
Skin Care

How to get rid of chamomile acne: recipes

The composition of the herb Matricaria includes essential oils and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin and help with skin rashes. Consider the most popular recipes with chamomile acne

Chamomile for pimples on the face: decoctions, infusions, lotions, masks

Chamomile (Matricaria) has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Because of this, she copes with acne on her face and body. The plant disinfects and suppresses inflammatory processes.

Facial cleansing with activated carbon

About activated carbon, most of us know only that it is a very useful drug for poisoning and some intestinal problems.

Chamomile facials: benefits, recipes

This is a medicinal plant for all occasions: a stomach ache, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, an eye infection, skin rashes, a cold and a sore throat - first of all, I recall chamomile.

Vitamins for youth and skin elasticity

Aging of the epidermis is associated with the action of free radicals and age-related changes taking place in the body. In the process of vital activity in the body free radicals and oxidants are formed, that is, aggressive forms of oxygen.

Vitamins for dry, oily and problem skin of the face: method of administration and dosage

One of the signs of human health is beautiful skin of the face. To maintain its tone, full care is needed, and of course, a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Group B vitamins for facial skin

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin, not only proper care is needed, but also its supply with useful substances. Vitamins of group B represent the most extensive group of organic compounds

Care for oily skin: professional and at home

There are several axioms that need to be adhered to. It should be washed in the morning and in the evening with the help of foams, mousses, gels intended for this purpose, and wash them only with cool water.

Vitamin A for the skin of the face

Retinol or vitamin A is very useful for dry and problematic dermis. The substance has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties.


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