Intestinal infection in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Intestinal infection in pregnancy, if not eliminated, is fraught with dangerous consequences for both women and fetuses. Therefore, future mothers should be extremely careful about their health, in time to recognize the pathological process and take the necessary measures. One of the basic conditions for the safe carrying of a baby is the passage of a medical examination at an earlier time.
Smear and urinalysis are tests that are of paramount importance, because according to their results it is possible to detect abnormalities, including the presence of E. Coli in a woman's body.
Acute intestinal infections (OCI) are a group of infectious diseases that can be caused by various agents (mainly bacteria) and are manifested by pain syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, dehydration, fever, and other pathological conditions. It is very important to detect the problem in a timely manner, to diagnose and start treatment.
Causes of intestinal infection in pregnancy
Intestinal infection during pregnancy is manifested by nausea, loss of appetite, fever, flatulence, bowel disorder (diarrhea). The reasons for this pathological process can be very different:
- chronic and acute diseases of the digestive tract;
- disorders in the pancreas;
- food allergies;
- rotavirus infections that cause intestinal flu;
- food poisoning;
- helminthic invasions, etc.
Pathogenic flora, getting inside the body from the environment, promotes the progression of intestinal infection. Several types of its pathogens can be distinguished. So, the acute course of the disease can be caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus, clostridia; at a bacterial defeat dysentery develops, escherichiosis salmonellosis; Food poisoning is often caused by staphylococci. There are also OCI of viral and fungal etiology.
The root cause of such an ailment is a patient or carrier through which pathogens are excreted into the environment (along with feces, urine or vomit masses). The mechanism of infection with E. Coli is alimentary. The path of infection can be domestic, fecal-oral, or airborne. Usually transmission factors are food products, household items, swimming in water. Often rotavirus infection in pregnancy occurs in the form of toxicosis. Infection occurs through dirty hands, poor quality water, contact with the patient (carrier). If there are suspicions of the development of intestinal infection, the pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor for further diagnosis and the appointment of competent treatment.
Intestinal infection during pregnancy can threaten the health of the mother and child, so it is very important to identify and eliminate it in time.
Pathogenesis as a set of processes that determine the mechanisms of occurrence and features of the course of the disease, is the infectious inflammation of the intestine and the development of complications. In this case, the mucosa of several of its parts can be affected. So, the inflammation of the duodenum is called "duodenitis", the colon - "colitis", the small intestine - "enteritis", appendix - "appendicitis". The result of the development of the pathological process is a violation of the intestinal functions: there is poor digestion of food and accumulation of fecal matter, the amount of intestinal mucus is increasing, nutrients are practically not absorbed. In the neglected case, ulcers are formed, which, deeply affecting the walls of the gut, cause its rupture (perforation), which can result in peritonitis, i.e. Inflammation of the peritoneum.
From the mechanisms of the development of diarrhea as a symptom of an intestinal infection, one can distinguish: an increase in the secretion of electrolytes, as a result of which a mass loss of liquid is observed; decrease in the absorption of nutrients due to damage to the intestinal epithelium. Etiological agents can be protozoa, viruses and bacteria.
To determine the clinical course of the disease and adequate treatment, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the causative agent of the intestinal infection, which may be bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoal or have a mixed etiology.
Symptoms of intestinal infection during pregnancy
Anyone can get infected with intestinal infection, including pregnant women, especially, given the reduced immunity of expectant mothers. Infection can be transmitted by contact with the patient (for example, from the older child in the family), because of non-compliance with hygiene, the use of unwashed fruits, vegetables, etc.
Symptoms of the disease can occur several hours after infection or a few days later.
With mild illness, the doctor may prescribe outpatient treatment, but frequent vomiting (more than 5 times a day), diarrhea, high temperature requires hospitalization.
How the disease affects a child's condition depends on the causative agent of the infection. Salmonella and toxic infections in most cases are not reflected in the course of pregnancy and are mild. Severe infections that cause typhoid fever, dysentery, amoebiasis and exert a strong influence on both pregnancy and child (in some cases can lead to miscarriage) are very rare today and the likelihood of an infection of this type is very low.
Intestinal infection in pregnancy usually manifests immediately (in acute disease), or disguised as signs of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness). In most cases, the incubation period of its development ranges from several hours to two days.
The following symptoms of intestinal infection during pregnancy can be distinguished:
- loss of appetite;
- nausea;
- vomiting (often - multiple);
- diarrhea;
- thirst;
- unpleasant sensations in the abdomen;
- flatulence;
- fever;
- severe weakness;
- blood in the stool.
