the medical prescription) - for evaluation of the state of the vessels of the uterus body, blood circulation of the placenta and fetus. This is necessary for the timely detection of intrauterine oxygen starvation in the baby.
- Carrying out of cardiotocography (according to medical prescription). This study allows you to assess the synchrony of uterine contractions and fetal heart attacks.
Analyzes at 35 weeks gestation
Analyzes at the 35th week of pregnancy must be submitted systematically, as well as at earlier times. To visit the doctor, supervising pregnancy it is necessary once a week. At this time, upon the fact of visiting the antenatal clinic, the pregnant woman should conduct:
- Ultrasound examination (at 35-36 weeks from the date of the last day of the month). Carried out in order to obtain data on the growth and weight of the fetus, its position and presentation, to have an idea of the amount of amniotic fluid.
Also necessary:
- Delivery of blood for AIDS (HIV) and syphilis (at 35-36 weeks from the date of the last day of the month). It is necessary to exclude the possibility of infection during pregnancy and to secure the future child.
- Delivery of blood for biochemistry. This gives an opportunity to get a general picture of the health of a pregnant woman.
- Delivery of a vaginal smear to determine the microflora of the vaginal mucosa.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Conducting dopplerography (according to the medical prescription) - for evaluation of the state of the vessels of the uterus body, blood circulation of the placenta and fetus. This is necessary for the timely detection of intrauterine oxygen starvation in the baby.
- Conduct cardiotocography (according to medical prescription). This study allows you to assess the synchrony of uterine contractions and fetal heart attacks.
Also, a future mother should receive an exchange card with inscribed results of all analyzes and examinations performed, if 30 weeks have passed since the first day of the last month. On the basis of this document, the future mother will be taken to the hospital, it is better to always have it with you. Also at this time, a decree is issued - 30 weeks after the start of the last month.
Analyzes at 36 weeks gestation
Analyzes at the 36th week of pregnancy provide for a visit to a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a week. At this time, the future mother is required to perform the following mandatory tests:
- Ultrasound examination. Carried out in order to obtain data on the growth and weight of the fetus, its position and presentation, to have an idea of the amount of amniotic fluid.
- Delivery of blood for AIDS (HIV) and syphilis. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of infection during pregnancy and to secure the future child.
- Delivery of blood for biochemistry. This gives an opportunity to get a general picture of the health of a pregnant woman.
- Delivery of a vaginal smear to determine the microflora of the vaginal mucosa.
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- Conducting dopplerography (according to the medical prescription) - for evaluation of the state of the vessels of the uterus body, blood circulation of the placenta and fetus. This is necessary for the timely detection of intrauterine oxygen starvation in the baby.
- Conduct cardiotocography (according to medical prescription). This study allows you to assess the synchrony of uterine contractions and fetal heart attacks.
Also, a future mother should receive an exchange card with inscribed results of all analyzes and examinations performed, if 30 weeks have passed since the first day of the last month. On the basis of this document, the future mother will be taken to the hospital, it is better to always have it with you. Also at this time, a decree is issued - 30 weeks after the start of the last month.
[91], [92], [93], [94], [95], [96]
Analgeses at 37 week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 37th week of pregnancy include several stages. At this time, the baby is almost completely formed and viable. At this stage, the tests are aimed at monitoring the condition of the mother and fetus, preventing the development of anemia in the mother and oxygen starvation in the baby. If necessary, the hospitalization of the expectant mother before the onset of labor is indicated.
At the 37th week of pregnancy, the pregnant woman is supposed to conduct such tests:
- Consultation with a doctor who supervises pregnancy, once a week with mandatory measurement of blood pressure, height of standing of the uterus, weighing, auscultation of the fetal heart rate.
- Delivery of urine for general analysis and verification of the functionality of the kidneys.
- Delivery of a vaginal smear - to analyze the microflora of the vaginal mucosa in anticipation of childbirth.
- Dopplerography - to assess the state of the vessels of the uterus body, blood circulation of the placenta and fetus. This is necessary for the timely detection of intrauterine oxygen starvation in the baby.
- Carrying out cardiotocography (according to the doctor's testimony) - evaluation and recording of cardiac fetal heart beat and uterine contractions.
Also at 37 week the future mother should receive an exchange card with inscribed results of all analyzes and examinations performed. On the basis of this document, the future mother will be taken to the hospital, it is better to always have it with you. Also at this time, a decree is issued - 30 weeks after the start of the last month.
Analyzes at the 38th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at the 38th week of pregnancy must be submitted systematically, as on earlier terms. You need to visit a doctor who supervises a pregnant woman once a week. At this time, when visiting a women's consultation, a future mother should:
- Measure blood pressure, weigh, measure the height of the bottom of the uterus, listen to the heart rhythm of the fetus.
- A future mother must pass urine for a general analysis. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar, leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
- To make a Doplerography to assess the state of the vessels of the uterus, placental circulation and fetal blood flow. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of oxygen starvation in the fetus.
- Conduct cardiotocography. This study makes it possible to evaluate the synchronicity of uterine contractions and fetal heart attacks.
Analyzes at 39 weeks of pregnancy can not be missed, this is the easiest and harmless way to monitor the condition of the future child and mother.
Analyzes at 39 weeks gestation
Analyzes at 39 weeks of pregnancy are prescribed in order to obtain information about the blood circulation of the fetus and the mother and to monitor the work of the excretory system. In addition, at this time the future mother must undergo an examination with a gynecologist, as many women begin birth on this date.
A pregnant woman must pass a general urine test to exclude the possibility of inflammation, kidney dysfunction and not miss such a difficult condition as late toxicosis, which is very dangerous for the health of the baby and mother. Normal it is possible to consider the analysis of urine, in which there is no protein, sugar of leukocytes. When leukocytes are detected in the urine, an additional smear from the vagina to the microflora is prescribed, this allows to identify the pathogen and to prescribe an effective and sparing treatment.
It is also necessary to perform a general blood test - to control the change in the percentage of formed elements, specifically - red blood cells, so as not to miss anemia, which provokes oxygen deficiency in the fetus.
The pressure measurement, cardiogram of the pregnant woman's heart also refers to mandatory analyzes. Also, the appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist, supervising pregnancy, can assign an analysis for hepatitis B and C, a bacteriological smear of vaginal discharge.
Analyzes at the 40th week of pregnancy
Analyzes at 40 weeks of pregnancy are prescribed according to individual indications. At 40 weeks of the future the child is ready for childbirth, his weight is 3-3.5 kg, and the growth reaches fifty to fifty-five centimeters. The kid on these terms is quite active, his back is felt, his legs, hands, head. The position of the child in the uterine cavity is very good.
To visit the doctor who supervises pregnancy it is necessary only once a week. The examination includes standard procedures - the pregnant woman should weigh herself, measure blood pressure, the doctor measures the height of the standing of the uterus, listens and fixes the heartbeat of the fetus. Before visiting a doctor, you also need to take urine for a general analysis to assess the condition of the excretory system and evaluate the kidney function.
Dopplerography is performed only in cases when there is a suspicion of overstretching of pregnancy. With the help of this method, you receive information about the state of the blood circulation in the uterus, the blood flow of the placenta and the blood flow of the unborn child, and most importantly - in this way you can find out whether the fetus does not suffer from oxygen starvation.
Cardiotocography is also performed according to the indications, if there is a suspicion of fetal repetition. With the help of this method, the state of the future child is also evaluated to exclude oxygen starvation.