

Watermelon breastfeeding

After pregnancy, a long period of feeding begins, which also leaves its certain imprints on vital activity, nutrition, and the mother's day regimen. So, the diet changes significantly.

Breastfeeding Soups: Vegetable, Meat, Fish

Can nursing mother soups? This question is very obvious, for young mothers need a daily hot meal. But besides this, such food should also be useful for the child. Therefore, you need to figure out which soups should be preferred during lactation.

What can you drink while breastfeeding?

Nursing mothers, who usually have good diets, produce healthy breast milk for their babies, even if they have some inaccuracies. But chronically malnourished women who have a very low content of vitamins and minerals, and low reserves in their bodies can produce milk that contains less than usual vitamins A, D, B6 or B12.

Can nursing mothers take pills, and which ones?

During the entire period of pregnancy for the woman there was an almost complete ban on taking any medication. But now the child was born, and the next regular stage begins for the mother - the period of breastfeeding.

Fish breastfeeding: benefits, recipes

Maternity requires its part of the sacrifice to protect the well-being of your precious little child. With your pregnancy, you may have made several changes to your diet and lifestyle to make sure you have a healthy baby.

Can nursing mother porridge?

To optimize the whole process of breastfeeding, you need to take into account many factors, and the diet can be very wide. This also applies to the use of cereals in the diet of a young mother.

Can nursing mother juice and what?

Can nursing mothers juices, and which juices are better can help the child grow healthy? This is a very important question, because not all babies are healthy and not the weight of the mother can eat the same products while breastfeeding the baby.

Cooked vegetables and other breastfed foods

Why should there be vegetables in the diet of a young mother? Is it really impossible to get vitamins from fruits, for example? Some fruits can cause allergies in your baby, while vegetables have many advantages besides great benefits.

Nutrition in the first months of breastfeeding

It is very important that a child with breast milk receive all nutrients that do not bring him discomfort in the tummy and do not cause allergic reactions.


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