Leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy can rise for various reasons. They are special white blood cells. Their main function is to protect the human body from penetration into it of dangerous viruses and microorganisms. There are several types of leukocytes, which have a marked difference in structure and functions. In complex, they have an incredible effect on the protective functions of the body.
Causes of an increase in white blood cells in the urine during pregnancy
The development of this condition can be preceded by severe bleeding. In most cases, the level of leukocytes is affected by the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Identify this or that disease is possible only after carrying out special diagnostic measures.
Most pathological process is in the presence of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary tract. Often the problem lies in cystitis or pyelonephritis. Two of these diseases are frequent precursors of the change in some indicators and their deviation from the norm.
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. It can arise because of an infection that has penetrated the body. It can happen because of the usual hypothermia or the presence of infection in the kidneys. Sooner or later, the inflammatory process from the kidneys goes to the bladder. As mentioned above, pyelonephritis occurs due to the squeezing of the kidneys by a growing uterus. This allows dangerous microorganisms to freely penetrate the organ. If the cystitis is eliminated in time, there will be no danger to the baby and the mother. This inflammation occurs quite often. Provoke it can also candidiasis. Thrush occurs in pregnant women quite often, especially in later terms.
There are cases when it is not possible to determine the true cause of the increase in leukocytes. Usually, with this current, a decision is made about antibiotic therapy. More about this will be described in the section on medicines.
The norm of white blood cells in the urine during pregnancy
There are certain norms for keeping white blood cells in the urine. So, their number should not exceed 6 pieces in the field of view. According to Nechiporenko, this figure is up to 2,000 in milliliters. If the figures are increased, it means that the body has an inflammatory process. Usually it affects the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. An increase in the indicator indicates an infection. As soon as it enters the body, the number of leukocytes increases and this is the norm. Because they are trying to resist the inflammatory process and independently eliminate it.
With moderate inflammation, white blood cells can fluctuate in the range of 10 to 15. But if their number exceeds 40, it is something very serious. Most likely, a woman developed pyelonephritis, it is an inflammation of the kidneys. Pregnant women suffer this problem much more often than other segments of the population. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus squeezes the kidneys and thereby contributes to the infection.
Unambiguously describe the passage of the whole process is not so simple. Because there can be a lot of reasons. Therefore, it stops on pyelonephritis - the most burdensome pathology for a pregnant woman. This condition is characterized by a decrease in one or more kidneys. The surface of the organs is uneven, there are areas of sinking. Fibrous capsule is considerably thickened, it is difficult to separate it from renal tissue. In the section of the organ, sections of scar tissue are visible. The cup and pelvis are slightly enlarged.
The peculiarity of this pathological process is foci and polymorphism of lesion of the renal tissue. Along with healthy areas of the skin, affected tissues can be observed. The inflammatory process is strongly affected by interstitial tissue. In this process kidney tubules are gradually involved. Over time, they atrophy and die due to infiltration and sclerosis. The glomeruli are involved in the process in the late stages.
Fairly early pathological changes concern vessels. This can lead to a sharp decrease in renal blood flow and the occurrence of hypertension. Morphological changes have a slow growing character. This is due to the long duration of the disease. If you start a timely resolution of the problem, the outlook will be favorable.
Evidence of a problem may change the shade of urine. It becomes cloudy and dark. Urine has a mucous, loose sediment. These are the main indicators of the change in the level of leukocytes in the urine. Other symptoms, as a rule, no. But, much depends on the reason why the pathological process was provoked. If it is cystitis, then in addition to changes in the urine, it can puncture frequent urination. And it is painful and brings a lot of inconvenience to a woman. Possible rezi in the lower abdomen, burning, itching
With pyelonephritis, the condition is not easier. Begin to ache the kidneys, sometimes pains cutting. In addition, the situation can worsen with the bladder. Therefore, if you experience discomfort, you should seek medical help.
Pay attention immediately to changes in the shade of urine. If there is no other symptomatology, it is still worthwhile to tell a specialist about it. Because over time, the situation begins to worsen and the symptoms become more pronounced and unpleasant.
The first signs of the appearance of leukocytes in the urine
Symptoms of the presence of leukocytes in the urine can be certain diseases and uncomfortable situations. So, we are talking about inflammation of the kidneys, bladder tumor, fever, presence of blood in the urine, burning and pain, as well as cloudy urine.
Any disease is characterized by an increased number of leukocytes in the urine sediment. And over time, this indicator is able to become very high. With this symptom, you can notice a change in the color of urine. If you place it in a vessel, a loose sediment will be visible at the bottom. Elevation of blood cells was called leucocytraia. This condition indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys and genitals. The urinary system can also be negatively affected. For a precise diagnosis, it is recommended to pass a second urinalysis. It is desirable that the "raw materials" be taken with the help of a catheter.
