Cosmetic procedures for facelift
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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The trite phrase "youth is not eternal" is unfortunately true. Although each person has a different genetic predisposition to aging, the skin starts this unpleasant process at the age of 25. This is the age of reduction of elastin and collagen - substances that determine its elasticity and freshness, as well as the production of new cells. At least 10 years will pass when the changes will become visually noticeable and aging will cover not only the inner layers, but also the outer ones. Properly caring for the skin of the face, you can delay its fading, and after 40 years - resort to cosmetic procedures to lift the face, well, there are many such methods developed, and a cosmetic doctor will help to choose the right one, according to the dominance of the type of aging.
The name itself suggests that this facelift technique uses devices. Their main advantage - low-traumatic manipulation of the skin, during which the integrity of the dermis is not disturbed, so there is no swelling, inflammation, pain. Hardware facelift - a worthy alternative to surgical intervention. It has become widespread due to the ability to conduct lifting procedures at home. To do this, you only need to buy special devices and instructions to familiarize yourself with the principles of their work.
Facelift devices
In order to determine what kind of facelift device is needed, it is important to know its principle of operation and what effect you want to get. One of them - ulthera system device uses a unique technology that allows you to perform lifting at the level of the subcutaneous structure, which is the framework of facial tissues. The sensor, which is equipped with the device, with the help of ultrasound scans the deep layers of the skin and transmits to the screen their two-dimensional image. Then it is the turn of the therapeutic action of the device: ultrasound pulses are generated and focused on the desired areas, causing vibration and friction in the molecules, which generates heat. This heat is used to thermally damage the structures that prevent collagen synthesis and tissue regeneration.
Facelift massager
The use of facelift massagers is a good way to improve facial blood flow, activate metabolic processes, improve muscle tone, make the oval line clearer, reduce the depth of wrinkles, get rid of the second chin. This requires a massager and a few minutes of free time once every 2-4 days for two months, and then once a week to conduct preventive sessions. There are many different models of massagers and, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is best to consult a cosmetologist. Let's list the types of devices:
- mechanical rollers - consist of two rollers of different sizes moving over the skin. They can be made of plastic, wood, stone and are inexpensive;
- electric or myostimulators - effectively eliminates expression lines and fat deposits on the neck;
- vacuum - a popular and effective device for lifting: it tightens, refreshes, makes the skin firmer, improves the complexion. It also has a lot of contraindications, which should be familiarized with before buying;
- oxygen - saturates the skin with it, thanks to which metabolic and reparative processes are enhanced, the face becomes radiant;
- ultrasonic - the principle of operation is described above;
- infrared - the rays penetrate deep into the skin, releasing biologically active substances, purifying it and enhancing collagen production;
- with ultrasound and infrared radiation - combines 2 types of impact on the skin;
- laser - return skin elasticity, eliminate mimic "legs", saggy "pits" with the help of laser.
Facelift bandage
A facelift bandage is an excellent method of sharpening the facial oval, getting rid of muscle corset deformities and sagging mature skin. As a rule, it is made of three-layer material: a synthetic layer with a rubber effect, breathable and cooling. Another type is an elastic bandage mask with slits for the ears (there are variants for eyes and nose) made of spandex, elastane, which is either fixed on the back of the head by Velcro, or one-piece and fits tightly to the skin. The simplest device is an elastic bandage for facelift. The principle of operation of all variants is to create compression, which improves blood flow, burns fat stores, restores the work of muscle fibers, neutralizes the force of gravity, smooth out wrinkles. They can also be compared to a facial trainer, as they force you to overcome the force of resistance. Before use, the face is cleaned from decorative cosmetics and impurities, you can use lifting cream or other favorite creams for a more pronounced tightening effect.
Facelift with Darsonval
Darsonval is a device designed to treat the body with electric current and named after the French physiologist who invented it. It is noticed that significant results are achieved by using it in dermatology. With the help of special electrodes, the surface of the face is treated: weak electric discharges are given, a person feels only a slight tingling. This leads to the effect of massage: biochemical reactions are enhanced, sebaceous glands normalize, skin tone increases, and sagging and sagging decreases.