The disease is characterized by two main syndromes: infectious-toxic, which is expressed in fever and fever; and intestinal, with signs of gastritis, enteritis, gastroenteritis, colitis, and the like.
The future mother complains of headache, dizziness, weakness, chills, lack of appetite and general malaise. Light brown feces indicate the development of an intestinal infection by the type of gastroenteritis, multiple watery diarrhea is a syndrome of enteritis, abdominal pain with frequent emptying in the form of feces with mucus impurities - a frequent syndrome of enterocolitis. In severe course of the disease, there is a gastroenterocolitis - infection by infection of all parts of the food tract.
If you have similar symptoms, you should immediately take action, because it is fraught with dehydration of the whole body and progressive intoxication. Because of the thickening of the blood, thrombi in the veins of the legs may appear. As a result of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, the amount of oxytocin, a hormone that affects the contractile function of the uterus, increases. Such a condition, unfortunately, can provoke miscarriage or lead to premature birth. If a pregnant woman has severe poisoning (eg mushrooms), a placental penetration of the poison is possible, which can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.
Intestinal infection during pregnancy often develops on the background of weakened immunity, because the organism of the future mother in the period of bearing a baby undergoes great loads.
Consequences can be the most unforeseen (up to miscarriage or premature birth), especially if the case is badly triggered and accompanied by repeated vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, exhaustion of the body. The E. Coli can penetrate the placenta, which leads to infection of the fetus, and this, in turn, leads to the development of intrauterine pathologies and diseases (eg, meningitis). But this happens only in severe cases, when the mother has a marked intoxication. In general, the transferred intestinal infection of bacterial type does not harm the fetus. The utero-placental barrier reliably protects the baby from penetration of bacteria.
It should be noted that intestinal flu is difficult to detect in pregnant women, because its symptoms are often similar to signs of toxicosis. The main threat of rotavirus for a pregnant woman is the weakening of the body and the threat of dehydration, which can adversely affect the baby. The result of dehydration often becomes a sharp lack of oxygen, and this leads to miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, it is very important to timely treat with rehydration solutions, enzyme preparations, absorbent substances, and in severe cases - with antibiotics.
Intestinal infection during pregnancy is dangerous because it can become a threat to the health of women and children, especially if the future mother develops intoxication, and dehydration occurs due to severe vomiting and diarrhea. In these cases, the patient needs urgent hospitalization.
Complications that occur as a result of rapid loss of fluid can affect the venous system, - thickening of the blood provokes the appearance of thrombi in the lower extremities. In addition, because of the decrease in the volume of circulating blood, the concentration of oxytocin becomes higher, and this is a direct signal for contraction of the uterus, which can lead to irreversible consequences in the form of miscarriage or premature birth. Other complications are:
- Dehydration shock with a critical drop in blood pressure;
- infectious-toxic shock, which occurs at the onset of the disease against a background of rapid temperature increase and is accompanied by a high concentration of toxins;
- acute renal insufficiency;
- pneumonia or pneumonia.
In order to protect yourself and your child, a pregnant woman should immediately seek medical help at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection, especially if the condition deteriorates sharply and is accompanied by severe vomiting and fainting. Only timely diagnosis and the appointment of an effective treatment will save the mother and her unborn baby from danger.
Diagnosis of intestinal infection in pregnancy
Intestinal infection during pregnancy requires immediate intervention of a medical specialist (most often an infectious disease doctor) who is required to diagnose the disease correctly and to construct an effective treatment scheme depending on the patient's condition, clinical picture of the disease, examination results and other factors.
Diagnosis of intestinal infection in pregnancy, in the first place, includes bacteriological examination of vomit and feces. Additionally, serological methods can be used to detect antibodies to pathogens. Before receiving laboratory tests, the physician refers to the general clinic of the disease to make a preliminary diagnosis and take the necessary measures to tame vomiting, reduce temperature, eliminate intoxication, and so on. The final conclusions are based on the results of the blood test, bacteriological examination of food residues, washings from dishes, etc.
To determine rotavirus infection, molecular genetic, virological and serological methods are used. Feces and blood serum are also used as materials necessary for calculating viral antigens. For the purpose of accurate diagnosis, medical examinations are conducted in specially equipped laboratories with the possibility of electron microscopy or electrophoresis, which give the most accurate results.