The highest number of leukocytes can be observed with pyelonephritis. Less often - with lomerulonephritis. This disease is characterized by an infectious-allergic course.
Protein and white blood cells in urine during pregnancy
Normally, protein in the urine should not be. Despite this, there is a permissible amount of it. So it should not exceed the mark of 0, 033 g / l. In modern laboratories, this indicator varies up to 0.14 g / l. Most often, the protein is able to appear after intense physical exertion or stress.
In some cases, the problem is caused by the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. Most often in pregnant women it is associated with pyelonephritis and late toxicosis. Pyelonephritis is an infectious inflammation of the kidneys. Among its main symptoms include a sharp increase in body temperature, low back pain, as well as the kidney area. A person feels a general malaise. This pathology can not only lead to the appearance of protein in the urine, but also an increase in the number of leukocytes in it. The problem must be eliminated without fail.
The protein in the urine, together with edema and increased blood pressure, is a sign of late toxicosis. This disease is the most dangerous. Eliminate it immediately. By itself, toxicosis is a normal supplement to pregnancy, but if it appears in later terms, the probability of fetal death increases.
Leukocytes and erythrocytes in urine during pregnancy
Erythrocytes in the urine can appear for physiological reasons. Most often this is due to an actively growing uterus. It rapidly increases in size, and thereby gradually squeeze the ureters and bladder. Thus, the stagnation of urine occurs. This condition can be caused by circulatory disorders and impaired filtration in the kidneys. All this undoubtedly affects the appearance of red blood cells in the urine. This phenomenon does not carry any danger, neither for mother, nor for the child.
Erythrocytes in the urine can appear due to sudden hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. This is quite normal, it should not disturb the mother in childbirth. Stagnant urine may form stones and sand. Passing through the urinary tract, they are capable of traumatizing them. In this case, a woman may not feel any discomfort at all, until the stone or sand begins to move. This process is accompanied by severe and acute pain.
Erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy can indicate the presence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. In this state, a woman feels pain, burning, resists and suffers from fever. A similar picture is also observed with the appearance of leukocytes in the urine. The reasons for this process are the same. Most often provokes all cystitis, pyelonephritis and the presence of a venereal infection.
The consequences can be really serious. So, if a high leukocyturia was detected in the study of urine and a diagnosis of pyelonephritis was made, immediate treatment should be started. It is advisable to use antibiotics, but only from the number of allowed. This will avoid serious consequences and give birth to a healthy baby.
As complications may come late gestosis. This phenomenon is a late toxicosis. He is especially dangerous for a woman. Pathology can lead to increased pressure and death of the fetus. Another consequence is eclampsia. This condition is characterized by an increase in blood pressure. And its indicator can be so high that there is a risk for both the mother and the child. Often against the backdrop of letskotsiturii hypertension can develop. There is a risk of not carrying the baby or infecting it.
You should carefully monitor your own condition during pregnancy. This will avoid many serious consequences and give birth to a healthy child, without deviations.
Undoubtedly, an increased number of leukocytes can provoke the development of serious complications. It all depends on why it happened. So, if the problem is caused by cystitis, then it must be immediately eliminated. Because a woman pushes the discomfort associated with constant urination and cuts during this process. When the situation gets out of control, gangrenous cystitis may develop. It is characterized by the presence of acute pain and complete retention of urine. In this case, there is a rupture of the bladder and peritonitis. Perhaps, this is the most terrible complication.
But, there are a number of unpleasant symptoms that can arise when the problem is not remedied in time. So, a constant increase in pressure is possible. Because of the presence of infection in the bladder, stones and sand can collect. Often, there is a late toxicosis. All this affects the condition of the mother and child and can lead to serious consequences.
The first stage of the examination is a general urinalysis. Thanks to him you can see the pathology in the body of a pregnant woman. This analysis must be submitted at each visit to the doctor.
Normally, a pregnant woman is allowed an increase in leukocytes to 5-6 in the field of vision. But this is possible only if other indicators are unchanged. The increase in leukocytes to 10-20 in the field of view directly indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the excretory system of the body. If their number exceeds 40-50, then the kidneys are affected. The inflammatory process is actively progressing in them and requires certain treatment. Otherwise, the development of serious complications is not ruled out.
If the doctor doubts the results of the tests, additional urine tests may be suggested. So, urine analysis is submitted for Nechiporenko. It allows to determine a more accurate level of leukocytes and erythrocytes per 1 ml of the test material. Normally the indicator should not exceed 2,000 in 1 ml. There is an analysis of Zimnitskiy. Thanks to him there is an opportunity to study the work of the kidneys. The analysis must be done during the day, every 3 hours, even at night.
During pregnancy, a woman must constantly take tests. This will allow the doctor at any time to notice deviations from the noma and begin to solve the problem. The most relevant study during pregnancy are tests for the number of white blood cells. It is thanks to this indicator you can see visible changes in the body of a woman.
