
Changes in pregnancy

The main changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy occur under the influence of hormones, the ratio of which varies radically.

For example, the yellow body of the ovaries increases the production of progesterone, which not only secures the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, but also makes fat stores in the body of a pregnant woman.

Prolactin hormones and chorionic somatomamotropin make changes in the body of a pregnant woman in the form of an increase in the size of the mammary glands that must be ready for the production of breast milk.

During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles of the woman stretch and become longer, and the lumbar muscles that straighten the spine are shortened. And the volume of blood in a pregnant woman increases by 33-34 weeks by almost a third.

Thyroid and pregnancy

Diseases of the thyroid gland in pregnant women occupy one of the first places among the pathological processes in the endocrine system.

Breast in pregnancy

The mammary gland under pregnancy undergoes many changes and plays a very important role in the normal functioning of the female body. Let's consider the features of changes in the mammary gland during pregnancy.

Early pregnancy signs

"I read in the magazine that signs of early pregnancy are drowsiness, mood swings, irritability and tearfulness. So it turns out that I have been pregnant for three years already ... "

Nausea during pregnancy

Nausea during pregnancy can cause a lot of discomfort and a little cloud so joyful time. Nausea or, as doctors say, toxicosis happens in almost all pregnant women.

Pain in the chest during pregnancy

Pain in the chest during pregnancy can be caused by the following changes in the body of a woman: an increase in the level of hormones, swelling of the chest, the appearance of a venous network (due to increased blood flow), an increase in the sensitivity of the breast and nipples.

Why there is drowsiness, intolerance to smells, constipation, nausea during pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a physiological, that is, normal, condition of a woman, her offensive introduces certain disruptions into the body. Sometimes these failures can be so significant that they begin to border on the disease.

What happens in the body of a woman during pregnancy?

First, during pregnancy there is a change in the quantity and quality of hormones. And you already know about one of them. This is a chorionic gonadotropin. It is produced by one of the membranes of the fetal egg after implantation (fixation) of it in the uterus.

Signs of pregnancy: how do you know that you are pregnant?

A woman who wants to become a mother of a healthy child should know the first signs of pregnancy. This is necessary in order to stop taking drugs, alcohol and stop smoking on time, not to mention drugs.

Functional system of mother-placenta-fetus

According to modern concepts, the single mother-placenta-fetus system that emerges and develops during pregnancy is a functional system.

Adaptation of the maternal organism to pregnancy

Pregnancy makes great demands on the body of a woman. To ensure the vital activity, growth and development of the fetus, significant changes occur in the mother's body, which affect virtually all body systems.


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