Diamond face cleaning
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Every modern woman today strives for self-improvement. First of all it concerns a skin, beauty of the face, care of itself. A well-groomed look can tell a lot about a woman. Therefore, women are so carefully approaching the choice of procedures and means to care for themselves.
The desire for beauty is a natural desire of a woman to be attractive, to like others. Its roots go deep into antiquity. Previously, women took enormous risks to take care of themselves: they used various potent and even toxic substances, suffered painful and hourly procedures, risked their lives in trying to get a scarce remedy.
Today, such victims are not required of a woman. Numerous clinics offer a wide range of cosmetology and medical procedures aimed at restoring, rejuvenating the skin, giving it a natural shine, radiance, freshness.
The diamond face cleansing proved to be very effective, which allows to achieve the desired effect in the shortest possible time. The procedure is becoming increasingly popular due to its comfort, painlessness, high efficiency.
What does "diamond face cleansing" mean and what is its essence? The top layer of the skin contains pores into which dust, various particles enter. In addition to all the skin, various secrets of the sebaceous glands are synthesized, as well as the dead cells accumulate. All this pollutes the pores, causes inflammation in the skin. There is a rash, numerous pimples. Become more visible age changes in the skin.
Gradually, the skin loses its elasticity. This is due to a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin in the cells. To solve these problems will help diamond face cleansing.
This procedure is a method of cleaning the skin by mechanical means. During this procedure, all dirt, the surface layer of the epidermis, is removed. Purified and narrowed pores, various effects can be easily eliminated. During the procedure, special nozzles and diamond spraying are used.
Its essence lies in the fact that the mechanical cleaning of the skin is done with a special disc and a small spray on its surface.
Along with the contaminants, dead or transformed cells are removed, which have already adapted to functioning in an altered state. It is this property of cells that makes it necessary to carry out such procedures. Epidermis periodically need to be changed to a new one. As a result of this procedure, the skin acquires a fresh look, becomes younger.
Indications for the procedure
Diamond cleaning, like any other medical and cosmetic procedure, has a number of indications for the conduct. First of all, the procedure is designed for cleaning, rejuvenating the skin, removing the upper layer of the epidermis. As a result, the pores become narrower, the skin becomes fresh and younger.
Another indication for the procedure is depigmentation of the skin. By removing the epidermis, pigmented spots can be eliminated. Small wrinkles are also smoothed out. Large folds become less noticeable. The procedure makes it possible to remove scars, scars, traces of acne, acne. Diamond cleaning is capable of removing shallow wrinkles "crow's feet", stretch marks.
The procedure is indicated for rejuvenation, for giving shine and vitality to the fading skin. Fine wrinkles are almost completely smoothed out. Such effects are achieved due to the fact that the procedure stimulates the synthesis of elastic fibers, collagen, as a result of which a long-term effect is possible. Rejuvenating effect is also achieved due to the fact that cleaning affects the upper and middle layers of the skin. This allows you to eliminate signs of aging.
However, it should be borne in mind that only one procedure of diamond cleaning will not be enough to completely eliminate the signs of aging. The procedure renders rather "emergency help", cosmetic effect. For a serious impact and a significant rejuvenation of the entire skin, a complex effect must be applied, as well as a full course of diamond cleaning.
Diamond cleaning is effective for oily and combination skin. It allows you to narrow the expanded pores. As a result, the pores become almost invisible, the skin becomes fresh, the turgor and elasticity increase.
There are also direct indications that the procedure is simply necessary. The diamond procedure must be carried out in the event that the mimic and deep age wrinkles manifest themselves. If the skin is bumpy and uneven, it must also be sanded with diamond cleaning. Fine abrasive particles make it possible to eliminate the peeling and increased dryness of the skin. If the skin has a pale shade, there are photoaging processes - this is a direct indication.
Scars on the skin, pimples, scars after medical treatment, the transferred disease, as well as stretch marks and increased pigmentation can be eliminated by diamond cleaning.
Prior to the procedure, a preliminary medical consultation is conducted, during which the doctor examines the skin of the face, analyzes the skin condition, assesses the existing problems, risks. Based on the survey, given subjective and objective research determines whether there are contraindications to the procedure.
