

Breastfeeding milk

Modern trends say that there is no effect of food on lactation, and milk is considered a strong allergen and is not advised to be included in the diet of a nursing mother. Is this so and can mom drink it while breastfeeding?

Water and breastfeeding: what can you drink?

Nutritionists, cosmetologists, doctors insist that a person should drink more water, and this is at least 2-2.5 liters per day, not including liquid dishes, coffee, tea, juices. With the help of it, metabolism, digestion, cardiac activity, and the condition of the skin are improved.

What can a nursing mother eat?

A nursing mother has to take a responsible attitude to her diet, because everything good and bad together with milk enters the baby's body. Caring mothers are interested in eating healthy, healthy, complete and varied.

Can a nursing mother eat fried?

The issue of eating fried foods during lactation is very relevant, especially in the first months of a baby's life. It is believed that fried foods are very harmful for adults, and even more so for children.

What if you have a lot of milk while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a blessing and the best food for a baby, because with mother's milk he will receive everything he needs for his development and growth, it will fully satisfy the need for fluid.

Watermelon breastfeeding

After pregnancy, a long period of feeding begins, which also leaves its certain imprints on vital activity, nutrition, and the mother's day regimen. So, the diet changes significantly.

Breastfeeding Soups: Vegetable, Meat, Fish

Can nursing mother soups? This question is very obvious, for young mothers need a daily hot meal. But besides this, such food should also be useful for the child. Therefore, you need to figure out which soups should be preferred during lactation.

What can you drink while breastfeeding?

Nursing mothers, who usually have good diets, produce healthy breast milk for their babies, even if they have some inaccuracies. But chronically malnourished women who have a very low content of vitamins and minerals, and low reserves in their bodies can produce milk that contains less than usual vitamins A, D, B6 or B12.

Can nursing mothers take pills, and which ones?

During the entire period of pregnancy for the woman there was an almost complete ban on taking any medication. But now the child was born, and the next regular stage begins for the mother - the period of breastfeeding.


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