Breastfeeding milk
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Previously, it was believed that the amount of breast milk is in direct proportion to the fluid you drink, and even doctors recommended drinking more milk and tea with it. Modern trends say that there is no effect of food on lactation, and milk is considered a strong allergen and is not advised to be included in the diet of a nursing mother. Is this so and can mom drink it while breastfeeding?
Should I drink milk while breastfeeding?
The concern of nursing mothers is the fact that milk contains proteins that are unable to be absorbed by the baby's digestive system. Such an opinion would be justified if it fell directly into the stomach of a newborn. But in reality, the product undergoes certain transformations in the woman's body and the child gets a different formula. Do not forget that milk is an excellent source of calcium - such an element necessary for the growth of muscles and the skeletal system, many vitamins and microelements. Enriching your body with them will be useful for both the mother and the baby. Doctors recommend starting to drink milk after the baby is one month old. [1]
What kind of milk can you breastfeed?
The word "milk" is often associated with "cow". But in fact, the product comes from different animals, differently processed and prepared, and also milk from plant crops. What can be done with breastfeeding? Of course, the most popular and affordable cow. Let's talk about its different options:
- homemade milk is the healthiest fresh milk, right from under the cow. It contains more than 30 types of vitamins, 20 amino acids, about 40 saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, immune bodies, enzymes, and many trace elements. In fact, this is not a drink, but real food. Only rural residents have the opportunity to consume such a product, while urban residents buy it at the market. There is no guarantee that the cow is kept in proper sanitary conditions, is not sick with anything, and the hostess is clean. Whole homemade milk is usually fatty and can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, you need to try to drink a little and monitor the baby's reaction. At the first sign of allergy, switch to other types of product;
- boiled milk - boiling will protect it from bacteria, although it will reduce the content of nutrients. When buying a product on the market, this is the most reasonable way. In addition, it makes it possible to drink normalized milk, i.e. Brought to the required fat content by diluting with water. Boiled over a fire and cooled, it can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator;
- baked milk - it tastes much tastier than boiled milk and is better absorbed. The technology of its preparation is that after boiling it is kept for a long time over low heat, in a stove or oven. As a result, the content of fat, calcium, iron, vitamin A becomes more concentrated. At the same time, ascorbic acid (4 times) and B1 (2 times) are destroyed. To determine if it is harmful to the baby, you must first try, and if there is no reaction, drink as usual;
- store milk - in stores we buy pasteurized milk of different fat content. This technology allows you to preserve most of the useful components, because provides for its heating only to 60-70 ° С, and the souring process should be delayed by 36 hours. For a nursing mother, this form of milk is the safest;
- dry milk - it is obtained as a result of drying normalized pasteurized cow. To obtain a drink, the powder is diluted with warm water. In favor of its use during lactation is the fact that it is used in the preparation of infant formula;
- condensed milk - consists of concentrated milk and sugar. The protein content in it exceeds 30%, it is very high in calories. For a long time, it was believed that condensed milk tea can increase the volume of milk during lactation. Modern research proves that this is a myth. Condensed milk can cause allergies in a child, therefore, until the baby is three months old, mothers who are lovers of sweets are not recommended to use it;
- lactose-free milk - Processed milk from which lactose has been removed. It is found only in mammalian milk and promotes the absorption of calcium and other trace elements and the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. But to break it down into simpler carbohydrates, lactase is needed. With insufficient production of this enzyme, digestive problems arise in both the mother and the child: bloating, pain, vomiting, regurgitation, loose stools. In lactose-free milk, the separation of lactose into glucose and galactose occurs at the stage of its production, therefore it is completely harmless to the body, at the same time all the nutritional qualities of natural milk are preserved in it.
Goat milk when breastfeeding
The best alternative to a cow in case of its non-perception by a baby is a goat. It contains more protein, calcium, fat, at the same time, the balls of the latter are smaller, which makes it possible to be absorbed by the body 100%. The amino acids of its protein are similar in composition to those of women. This is a hypoallergenic dairy product, because contains beta-casein, not alpha-1s-casein like the allergy-causing bovine. At first, it is recommended to dilute it with water and boil it, as the baby grows, try to drink natural in small portions and, in the absence of rashes on the body, introduce it fully into your diet within 48 hours.