After the doctor has received the necessary information, the necessary attachments are selected, which will be used during the procedure.
Immediately before cleaning, the skin is cleaned. To do this, apply cosmetic milk, or a special gel for washing. Then the skin is steamed. This contributes to the disclosure of pores, better penetration of medicines, and accordingly it is possible to achieve greater efficiency of the procedure.
Technique of the diamond face cleaning
The procedure takes place in several stages. At the first stage, the skin is carefully prepared for the main effect. First of all, the skin is cleansed with the help of cosmetics suitable for a certain type of skin. Then select the nozzle, which will be used for manipulation. The doctor examines the skin again, looks for contraindications.
After this, proceed directly to the procedure. The upper layer of the epidermis is removed with a special nozzle. Diamond spraying forms dust that protects the patient and the doctor performing the procedure from infection, the effects of unfavorable factors.
Despite the fact that the procedure may look somewhat frightening from the outside, in fact, it is quite harmless and painless. When analyzing the reviews, you can see that patients at this stage feel completely comfortable. During the procedure, the doctor carefully studies the entire face, removes dirt, dust particles, mucus, skin fat, the secretion of sebaceous glands. In general, the procedure lasts about 15-25 minutes. Duration depends primarily on the purpose with which the procedure is performed, on the expected results and on the degree of skin damage.
After completion of the procedure, the doctor applies a soothing mask and healing cream. This is necessary to ensure the protection of the body, to stimulate the recovery processes, since any effect on the skin is considered stress for the body, accompanied by damage to the skin. Even if there are no visible lesions on the skin, damage still occurs on the micro level. What kind of mask and cream to choose the doctor determines by the type of skin.
Diamond-vacuum face cleaning
This procedure can be called differently. It is also called diamond peeling, and polishing. The technique is unique, promotes rapid and effective purification of pores, removal of keratinized particles of the epidermis. Removes contamination, the residue of sebum. A distinctive feature of this technique is the presence of a vacuum, by means of which the skin is more intensively purified. Vacuum sucks from the skin surplus skin fat, dead cells. The nozzles clean the top layer of the epidermis, the diamond dust provides reliable protection, and the vacuum sucks all this, preventing sedimentation on the surface of the skin and secondary contamination.
This technique is more effective because it provides an extra massage. It provides a more intensive outflow of lymph, improves blood circulation. As a consequence, the trophicity (nutrition) of tissues is improved, metabolic and restorative processes in cells are activated. Reduces the likelihood of edema, redness.
The technique promotes rapid rejuvenation. Moreover, it starts the process of natural rejuvenation of the organism, stimulating the multiplication, proliferation and differentiation of cells of skin tissue.
This contributes to a high level of regeneration, tightens the skin, smooths the surface, gives freshness, velvety. Wrinkles are smoothed out, pigment spots become less pronounced. The procedure contributes to the removal of scars, scars, which are left after various traumatic injuries, operations. Reduces the processes of keratinization of the epidermis. Provides a higher recovery and protective potential of the skin.
The procedure can be applied not only on the face skin, but also on the décolleté zone. Also, the procedure is effective in treating cellulite.
In general, the procedure has a soft, gentle effect. However, this does not mean that the impact is insufficient in intensity, pace and depth of impact. Can be carried out even for people with increased sensitivity. There are no age restrictions.
Due to the peculiarities of the procedure and the need for specific equipment, the procedure can be carried out only in the conditions of a salon or a cosmetology clinic. Only the specialist who has undergone special training should conduct the procedure.
Despite the fact that the procedure is considered effective and safe, there are many contraindications. For example, the procedure can not be carried out if damage, injuries, or scars are found on the skin. In the presence of malignant tumors, moles, warts, the procedure is contraindicated. Also, it is impossible to carry out the procedure if there is a tendency to form colloid scars. If a person has recently performed a plastic surgery, cleansing should also be discarded.
The procedure takes an average of one hour. The course takes from 5 to 7 procedures. Intervals between procedures are no more than 4 weeks.
The procedure is increasingly acting as an alternative to chemical peeling, which is much more traumatic to the skin and requires a certain recovery period.
