Early pregnancy signs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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"I read in the magazine that signs of early pregnancy are drowsiness, mood swings, irritability and tearfulness. So it turns out that I have been pregnant for three years already ... "
From time immemorial, one of the first signs of pregnancy, which a woman can notice, was the absence of regulosis (menstruation) at the right time. And this is really an irrefutable fact, confirming that in the reproductive organs of a woman there is a developing embryo or fetus - that is, pregnancy has come. However, only a little more than a third of women this sign of pregnancy in early terms is a sign of number 1. Firstly, by far not everyone has a monthly "as scheduled", and secondly, the cycle is influenced by the use of contraceptives. Finally, the delay in menstruation can be caused by illness or severe stress.
The first signs of pregnancy: in all "guilty" hormones
It should be noted that almost all the signs of pregnancy in the early stages are directly related to the hormonal reconstruction of the entire body of a woman.
So, the production of the hormone of the yellow body of the ovaries of progesterone sharply increases - one of the main "pregnancy hormones". Without it, the process of attaching a fetal egg to the uterus would not have been possible. But such early signs of pregnancy as persistent fatigue and drowsiness are the result of the action of progesterone, which during pregnancy produces a sedative effect. This hormone also regulates metabolism and during pregnancy "causes" the body to stock up fat, which causes some "roundness of forms" ...
Approximately by the end of the first week from the moment of fertilization, the embryo in the uterus begins to become covered with a chorion - a villous membrane, which then becomes a placenta. This shell begins to produce a hormone, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). So the second of the signs of pregnancy in the early stages - mild dizziness and fainting - is associated with the impact of the hCG hormone.
The next sign, which is listed almost in the fourth part of pregnant women as one of the first signs of pregnancy - is the changes in the mammary glands. Changes can occur in the form of tingling and painful sensations in the chest, increasing the sensitivity of the nipples and their darkening. This is also the result of the action of hormones, in particular the hormone prolactin, which is formed in the pituitary gland and begins to prepare the body of a pregnant woman for the future breastfeeding of the baby.
In addition, from the very beginning of the appearance of the embryo and during the most complicated process of fetal formation, the production of one of the most important human hormones, cortisone, is significantly increased. On the one hand, it suppresses the immune system of the body of a pregnant woman, protecting against the threat of miscarriage. On the other hand, it is the excess of cortisone that causes many signs of pregnancy in the early stages.
These include sudden changes in mood, without external causes, excitement or oppression with an uncontrollable desire to cry. Moreover, an increased content of cortisone causes digestive disorders in early pregnancy. This is the loss of appetite (down to total aversion to food), and the craving for a certain taste of food (to salty, sweet or sour), and increased sensitivity to familiar smells.
And, of course, the "classic of the genre" - nausea with frequent attacks of vomiting (especially in the morning). This is the main symptom of early toxicosis. In addition to cortisone, this sign of pregnancy is associated with estrogen in the early stages. It stimulates the development of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterus), but at the same time inhibits the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, which leads not only to nausea, but also to constipation. As a rule, early toxicosis accompanies the pregnancy of six women out of ten - from the first weeks of pregnancy to the beginning of the second trimester.
At pregnancy in early terms can be and such
Signs of pregnancy in the early stages also include frequent urge to urinate. The fact is that the blood supply of all organs in the pelvic area, including the bladder, increases: it becomes more irritable, even from a small amount of urine. So you can go to the toilet at night.
Increased cervical mucus, discharge and spasms are also on the list of the very first signs of pregnancy. The increase in the level of progesterone in the body of a woman "in an interesting position" often leads to a burst of cervical mucus (mucus in the cervix). According to obstetrician-gynecologists, this occurs on the 6-12th day after fertilization. In addition, when a fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall, the pregnant woman may feel slight cramps that are similar to menstrual cramps, and even minor bloody (pink) discharge. Some women mistakenly mistook them for harbingers of a new cycle, but in reality - these are signs of early pregnancy.
The first signs of pregnancy can also have the form of rashes on the skin - dermatosis of pregnant women. This manifestation of early toxicosis of pregnant women is infrequent and is expressed in the appearance of acne, acne, as well as skin itching, including in the external genitalia. As soon as the body adapts to a radical change in the "pregnant" hormonal background, everything will pass away.
Often signs of pregnancy in the early stages - in combination with one or more of the described above - are "masked" by ... An ordinary cold with stuffy nose. Here the key factor is everything in the same depression of the immune system, the protective functions of which in this case (that is, during pregnancy) are reduced in the interests of the future child - in order to prevent rejection of the fetus.