Intestinal infection in pregnancy is mainly diagnosed as a result of bacteriological examination. Only after conducting a thorough examination in the conditions of the medical institution, the doctor will be able to prescribe the patient the right treatment.
First of all, blood, urine (including flora), feces are needed to determine the type of infection. The doctor may suspect a pregnant woman of an intestinal infection for obvious symptoms, which is often similar to signs of toxicosis, and send her to the delivery of additional tests in time to prevent the development of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.
Of course, the final diagnosis will be made after laboratory confirmation. Serological methods, which are used in the case of the development of intestinal disease, are based on the detection of specific antibodies in the serum of the blood. Bacteriological methods include sowing materials (vomit, feces, water samples) for research. PCR diagnosis is carried out on the basis of biological fluids (for example, Salmonella L-forms).
It is advisable to check for a variety of infections at the planning stage of the child. At the same time, both parents must take care of their health, so that during pregnancy there are no complications. In the women's consultation, when registering, the woman gives blood tests for TORCH infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV, undergoes an STI screening. This allows you to timely identify any infection in the body of a future mother and take the necessary measures to eliminate the problems associated with her health.
Instrumental diagnostics
Intestinal infection in pregnancy is diagnosed by medical methods, the choice of which depends on the nature and course of the disease, as well as the availability of a medical facility. The doctor will assign the patient a survey, which has the greatest informativeness in each specific situation.
Instrumental diagnostics includes endoscopic, ultrasound, roentgenologic, electrographic and electrometric methods of examination of the intestine in order to identify possible pathologies that are accompanied by infection. In most cases, a pregnant woman is prescribed a comprehensive study to more fully reveal the numerous processes that occur in the body.
Colonoscopy is used to detect various diseases of the colon. The procedure is performed using a special device - a colonoscope - and allows you to determine the presence of polyps or tumors, as well as inflammatory processes, especially ulcerative colitis. The use of a colonoscopy is important in urgent situations, when a pregnant woman has intestinal bleeding.
Irrigoscopy is not recommended during pregnancy except in certain cases. This X-ray method allows you to carefully examine the intestine (the functional state of its various departments) by introducing a contrast medium (most often - barium sulfate).
Rectoscopy as one of the methods of endoscopic examination is performed with the help of a special device (sigmoidoscope) by inserting it into the anus. Thus, it is possible to examine the inner surface of the sigmoid and rectum.
Differential diagnostics
Intestinal infection in pregnancy is diagnosed by a doctor on the basis of surveys that allow it to differentiate it from diseases that have similar symptoms (vomiting, fever and loose stools). Of great importance is an anamnesis (medical history), which includes the severity of complaints, a detailed description of the symptoms and timing of their appearance, information on the presence of chronic diseases.
Differential diagnosis is based on epidemiological history, which allows to predict the nature of the disease even before the results of laboratory tests. For example, poisoning with fungi, fish poisons or heavy metal salts may be accompanied by gastroenteritis syndrome, however, unlike diarrhea of an infectious nature, under such conditions the pregnant woman will not have an infectious-toxic syndrome (ie, high temperature, signs of organism intoxication).
In Crohn's disease, neoplasms of the intestine or ulcerative colitis, colitis or enterocolitis syndrome is often observed, while in the bowel movements there are blood clots. But each of the above pathologies has other specific symptoms, characteristic only for each of them. Thus, Crohn's disease is accompanied by loss of weight, prolonged, chronic diarrhea, anemia, and NNK - prolonged diarrhea with blood, pain in the left part of the abdomen, etc.
A practicing physician can differentiate acute intestinal infection with acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, fungal poisoning, rectal cancer, and other morbid conditions. If the pregnant woman complains of strong, cramping pain in the abdomen, the first step should be to call an ambulance to exclude surgical pathology.
Who to contact?
Treatment of intestinal infection during pregnancy
Intestinal infection during pregnancy requires compulsory treatment to avoid the development of possible complications. If the disease proceeds in mild form, the first step is to remove toxins from the body of the woman with the help of absorbent preparations such as Activated Carbon, Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel. To fill the volume of fluid used saline solutions (like Regidron), which must be drunk often and in small portions until the dryness of the mouth disappears completely. You can not starve pregnant, so a few hours after stopping vomiting, you can drink a cup of tea or eat a bowl of low-fat broth with crackers. Useful in this regard are porridge-smears and mucous broths.