Face lift with microcurrents, currents
Microcurrents are low-amplitude and low-frequency currents, and skin therapy using them has become a real discovery in cosmetology. Acting on the skin, they "wake up" its cells, cause membrane channels to open and promote the movement of molecules, and with them, amino acids. This also increases the synthesis of proteins, lipids, collagen and elastin. This action returns the skin elasticity, elasticity, wrinkles are smoothed out, including the nasolabial triangle, the contours of the oval are tightened. There is a positive effect on the lymphatic and circulatory systems of the face, which improves its color, reduces dark circles under the eyes, facial puffiness.
Radio wave facelift
For facial rejuvenation invented cosmetic procedure, which involves a device that generates bipolar radiofrequency radiation. With a special tip beautician drives on the surface of the face, at this time radiofrequency waves penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, causing the generation of heat and accelerating the processes of cell renewal, synthesis of substances that provide elasticity, healthy appearance, increased skin tone. This method is completely safe and gives results literally after the first session. After five or six sessions, held once a month, get a steady rejuvenation, a real improvement in skin relief.
Radiofrequency facelift
Its English name is Radio Frequenc, so the abbreviated version RF-lifting is used. Radiofrequency facelift is the application of electric current in the radio frequency range. Heating the dermis to 40-420C, there is a stimulation of the synthesis of fibroplasts responsible for the production of collagen, strengthen capillary walls, remove toxins, accelerate blood microcirculation and increase skin regeneration. This method does not cause discomfort and does not cause pain, lasts an hour and a half. It has no age or skin type restrictions, there are no allergic reactions, as no chemicals are used. The skin is revitalized from the inside out by activating its own resources.
Facelift Relive.
The latest high-frequency radio wave technology Relieve is created for wrinkle removal and facelift. Its essence is the heating of the dermis, thanks to which collagen shrinks and thickens, which visibly reduces wrinkles. A week after the procedure begins intensive production of new collagen. Sagging skin of the upper eyelids, "hound's feet" around the eyes, deep nasolabial folds, second chin noticeably reduced after just a few sessions, the effect lasts up to 2 years. This method is practically painless, if the skin is too sensitive, anesthesia is used.
Mendelsohn facelift
Plastic surgery is named after the author of the technology Brian Mendelsohn - a scientist from Australia. He based it on the peculiarities of human facial anatomy. All tissues have a layered structure, some of them dense, others loose. It is the latter are "guilty" for age-related deformation of relief, form wrinkles, sagging skin. Since there are no major nerves and vessels in these layers, the activities of a plastic surgeon is aimed at them. Penetrating into the deep layers of the face with the help of microsurgical instruments, the doctor pulls up the drooping tissues and fixes them. This is a jewelry robot and only professionals who have been trained by the author himself are allowed to do it. The traumatic nature of the operation is low, the rehabilitation period is limited to two weeks, the risk of complications is low. The biggest advantage of a facelift Mendelsohn is the effect of rejuvenation for 15 years, while all facial features do not undergo any drastic changes. The result lasts for 10 years or more.
SMAS facelift
The non-invasive methods of facelift described above were based on thermal treatment of the superficial layers of the skin, but they do not always allow to reach deep. The use of ultrasound gives such an opportunity, and at a depth of 5 mm to the collagen and elastin fibers or SMAS (abbreviation for Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System, which means musculo-aponeurotic layer). The device pinpoints the radiation to the problem areas and triggers collagen synthesis, and it stretches for several months. Although the result is visually visible immediately after the procedure, but the peak of rejuvenation comes after six months. The age up to which you can apply SMAS lift is 50 years old. Manipulations on the face do not leave any scars and traces, only redness for a few hours yes swelling in the next two days. The effect from one session lasts up to 3 years.