Aggressive behavior of adolescents
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The aggressive behavior of adolescents grows more and more every year and is manifested. At the same time, the young generation itself suffers from it.
The word aggression comes from the Latin "aggredi", which literally means "attacking", "attacking". Unfortunately, the rhythm of modern life, all sorts of stressful situations lead to the fact that aggressiveness is getting younger and the angry, irritated pupils of kindergartens are more of a norm than an exception to the rules.
Psychologists call aggressive such destructive behavior, which harms other people, psychological or moral.
But when aggressive behavior manifests itself without a reason, it can mean that a person suffers from a serious hormonal imbalance in the body, as well as Alzheimer's. Psychotherapists insist on a thorough examination and identification of the causes of aggressive behavior, especially if it occurs during adolescence.
Aggressive behavior of adolescents, if it is not caused by diseases or disorders in the body, can be either a form of protest against restrictions in school, at home, or a desire to assert themselves among classmates through conflicts with educators. In addition, socio-economic disparities, the influence of media, films, a bad company, and conflicts in the family between parents and children can also become the causes of aggression. In any case, the situation should not be allowed to go by itself.
Aggressive behavior of children and adolescents should not frighten parents and educators, its timely diagnosis and correction (treatment) gives very good predictions.
Aggressive behavior is a deviation with which it is necessary and possible to fight. Modern psychology and psychiatry with aggressive behavior of children and adolescents is quite successful. It is important to correctly and timely determine the cause that led to aggressive behavior, and prescribe treatment. It can be as visits to the psychologist for preventive conversations, and medicamental treatment.
If in childhood, aggression has not been eliminated, then in adolescence, it will be much harder to fight.
The problem of aggressive behavior of adolescents
The problem of the aggressive behavior of adolescents today, more than ever, is relevant. Psychologists note that in recent years, the level of aggression among adolescents has increased substantially, with both developing and well-developed countries.
The root cause is the unfavorable atmosphere in the family, which imposes on the child antinorms of social behavior.
The dominance of violence and stiffness in the media and cinematography leads to the fact that aggressive behavior is perceived by adolescents as a norm. With the help of aggression, they try to establish themselves in the team, to achieve what they want.
The development of aggression affects many factors, both biological (heredity, disease), and psychological.
Aggressive behavior of adolescents - a diploma on this topic is chosen by an increasing number of graduates of psychological schools. Aggressive behavior of adolescents, their diagnosis and adjustment now, as never before, are relevant and in demand.
School psychologists point out that aggression is common among both high school and junior students. And in specialized medical institutions neurologists do not have time to take patients. But on the other hand, it should be noted that if earlier, 20-30 years ago aggressiveness was attributed only to incorrect education, now they recognized that aggressive behavior is a disease that needs to be treated.
Causes of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Psychologists call one of the main reasons for the manifestation of aggression in adolescents - the desire to attract attention. Aggression is a kind of cry for help. Behind aggression often conceals weakness, fear, insecurity.
The causes of aggressive behavior of adolescents:
- age crisis
- unfavorable situation in the family, kindergarten, school
- inferiority complex
- heredity
- hormonal disorders
- diseases of the body
- abuse of alcohol, drugs, antidepressants
Features of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Features of aggressive behavior of adolescents largely depend on gender. If girls prefer verbally to show aggression, then young people - to use physical strength.
Psychologists note such types of aggressive behavior of adolescents - physical aggression, indirect aggression (gossip, stomping with feet, slamming doors), verbal aggression (screams, screams, quarrels, threats, curses), negativism, resentment, suspicion.
According to statistics, boys show aggression more and more often than girls. And their aggressive behavior is more difficult to adjust.
Studies show that the main reason for the manifestation of aggression in adolescence is the absence of parental love and care. "Unmarried" children, whose families are filled with an atmosphere of mistrust, violence and insults, are more difficult to adapt to educational institutions, since they carry a similar scheme of communication in society.
Aggressive behavior in adolescence, first of all, is caused by misunderstanding in the family. Next followed by age crises, the influence of the media and cinema, the use of alcohol and drugs, problems with studies and peers, as well as hereditary diseases.
For boys, a characteristic physical form of aggression, for girls - verbal. A sharp distinction of gender-based aggression occurs at the age of 14-15 years.
