

Is it okay for a breastfeeding mom to drink sedatives?

After childbirth, many young mothers are faced with nervousness, increased irritability, sleep problems. One of the methods of eliminating the above problems is sedatives.

Is it okay for a breastfeeding mom to take painkillers?

During pregnancy and lactation, a woman faces many restrictions. First of all, it concerns drug therapy.

Crusts on a baby's head

Often in infants of the first year of life in the area of the hair is found a kind of flaking in the form of a light unaesthetic plaque.

Milk quantity during breastfeeding

Breast milk in a breastfeeding woman is almost never the same: it can be both liquid and thick, both bluish and yellowish, with different percentages of fat and protein.

When can and when can't I feed my baby breast milk?

Breastfeeding is always welcomed by medicine because mother's milk is the optimal biological and nutritional product for a small human being.

Breastfeeding constipation

What mothers consider constipation, based on adult physiology, is not always constipation. The first breastfeeding leads to the cleansing of the newborn's body from meconium - primordial feces, and the stool is dark-colored and odorless.

Breast milk decanting: what is it for and how is it done?

In order not to disrupt the natural process of lactation after the birth of a child, and, on the contrary, to promote normal breastfeeding and avoid problems with the mammary glands, you should know when it is necessary to decant breast milk, as well as - how to do it correctly.

Regimen of a 4 month old breastfed baby

A 4-month-old baby's worldview and needs are already changing significantly. Accordingly, the regime changes. Breastfeeding is still the basis of nutrition.

Breastfeeding menstruation: is it normal?

It happens that in spite of feeding, menstruation began a month later, and then disappeared again. Irregular periods after childbirth are common.


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