Types of lactose-free milk
Most often, in our opinion, milk is a product of animal origin, and in the trade network it is represented by just such dairy products. But with the expansion of the geographical and food limits, plant-based milk began to enter our lives. It turns out that it is not only not inferior in composition and quality to the traditional one, but sometimes even surpasses it. In addition, it does not contain lactose, which means it is better absorbed, does not cause allergies, while simultaneously providing us with protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Here are some of its types:
- soy milk - soy is used for its production. It has a mild creamy taste and is low in calories. In comparison with an animal, it is almost not inferior to it in terms of protein content. Calcium is not enough, but manufacturers enrich it at the production stage, it is low in saturated fat, cholesterol. It is a source of lecithin, isoflavones, vitamin E. Soy milk does not contain simple sugar - galactose, which makes it a complete breast milk substitute for children with galactosemia, it is used in infant formula. If the child has no intolerance to soy protein, then the nursing mother may well drink it; [2], [3], [4], [5]
- coconut milk - for lovers of the smell and taste of coconut, it will become not only a nutritious liquid, but also a delicacy. It is made from the pulp of the fruit and water. In addition to vitamins and trace elements, it contains lauric acid, which increases immunity, 27% fats, 4% protein, 6% carbohydrates. Milk can be prepared by yourself by pouring some of the pulp with three parts of water. After an hour, strain and take; [6]
- rice milk - made from whole grain rice, which is first crushed, then boiled in water, the resulting mass is mashed until a viscous consistency is obtained. In industrial production, vegetable oil, thickeners, flavors are added, enrichment with calcium and vitamins is carried out. It is low in protein and fat, but free of lactose and gluten. Suitable for feeding as a dessert; [7], [8]
- almond milk - it has a sweet and delicate creamy taste and is an excellent source of calcium. In addition, it contains omega-3, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc. And most importantly, it is easy to prepare at home. To do this, the nuts are soaked in water for several hours, after which they are ground with water in a blender, and filtered. For taste, you can add vanilla and honey, although the latter can cause allergies in the baby; [9]
- oat milk - contains very animal-like protein, including gluten. As with any plant-based milk, it is low in saturated fat, but high in fiber. Vitamins of the group In its composition prevent the formation of "bad" cholesterol. [10]
Milk-added drinks
The theory that hot drinks with the addition of milk increase lactation have faded into oblivion. And yet, drunk half an hour before feeding, it relaxes the woman's body, the mammary glands expand, which facilitates the passage of milk. This will happen without the addition of milk, but a nursing woman cannot refuse drinks that increase her performance, restore strength and vigor, although they contain components undesirable for the child, and the dairy product neutralizes their negative effect:
- tea with milk - from a wide variety of varieties of tea it is best to choose green without aromatic additives, tea bags should also be avoided. It contains vitamins, proteins and amino acids that improve metabolism, essential oils. This is its positive effect on the body, at the same time, the alkaloids (theine) in its composition excite the nervous system and can lead to anxiety in the child, a problem with sleep. Milk, if it does not cause rejection, will solve this problem, but you should not get carried away;
- coffee with milk - the baby's body is not able to assimilate caffeine, moreover, it is able to reduce the iron content in breast milk, therefore it is not recommended to drink it until 3 months. If it is impossible to resist the temptation, it is permissible to drink a cup in a few days, while using a weak drink made from ground coffee with the addition of milk;
- cocoa with milk - it contains much less caffeine than coffee, but theobromine, the main biologically active component, has a similar effect. Therefore, in the first months of a child's life, the drink is undesirable, although in small doses, together with milk, it does not have a strict prohibition;
- chicory with milk - a powder from the root of a medicinal plant that tastes like coffee can replace it, but not earlier than 3 months after the birth of the baby. Chicory has many useful properties: B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, inulin lowers blood glucose levels, nicotinic acid is involved in many redox reactions, vitamins E, A are necessary for normal metabolism, the growth of teeth and bones, C increases immunity, iron, potassium, magnesium are also necessary for a growing body. But such a composition does not yet guarantee that the child will normally perceive the drink. As with any new product, you need to start with a small dose, monitoring the reaction. If everything is fine, then gradually you can increase the volume, and the milk will add pleasant notes to the taste;
- "Nesquik" with milk - cocoa with added preservatives and flavorings, although it is positioned as a drink for children. It also contains useful ingredients, it is enriched with vitamins and microelements, so if a nursing mother rarely drinks it with milk a few months after giving birth and this does not cause any negative response from the baby, then it is not forbidden.
Allergy to milk during breastfeeding
What are the symptoms that make women give up animal milk and resort to plant milk, of course, if they are not vegans? The pattern of manifestations is very specific, which creates difficulties in diagnosis. In half of the cases, these are skin rashes: urticaria, nodular rash, redness, burning, irritation. [11], [12]In others - the reaction of the digestive system: regurgitation, increased gas production, colic, vomiting; changes in the respiratory system: nasal congestion, difficulty breathing also indicate an allergic reaction. The eyes may even be affected and conjunctivitis may occur, the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals may be affected. In medicine, there are no tests, except for an expensive placebo-controlled provocative test with possible severe consequences, capable of detecting milk allergy. Therefore, the diagnosis is based on the results of observations, finding out the presence of a hereditary predisposition, medical examination, as well as the exclusion of dairy products from the mother's diet. As they get older, milk allergies go away in 30% to 79% of children.