Contraindications to the procedure
The procedure has contraindications. If the patient has unhealed burns on his skin, wounds, the procedure will have to be postponed until they are healed. The procedure is not carried out if there is an individual intolerance to aluminum dioxide. Also, a direct contraindication is couperose, dermatosis, herpes and any other inflammatory diseases of the skin. If a strong irritation, inflammation occurs on the treatment site, the procedure should be discontinued. With open wounds and pronounced scars, hyperpigmentation, diabetes mellitus, the procedure is not performed.
Consequences after the procedure
The procedure is considered safe, complications and consequences do not cause. Within a few days, redness and flaking of the skin may persist. Especially if the patient is sensitive to the skin. Therefore, on the day of the procedure, it is better not to plan any meetings, events, and even more so - visits. Rednesses pass independently, without any additional interventions.
Complications after the procedure
Skin peeling, thin film formation is possible. This occurs several days after the procedure, without additional intervention.
Possible inflammatory reactions on the skin. Such complications arise in cases where the intervention occurs for a long time, regularly. Hence, the frequency of procedures must be reduced.
Sometimes, under the influence of diamond particles, microcracks form on the skin.
Care after the procedure
Despite the fact that the recovery period for this procedure is minimal, after the procedure the skin requires some care and some restrictions. This is due to the fact that during the procedure the upper layer of the epidermis is removed, which means that the natural defense mechanisms and skin reactions are violated. Skin becomes more vulnerable, more susceptible to environmental factors.
It is recommended to adhere to the main recommendations:
- during the first day you can not stay in the sun, sunbathe. Also you can not visit the baths, saunas. When entering the street, decorative cosmetics can not be applied. If there is a need to be in the sun, and avoid it is impossible, you need to apply sunscreen, which is applied sufficiently thick layer;
- within three days avoid sports training, physical activity. This is due to the fact that the skin becomes susceptible to sweat and those components that make up its composition. Inflammation may occur;
- for 7 days it is recommended to use moisturizers and high-fat means, as the skin becomes dry. Do not use lotions containing alcohol, because they increase the dryness of the skin even more;
- Do not use products containing retinol, glycolic or lactic acid, fruit acids in the formulation;
- during the month you can not visit the solarium.
In general, after completing the procedure, a person can immediately return to the lifestyle that he usually leads. Usually on the face there is no swelling, damage. But care after the procedure plays an important role in the prevention of the development of various complications and inflammatory processes.
If you analyze the reviews, you can see that almost all of them are positive. Almost all patients are happy, they notice an improvement in the skin condition. Even one session can solve many cosmetic problems. Minor wrinkles are removed, the skin is smoothed out, scars and scars disappear. This is because the mechanical effect triggers the process of natural recovery and skin rejuvenation, stimulates the production of elastin, collagen. In the early days, there is a visible effect of the procedure. After some time, the skin begins to shine even more, acquires a natural shade.
From one procedure the result is maintained for two weeks. When you complete the full course, the result lasts longer, and becomes more noticeable.
Many patients prefer this procedure, believe that it has a number of advantages compared to other similar procedures. It is suitable for almost any type of skin. Diamond cleaning of the face makes it possible to remove not only dirt, but also excess dirt, skin fat. As a result, the skin becomes less fatty, looks younger and more natural.
Also, the fact that the method is painless, does not cause any inconvenience, does not require long preparation and restorative therapy. After the procedure, the face immediately looks lighter, fresh. Redness is rare. The skin texture is significantly leveled.
A long course gives an opportunity to get rid of pigment spots, scars, rashes, acne, scars after injuries, surgeries.
Of course, you can meet and negative feedback. Some complain of the appearance of redness and irritation immediately after the procedure. In most cases, this is a consequence of increased skin sensitivity, individual intolerance to the drugs used, a tendency to allergic reactions. Usually these unpleasant consequences take place within 1-2 hours after the procedure.
Diamond cleansing of the face has absolutely no effect in the fight against greasy stoppers. Many patients note the high cost of the procedure.
If the procedure is combined with other methods of skin repair, it becomes more effective. Especially effective is the procedure for rejuvenating the skin of the face. Moreover, it makes it possible to slow down and prevent aging, restore the skin. Many patients make comparative photos before and after the procedure. If you look at such photos, the result is immediately noticeable.