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Psychological characteristics of aggressive behavior of adolescents
In adolescence, puberty and psychological maturation occur, a desire to clash with the whole world, and especially - teachers and parents who limit life. This period is the most difficult and controversial for any teenager. Psychological characteristics of the aggressive behavior of adolescents depend on their place in society, the social level. There is a difference between aggression and aggressiveness. Aggression is a character trait, and aggression is an emotional state that can be corrected with the correct method.
Psychological characteristics of aggressive behavior in boys and girls differ both in characteristics and in time. After all, puberty in girls begins a year or two earlier.
Forms of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Forms of aggressive behavior of adolescents are of two kinds - verbal and physical.
To the verbal form most often resort girls, it is a verbal insult and humiliation. Verbal aggression is indirect and direct.
Physical aggression is more typical of boys. Direct physical aggression is physical humiliation. Indirect physical aggression - causing moral damage. Symbolic physical aggression - intimidation and threats.
The real form of aggression is physical trauma.
Diagnostics of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Diagnostics of aggressive behavior of adolescents is conducted by specialists - psychologists, psychotherapists. For this purpose, a number of programs and tests have been developed that in a couple of minutes can determine whether the aggressiveness of a given teenager should be adjusted, or he simply has a bad mood today.
Often teenagers refuse to admit the aggressiveness of their behavior, do not want to communicate with psychologists, take tests. To convince them of the need for diagnosis is the task of parents and a psychologist.
Presentation of aggressive behavior of adolescents includes the diagnosis of aggressiveness, the correct selection of methods for correcting aggressive behavior.
In adolescence for the first time there is a denial of universally recognized morality, a desire to go all and all in defiance, to create your own value system. If you try to influence the teenager by force, most likely, it will lead to nothing. It is for this reason that the conflict between a teenager and a teacher is most difficult to adjust, since teachers act according to the rules, not wanting to give in, trying to understand an aggressive teenager, the cause of his aggression.
Who to contact?
Correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents is initially carried out by specialists - psychotherapists or psychologists, including school. After all, often a school psychologist knows better than parents what problems their child faces every day. There are a number of methods for this. To begin with, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis, exclude hormonal and hereditary diseases.
Correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents is the joint work of parents, teachers and, of course, the most "sick". Among recommendations, including for the prevention of aggressive behavior, an important place is occupied by the point of active and interesting leisure of the schoolboy. It is very good for children of all ages to practice in the sports sections.
Methods for correcting aggressive behavior of adolescents
Methods of correcting the aggressive behavior of adolescents depend on the cause of aggressive behavior. If it is psychological, then the aggression will be adjusted through psychological conversations, tests, programs, games (both group and individual).
The medication correction method for aggressive behavior is used if the disease is caused by a biological factor, that is, heredity, drug abuse, alcohol, antidepressants. Also, aggressive behavior can be caused by violation of the hormonal background, infectious diseases.
Psychological correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents
Psychological correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents is conducted by school psychologists or employees of specialized medical institutions. Psychological correction includes both preventive conversations, and games (individual and group), painting, music, communication with nature, animal miro (often communicating with horses and dolphins transform even the most aggressive children, the standard methods of treatment on which did not work) .
Program for the correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents
The program for correcting the aggressive behavior of adolescents includes many points, the choice of which depends on the degree of aggressiveness of the adolescent, as well as its causes. If these are biological factors, such as heredity, alcohol and drug abuse, antidepressants, hormonal disorders, then aggressive behavior is corrected medically, often in inpatient treatment.
In other cases, psychological correction of aggressive behavior is involved - conversations, trainings, games, drawings and music, communication with nature and animals.
Prevention of aggressive behavior of adolescents
The aggressive behavior of a teenager can be influenced by many factors - a complex situation in the family, the lack of elementary standards of upbringing, the transition age, social and behavioral factors.
The prevention of aggressive behavior of adolescents, oddly enough, should begin as early as childhood and is carried out by parents. In two or three years, all children show aggression, but those whose behavior has not been adjusted, begin to believe that aggressive behavior helps to achieve the desired.
Psychologists note that the prevention of aggressive behavior of adolescents proceeds according to the following scheme: the identification of factors that have influenced the development of aggressiveness in adolescents, the development of measures (both psychological and medicamental) to reduce aggression.
Program to prevent aggressive behavior of adolescents
The program of prevention of aggressive behavior of adolescents should be approved at the level of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.
Timely prevention, diagnosis and treatment of aggression among adolescents will in the future significantly reduce the level of criminogenic situation in society. Moreover, psychologists and psychotherapists successfully cope with teenage aggression, but with timely diagnosis.