Treatment of intestinal infection in pregnancy in a steady-state regime is necessary in severe cases, when a pregnant woman does not stop vomiting, the temperature rises, and overall health deteriorates sharply. The hospital will put a dropper for intensive elimination of toxins. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medical examination in order to identify the causative agent of the infection. The scheme of treatment with the use of medications (most often - antibiotics) is based on the results of the analyzes. A complex of vitamins and microelements is necessary for replenishing useful substances in the body of a future mother.
Intestinal infection during pregnancy often requires the use of medication. The main thing - do not run the disease and as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor. Only an experienced medical specialist will be able to diagnose correctly in order to prescribe effective treatment based on the results of bacteriological examination and detection of the main pathogen. Therapy will depend on the type of intestinal infection, the localization of inflammation, the degree of organ damage. The most common treatment is complex and includes antibiotic therapy and immunotherapy.
Medicines, which are widely practiced by doctors today for the treatment of infections in pregnant women, are antibiotics: Amoxicillin, and also Cefatoxime and penicillins. Such drugs are absolutely safe for the fetus and do not provoke the development of intrauterine malformations. Furagin can be used at any stage of bearing a baby, except for the period from 38 to 42 weeks. The course of treatment and the dose of drugs are individual in each case. During the treatment of a pregnant woman, you need to take probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.
Treatment on average lasts up to 10 days (depending on the severity level). After taking an antibiotic, a pregnant woman should pass a second urinalysis, and a little later - a bacterial culture. To strengthen the body after an antibacterial course of treatment, should take vitamin-mineral complexes, take care of rational nutrition, increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
For treatment, enterosorbents - activated carbon, smect, enterosgel, which bind and remove harmful substances from the intestine, are used primarily. The principle of action of such means is based on inhibition of the process of propagation of pathogenic flora and the removal of harmful microorganisms and products of their vital activity from the gastrointestinal tract.
Enterosorbents are advisable to start taking as soon as the first signs of intestinal infection have appeared.
Also in the treatment of such diseases are important preparations for controlling dehydration of the body - rehydron, also help to compensate for the loss of liquid compotes, teas, etc. Drinking during the illness should be often every 15 minutes in small portions. If the disease is accompanied by severe spasms and pains in the abdomen, you can take a no-shpa.
Other medications should be taken only as directed by your doctor.
As a rule, a course of intestinal antiseptics is prescribed for pregnant women - Bactisubtil. If baposev identified a particular pathogen, the specialist can prescribe a special treatment.
To normalize the intestinal microflora and accelerate the recovery process, probiotics are appointed - Lineks, Bifiform. Enzyme preparations can also be prescribed to improve the digestive process.
Alternative treatment
Intestinal infection during pregnancy is treated not only with medicines, but also with alternative medicine (most often these methods are combined).
Alternative treatment is based on the use of certain foods, decoctions and herbal mixtures that will restore the intestinal microflora and reduce the negative impact of pathogenic bacteria. Below are a few simple recipes that use effective tools to treat intestinal infections.
- Mucous broths from oat flakes and barley grain (40-50 grams pour two glasses of water and insist for 3-4 hours, then cook until thick, drain). Take 1 tbsp. Spoon throughout the day.
- Broth from the boiled rice (a cup of unpolished rice should be poured with 7 cups of water and cooked on low heat until the boiled state, after which the broth should insist and merge carefully). Drink 1/3 cup every 2 hours.
- Potato starch (as a sorbent): 1 hour a spoonful of starch should be diluted with 0.5 glasses of cold water, take 1-2 times a day.
- Decoction from the pear. Finely chop the pear, pour it with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 15-20 minutes over low heat, then insist for 3 hours and strain. Eat half a glass of glass 4 times a day (in the morning - on an empty stomach).
- Decoction from the leaves of green string beans (dry and grind in a coffee grinder 20 grams of bean leaves, brew it with 1 liter of boiling water, hold for 10 minutes on low heat, insist, and then strain and cool). Eat 1/3 cup at least 4 times a day. In the recipe you can add dried fruits of dog rose cinnamon and blueberry (2 tablespoons).
Another alternative means is a mummy, which is recommended to be consumed before meals at a dosage of 0.5 grams three times a day for a month.
Herbal Treatment
Intestinal infection during pregnancy is successfully treated with medicinal herbs. Most often used charges, the action of which is aimed at improving the work of the intestines, removing toxins, reducing the negative impact of pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
Treatment with herbs is recommended for uncomplicated course of the disease, after consulting with the doctor in charge.
