Birthmarks during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Moles during pregnancy are a common cause for concern among many expectant mothers during pregnancy.
Each neoformation in this period causes not that storm of emotions - akin to a panic. And then the future mother runs to the doctor, or breaks mountains of books and pages in the network devoted to this topic.
Are birthmarks dangerous during pregnancy?
What is a mole, and especially during pregnancy - the first logical question that arises from a future mother. We tell. Birthmark, and during pregnancy, including, is a neoplasm on the skin of the human body. Moles are divided into congenital and those that appear throughout the life of a person. Motherland should not be afraid. This is a benign entity. They can become a malignant tumor only when a person has a genetic predisposition to this. In addition, mechanical damage, ultraviolet exposure, can lead to transformation into a malignant tumor. As experts say, birthmarks occur where cells are overcrowded with melanocytes. Melanocytes, in turn, are a specific kind of skin cells that produce melanin. And there, where melanocytes accumulate in especially large quantities, and a birthmark appears. In medical practice, moles are called nevi.
In general, moles are not at all dangerous. Naturally, if they are a benign entity. Then a large number of them still does not give cause for concern. The reason for pricking up may be the growth of a mole, itching, a change in shade or color, bleeding. If some strange changes begin to occur with the mole, only in this case it is worth to worry and plan an examination with a good dermatologist.
The mole, which has taken the form of malignant formation, is called melanoma. Here in this case, it is important to pay attention to the problem in time,
The causes of birthmarks during pregnancy
If we talk in general about the human body and the appearance of moles, then most often they begin to form when a person reaches ten years of age. However, everywhere, but not very often, there are situations that the baby is born, already having birthmarks on the body even in the newborn age. Once in a hundred cases, this situation may occur.
What can we say about the normal appearance of birthmarks on the human body, the most common causes of birthmarks are the influence of ultraviolet and hormonal disruptions in the body. Although it does not have to be exactly failures - most often we are talking about various hormonal changes in the body. The first such example is sexual maturation. Very common situations where, after reaching eleven or fourteen years of age, a teenager discovers the appearance of new birthmarks on the body. Other hormonal changes that can lead to the formation of moles can be: pregnancy, abortion, menopause, certain drugs that people take.
The female organism is characterized by a greater number of changes in the organism associated with hormonal changes. This explains why the presence of moles is just more inherent in women than in men.
Therefore, you should not be afraid if birthmarks start to appear in pregnancy. This process is quite natural and natural. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are characterized by furious splashes of the hormonal background. Thus, the metabolic processes in the female body are regulated during pregnancy, and hormones also help the growth of the fetus. The female body has to work in double force to withstand such a load, the body begins to release hormones in a double quantity. The appearance of moles during pregnancy is just indicative of the excellent work of the hormonal system. Therefore, fear and panic are completely out of place here. Moreover, moles that appeared during pregnancy often disappear after some time. Of course, moles do not always go away, but there are such cases. If moles do not disappear, try to look at this situation differently - let them remind you of the great happiness of a child's birth.
Why did the birthmark increase during pregnancy?
The appearance of moles during pregnancy is in itself a process that does not require concern. It's another matter if strange transformations begin to occur with new and old birthmarks. For example, the following facts should attract the attention of the future mother:
- change of color of birthmark;
- increase in the size of a birthmark;
- pain in the mole;
- the presence of itching or burning in the area of the birthmark;
- swelling of the flat before this birthmark.
Any of the above processes is a significant enough reason to contact a specialist. To panic it is not necessary in advance, as the changes that have occurred with the birthmark could be caused only by hormonal stresses.
The specialist will examine the birthmark and will be able to tell what is happening to her, and how to properly care for this birthmark now. The most common tips for caring for an increased birthmark:
- hide a birthmark that has increased in size during pregnancy, from direct exposure to ultraviolet light;
- if the birthmark has increased in size during pregnancy, in no case should it be allowed to injure her;
- with the increase in the size of the birthmark during pregnancy, in no case should it be allowed to comb it;
- it is contraindicated to squeeze out an increased mole, even if there is a build-up of fluid in it.
Who to contact?
Removal of moles during pregnancy
To dispel fears about a strange or newly formed birthmark can easily be an experienced specialist. Removing birthmarks during pregnancy - this step to the future mother will be offered in some extreme cases, if the situation is very serious and there is a risk that melanoma will develop. All other cases are common, therefore doctors usually do not resort to the removal of moles during pregnancy. The maximum that a specialist can advise is to tell you how to properly handle the birthmark and how best to take care of the nm.
Myths about moles during pregnancy
The superstition of pregnant women can be talked for a long time and spatially. Moles - this is one of the popular themes around which among pregnant women there are many myths, legends, legends and other superstitions. Let's try to understand some of them, which are real, and which are not.
- Myth one: when a pregnant woman has a new birthmark, you should wait for a similar birthmark on the baby's body.
As for newly born moles on the body of a pregnant woman, it is absolutely possible to say that similar birthmarks for the baby will not appear. The only tendency that can be tied to this myth is at least a genetic predisposition to moles. The fact is that often birthmarks are inherited. When a mother has many birthmarks, it is possible that her child will have a large number. This is completely safe, this phenomenon is quite natural.
- Myth number two: the fateful significance of moles, which were formed during pregnancy.
Of course, almost all alternative signs are not supported by scientific facts. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about any "fatefulness" here. It's another matter if a future mother believes in signs and beliefs, then she has the right to decide for herself how much such a fact for her has a place to be.
- Myth three: if during a severe fright the future mother clutching at some part of the body, then at the same place the child will have a birthmark.
This myth also refers to signs and beliefs, therefore from the point of view of science is a fantasy. The future mother and so is subject to a lot of stresses and occasions to worry, therefore doctors advise not to pay attention to such nonsense, after all belief in such signs can only create set of additional difficulties during pregnancy.
Moles during pregnancy - a common phenomenon, which is quite natural, it is in no way to be afraid of. The appearance of new birthmarks is natural for the period of pregnancy due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. The growth of the existing moles, as well as their redness - the trend is generally not very favorable, but it is not to be frightened, it is enough just to contact a specialist to determine the cause of the birthmark during pregnancy, as well as further behavior, treatment and care. Removal of moles during pregnancy is an extreme measure, it is practiced in rare cases when the mole is dangerous and threatens the health of the pregnant woman and her baby.