To check the level of white blood cells it is necessary to pass urine analysis. This is a mandatory procedure for all women. It is necessary to conduct it with a certain regularity at every visit to the women's consultation. In the first trimester of pregnancy, urinalysis is given every 3-4 weeks. In the second trimeter, more often than 1 time in 2 weeks. In the last few months, urine is needed for the study every 7 days.
For analysis, it is necessary to collect morning urine in a sterile jar. The container must be thoroughly washed and dried naturally. If in doubt, a sterile container in the pharmacy is used. The first drops of urine should be put in the toilet, and the others should be sent for examination. Before collecting urine, you must wash your genitals. In the laboratory, the test material is surrendered not later than one and a half hours after its collection.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnosis is an ultrasound. Usually studied the bladder, urinary tract and kidney. With pyelonephritis, renal pelvic enlargements and coarsening of the contour of the calyx are noticeable. The inhomogeneity of the parenchyma with areas of scarring is noticeable. The last "symptom" is noticeable only in the chronic course of the disease.
The delayed manifestations of the inflammatory process include the deformation of the kidney contour and the change in its size. This is not a specific symptom, it can be observed in other inflammations. With glomerulonephritis, the organ is brushed and its scarring proceeds symmetrically. In pyelonephritis, even a dual process can have a pronounced asymmetry.
Ultrasound can detect a neurogenic bladder, polycystic kidney disease, and obstructive uropathy. For diagnosis, special contrast agents can be used. Often there is a survey urography. True, it is not very informative. It will only notice changes in the position of the kidneys and their contours. Particularly popular are radiopaque methods.
It is also possible to use computed tomography. But it is advisable only with the possible pyelonephritis. This procedure has no special advantage over ultrasound.
Differential diagnostics
This type of study includes a clinical analysis of urine. Thanks to him you can see an increase in the number of white blood cells. These analyzes are always compared with the general condition of a woman, her complaints. There is also an anamnesis, this will help to identify the cause of this condition.
In addition to the urinalysis analysis, sowing is carried out. This method is almost ideal for identifying the main pathogen and selecting the right therapy. However, this kind of research does not always give real results. So, a single crop can yield about 20% of false positive results. Therefore, it is recommended to take it at least 3 times for the reliability of the information received. It is not possible to gather crops at all. In a pregnant girl, this is not very difficult. But, if it has nonspecific discharge from the vagina, then the reliability of the results is reduced to zero. Finally, if there is no bacteriuria, then the probability of sowing a bacterial culture is reduced to almost zero.
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How to treat leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy?
It should be noted that the universal treatment scheme simply does not exist. The doctor chooses the method of eliminating the problem, depending on the number of leukocytes, the reason why this happened and the state of the woman herself. A special role is played not only by the clinical picture, but also by the period of pregnancy.
Light forms of inflammation can be corrected with the help of special natural diuretics and disinfectants. Most often pregnant women are prescribed to drink a decoction of chamomile, cowberry, black currant. They allow you to provoke the urine out of the body and thereby eliminate the infection. Possible the use of natural drugs, such as Kanefron.
If the inflammatory process is more pronounced, then you can not do without using antibacterial drugs. When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to take into account the degree of safety for the child. This issue is handled by a specialist.
A good effect is provided by the use of local methods of antibacterial drugs. The instillation of the bladder and urethra with special disinfecting solutions significantly reduces the risk of their penetration into the systemic bloodstream.
A number of medications are used to solve the problem. So, especially popular are funds on a natural basis, such as Kanefron. But it's not always possible to eliminate problems with them, so Clotrimazole, Monural, Amoxicillin and Furadonin come to the rescue.
- Kanefron. The agent is applied inside 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The duration of use of the drug depends on the desired therapeutic effect and is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Despite its vegetative basis, the remedy may not be suitable for everyone. Side effects: allergic reactions may occur.
- Clotrimazole. This tool is used in the form of candles. It is necessary to clarify with the attending physician whether it is possible to use this method of treatment during pregnancy. One suppository is enough for the night for 10 days, for complete recovery. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, menstruation, the first trimester of pregnancy. Side effects: itching, burning, frequent urination, cystitis.
- Monural. This drug is an antibacterial agent of wide action. Use it during pregnancy only with the permission of the doctor. Before taking the product, dissolve in 1/3 cup of liquid. Use the drug once a day for 2 hours before meals. It is advisable to postpone reception for evening hours. Contraindications: severe renal failure, allergic reactions. Side effects: heartburn, nausea, diarrhea.
- Amoxicillin. It is a bactericidal antibiotic, so use it with extreme caution. Before its application it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of a person to it. The dosage of the drug is administered individually. Usually apply to 0.5 g 3 times a day. Contraindications: mononucleosis, allergic reactions, hypersensitivity. Side effects: allergic reactions, rhinitis, pain in the joints.