The following recipes have shown their particular effectiveness in treating intestinal infection:
- A mixture of rhizomes of the tinder, alder cones and nettle root (by pinch), pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and evaporate in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Insist 2 hours, and then take 100 g of funds for 30 minutes. Before meals three times a day.
- Collect the root of the althea, cuff and wormwood cook and use in the same way as the previous one.
- Mix in the same proportions the dried berries of blueberries with a blood-thirsty medicinal and rhizome of a mountaineer, cook on a water bath, insist a couple of hours and use the same as above.
- Mix the grass of the bird's mountaineer with the leaves of the plantain, the gooseberry and the goatee's goatee. 10 grams of the collection received, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take 2-3 r. A day before meals at a dosage of 60 g.
- Decoction from the oak bark (boil 40 grams of oak bark in 1 liter of water, get the broth to drink in hot form - 100 g at least 5-6 times a day).
Rotavirus infection, not accompanied by fever, is well treated with a decoction of the root of gravel: 50 grams cook in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes, cool, drink 5-6 times a day.
You can brew herb medlennitsa or cherry fruit (20 g of raw material pour boiling water, insist for 20 minutes and take 100 g three times a day). It should be remembered that the treatment with herbs is contraindicated in the presence of pollinosis - allergy, which is associated with the flowering of plants. Therefore, future mothers need to be cautious about their use.
Intestinal infection in pregnancy is treated with homeopathic medicines that have a beneficial effect on the work of internal organs, increase immunity, have antibacterial properties and restore intestinal microflora.
Homeopathy should be applied taking into account the individual clinical picture. With diarrhea (regardless of its cause), you can use drugs such as Camphora (Camphor tree), Veratrum album (Chemerica white), Arsenic album (certainly after consulting a doctor).
To replenish the biological fluid with severe diarrhea is appropriate China. This drug is especially effective in diarrhea, which is accompanied by bloating. Iris versicolor - a good homeopathic remedy for problems with the pancreas, because of which there is diarrhea and abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting with mucus. Important medicines are also Phosphorus, Acidum phosphoricum, Thuja.
Sporobacterin inhibits the development of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, is used to treat acute bacterial intestinal infections. Enterofuril inhibits the vital activity of harmful bacteria and combines well with antibiotics. Bifidum-bacterin and Bactisubtil restore the intestinal microflora and are effective for dysbiosis.
Intestinal infection during pregnancy most often occurs against a background of weakened immunity. Therefore, it is better to prevent the disease than to allow its development. A pregnant woman needs to protect her health, first of all, for the sake of the baby's future.
Prevention of intestinal infections consists in the following rules:
- Daily compliance with personal hygiene (clean hands and body).
- The use of high-quality water (best of all - boiled, purified, mineral).
- The regime of washing fruits and vegetables (first - running water, then - to pass the boiling water).
- Heat treatment of food.
- Maintenance of cleanliness of the home (especially the bathroom and toilet).
- Protection of food from flies and rodents.
- Frequent airing of the room.
- Refusal to purchase products in places of unauthorized trade.
Pregnant women should closely monitor the diet, especially during the hot season, when the risk of catching the infection is significantly increased. Perishable products must always be stored in the refrigerator. The food should be exceptionally fresh, without the content of substances harmful to health. Mushrooms are not recommended for consumption, especially those collected with their own hands. Infection can also occur when swimming in open water. Therefore, you can swim only in designated places, while not allowing water to enter your mouth.
Intestinal infection during pregnancy is dangerous because it can provoke dangerous complications, so it is important for the expectant mother to take timely measures and be sure to seek medical help. Already the first symptoms (nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting) should alert a pregnant woman. If the condition deteriorates sharply, you should call an ambulance.
The forecast can be as favorable, i.e. Leads to complete recovery, and adverse (the emergence of complications, the formation of a chronic form of the disease or carrier). With a competent approach to the treatment of rotavirus infection, rapid results can be achieved - in 3-5 days the symptoms will gradually pass, and the well-being of a pregnant woman will improve significantly.
The outcomes of intestinal infection can be the formation of gastrointestinal pathologies in the form of intestinal dysbacteriosis, functional dyspepsia, disruption of the pancreas, disorders of the bile ducts. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to re-pass the tests and go through a bacteriological study that will show whether there is a woman in the body of the pathogen (eg, E. Coli). Strict adherence to the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending physician will help to defeat the disease and keep the baby.