By the way, some of the early signs of pregnancy can be felt by men. This is the so-called Kuvad syndrome (or sympathetic pregnancy). This syndrome manifests itself in future fathers, who - like a pregnant wife - can feel nausea and weakness in the morning, perverted taste, mood changes. They can sleep badly or gain weight. Most researchers believe that such a state is psychosomatic in nature, and only those men who feel strong emotional attachment to the mother of their unborn child can experience it.
Early pregnancy signs: useful tips for toxicosis
The first and main advice concerns the psycho-emotional state of future mothers, who should clearly realize that pregnancy is not a disease. Yes, this is a special period in the life of any woman, but from the point of view of physiology, her condition is normal.
According to medical statistics, a good 60% of pregnant women get sick, but it goes by about the 12th week of pregnancy. If the same nausea by all doctors relates to the main signs of pregnancy in the early stages, then why do many of them continue to assert: "Many mistakenly consider toxicosis the norm, but this is a pathology." Excuse me, where is the logic here? Can there be a pathology of nature, the process of restructuring the organism (primarily hormonal), which is aimed at the correct development of the fetus, as well as the preparation of the woman for future motherhood. Apparently, this issue from the rhetorical ...
And do not read the article on pregnancy if it says that "nausea is the reaction of the pregnant woman's body to the cells of the father of the unborn child" or that "this is the result of malnutrition" ... Well, what a primitive! Yes, read a textbook on human physiology, in the end!
So let's immediately agree that pregnancy does not need to be treated (and it is impossible). But the observation of a competent gynecologist, his recommendations (not contrary to common sense) should be followed.
How to relieve the condition in early toxicosis?
To ease some unpleasant "accompanying" moments of pregnancy it is possible. For example, with morning sickness, you should not suddenly get out of bed immediately after awakening. To distract the attack of nausea, eaten directly in bed a rusk bread crumb, a slice of lemon, a piece of dried apricots or an apple, a few sips of kefir, natural fruit juice or mineral water without gas. With an unpleasant "iron" taste in the mouth and excessive production of saliva, you can resort to rinsing your mouth with an ordinary infusion of mint or chamomile. Try to eat a little, but every 2-3 hours, while the food should not be cold or too hot.
For the sake of fairness, it should be said that such an early sign of pregnancy as a toxicosis can have a more severe form - this is when a pregnant woman tears 20 or more times during the day, and she quickly loses weight. This is dangerous, since vomiting dehydrates the body and causes a metabolic disorder, general intoxication, problems with the cardiovascular and urinary systems. This degree of toxicosis requires immediate therapeutic intervention. In this case, the doctor may prescribe such pharmacological drugs as no-shpa, glucose, cerucal or viburkol.
No-nonsense Drotaverin from nausea is unlikely to help you, because this myotropic antispasmodic is used to relax the muscles of the uterus with its hypertonia and the threat of miscarriage. As indicated in the instructions to this drug, "during pregnancy, the drug should be used with caution and only in those cases where the potential benefit of therapy for the mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus."
The pharmacological action of the anti-emetic drug Cerucal (Metoclopramide) is the blockade of dopamine and serotonin receptors. The medicine is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and passes through the blood-brain and placental barriers. It is used for vomiting and nausea of various origin, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, etc. Possible side effects: spasm of facial muscles, reduction of jaws (trismus), inability to control the position of the tongue in the mouth (rhythmic protrusions of the tongue), convulsive posture with sharp arching of the back and throwing back the head (opisthotonus), muscle hypertonus, etc. In addition, inhibition, weakness and impairment of mental activity are possible. The use of this drug - to ease the condition with signs of pregnancy in the early stages - in the first trimester is contraindicated, and in the second half of pregnancy is possible only for life indications.
Homeopathic remedy Viburkol (rectal suppositories) has anti-inflammatory, soothing, analgesic, antispasmodic, and antipyretic properties. This drug is prescribed as a part of complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, with nervous overexcitation, convulsions and inflammations of the respiratory and genitourinary system. It is often used to relieve fever during teething in infants, and in gynecology and obstetrics in the therapy of inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by spastic pain.
It should be borne in mind that every woman and every pregnancy is different from each other, so there is no good reason to panic if any signs of pregnancy in the early stages of all the above are absent. As they say, "a woman from a cart ...". Moreover, as soon as your body is fully absorbed with its new state, all these sensations will be weakened, and many of them will simply disappear. So relax and enjoy waiting for the baby. You are lucky, because according to WHO data around the world, almost 8% of families have problems with the birth of children, and according to the latest information from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in our country there are about 3 million infertile couples.