- Furadonin. The agent is used in a dosage of 0.1-0.15 g 3-4 times a day. The dose may be adjusted depending on the condition of the person. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, chronic heart failure, pregnancy. Side effects: allergic reactions, hepatitis, pain in the chest, cough.
Alternative treatment
Alternative medicine does not stand still. To date, it offers a lot of effective recipes. But, it's not worth taking them without the doctor's consent. There is a risk for the baby.
- Recipe 1. It is necessary to take 3 teaspoons of snyti ordinary and a tablespoon of pine cones. These ingredients are mixed together. Then take just one tablespoon of the collection and pour two cups of boiling water. The broth needs to be given a little time to brew. After which the product is cooled and used. It is especially effective for inflammation of the bladder.
- Recipe 2. You should take three teaspoons of daisy flowers perennial and pour also two glasses of boiling water. Then let it brew for 3 hours. The obtained product has an incredible effect. It is enough to use it only for a week to feel the positive result.
- Recipe 3. If the cystitis, it is necessary to take a bedstrawer in the amount of 4 tablespoons and pour a glass of boiling water. Then give the tincture a little to stand. A remedy is taken half the glass 4 times a day before meals.
Herbal Treatment
Herbs always had medicinal properties. But, in order not to cause harm to their own organism, they must be taken in a special sequence. A pregnant girl should carry out such treatment only under the supervision of a specialist.
- Recipe 1. Infusion of yarrow. Take 2 spoons of the main ingredient and pour everything with a glass of boiling water. Then give nastassya for an hour and strain. Take the drug can be a quarter cup 3 times daily before meals. Especially effective tincture with inflammation of the bladder.
- Recipe 2. Decoction of horsetail field. It is necessary to take horsetail and chamomile flowers. Their number does not matter, the main thing is to mix the ingredients together. Then everything is filled with a glass of boiling water and boiled. Drink the product in hot form for three glasses a day, preferably in small sips.
- Recipe 3. Root of calamus. You should take a teaspoon of this ingredient and pour a glass of boiling water. Then let it brew for 20 minutes and drain. A remedy is taken for half a glass 4 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal.
Homeopathic remedies have proved themselves long ago. But, before their application it is necessary to receive consultation of the skilled or experienced doctor-homeopathist. This will avoid possible consequences. It should be understood that homeopathic remedies did not pass clinical studies. Therefore, pregnant girls need to use them with extreme caution.
- Berberis (berberis - barberry). This drug can easily cope with the problems of early stone formation. It eliminates stabbing pain, burning in the groin and on the right. The remedy works especially well on well-fed people.
- Borax (borax - borax). This drug is the best among antifungal. It has an excellent effect in candidiasis and eliminates the problem. It is worth noting that this drug contributes to conception.
- Cannabis sativa (cannabis - cannabis sowing). This drug has a pronounced effect on the urinary, genital and respiratory tract. Previously it was used to eliminate gonorrhea. The drug eliminates discomfort and the urge to frequent urination.
- Causticum (causticum). This is one of the tools that is used for chronic diseases. Eliminates unpleasant symptoms and makes life easier for a person.
- Equisetum (equisetum - horsetail). The main action of the drug is directed to the urinary organs. It eliminates pain in the kidneys, bladder and ureters.
Measures to prevent the increase of leukocytes are associated with the prevention of the development of inflammatory processes in the body. It is important not to allow the development of pyelonephritis. For this, you need to constantly take urine for analysis and be examined. It is desirable to eliminate all kinds of inflammatory processes in the bladder and urinary tract.
It is necessary to exclude strong physical activity and stressful situations. For a pregnant woman, they do not need anything. We need to be more outdoors, relax and not be nervous about trifles. Do not skip consultation with a doctor. This applies to those days when it is necessary to take urine for analysis. When strange symptoms appear, you can not ignore it. This can be a signal about the birth of a serious inflammatory process in the body. If necessary, certain nutrition is observed, which is agreed with the attending physician.
The prognosis of this condition depends entirely on when the first symptoms were seen. So, with the timely elimination of the inflammatory process, the prognosis is favorable. Usually, the health of a woman and her child is not threatened.
In some cases, the increase in leukocytes is associated with late toxicosis and the presence of serious inflammatory processes. Ignore these states can not be. Because late toxicosis carries a certain danger. A woman is pestered not only by fatigue and increased pressure. There is a risk of death of the fetus. In severe inflammatory processes, their elimination is mandatory. Because it can affect the course of childbirth. It is likely that the forecast will be unfavorable.
It is difficult to say unequivocally how this situation will turn out for a woman. The speed of decision-making and the timely resolution of the problem are important. This will increase the chances of a favorable current.