
Chamomile for hair

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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The breadth of use of this delicate and fragile flower in the field of medicine and cosmetology is striking, it successfully decorates our flowerbeds and gardens. From chamomile we prepare decoctions, infusions for gargling throat, takes inside as an antiseptic, they treat intestinal spasms, diarrhea, make baths and lotions. Extract of the plant is included in many cosmetic products, including hair care. And all this is due to its healing properties. [1]

Indications Chamomile for hair

What effect can be achieved by using chamomile? It is used for:

  • to lighten hair - it will have no effect on dark locks, and light blondes will give a golden shade;
  • for strengthening - achieved through disinfectant properties, reducing inflammation of the skin, improving blood circulation in it;
  • for shine - makes curls smooth, silky, as after a hair mask or conditioner;
  • for hair roots - nourishes hair follicles with necessary useful substances, due to which hair loss is reduced, hair cover becomes thicker and growth is more intensive;
  • Chamomile for gray hair - owners of gray hair know how difficult it is to disguise it. A week after coloring with chemical dyes, it already becomes visible at the roots. Natural dyes, which includes chamomile, will give your hair an interesting shade, which will not completely remove, but will smooth out the obvious signs of gray hair, making it an elegant element of age;
  • Chamomile for oily hair - combining it with any alcoholic component, such as vodka, will reduce sebum activity;
  • Chamomile for dark hair - the plant will not significantly affect the color of dark hair, unless you use it together with lemon juice and a very long time, but elasticity, softness, silkiness, shine will provide.

Release form

There are various methods of making and forms of release of chamomile hair products: [2]

  • Chamomile extract - is obtained from the essential oils of the plant. It can be liquid, dry, alcoholic, glycerin, oil, etc. It is added to shampoos, masks and rinses. It is added to shampoos, masks, rinses, thanks to which the hair gets rid of dandruff, regains health and is filled with vitality;
  • Chamomile hair spray - restores damaged locks, nourishes and moisturizes from ends to roots, gives volume without weighing them down, gives softness and elasticity. Suitable for all hair types. It is very easy to use: after spritzing on the roots, it is rubbed in with light movements, no need to rinse out;
  • Chamomile decoction - good for rinsing after washing: hair shines, looks alive and healthy. It is easy to make it yourself: 2 tablespoons of flowers pour 250g of water, boil and cook for a quarter of an hour, then strain, dilute to the required volume;
  • Chamomile decoction and vitamin E - effective for hair revitalization strengthening the action of the decoction of the plant with vitamin E. Adding 5 drops of the remedy will saturate the cells with oxygen, increase blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes. Under the action of these components disappears dry skin, reduces their fragility, there is a natural protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • infusion of chamomile for hair - infusions differ from decoctions in that the raw material is poured hot or cold water (there are different technologies), give more time to infuse. How to make an infusion of chamomile? Brew chamomile flowers like tea in a cup, let stand, pour into a liter of water, which will be rinsed;
  • chamomile oil - eliminates flaking, relieves irritation, nourishes hair follicles, restoring their functions. It can be used in home care, combined with any base oil (olive, turpoy, castor) and other therapeutic essential oils (jojoba, rosemary, lavender);
  • Balm for hair with chamomile - is designed to nourish the hair with useful substances, protect it from the negative effects of the environment. Different manufacturers, in addition to the extract of the plant and its essential oil, use other natural plant components, which saturates the hair with the flavor of cut herbs, facilitates combing, removes brittleness. Such balms are especially effective for dry damaged hair;
  • shampoo for blonde hair with chamomile - thanks to the extract of the plant in it, it gives blondes a beautiful reddish shade, while the detergent base cleans and refreshes the strands. The hair after it looks soft, silky and manageable.


The carrier of beneficial biological characteristics of the flower are:

  • Hamazulene - a substance with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action;
  • essential oil - stimulates growth and strengthens hair;
  • coumarins - repair their structure;
  • Polysaccharides - perform the function of accumulating moisture in cells;
  • Flavonoids - have antioxidant properties;
  • sesquiterpenes - create a protective film on the hair;
  • choline - strengthens the curls;
  • mineral salts, carotene, ascorbic acid, organic acids - essential substances for healthy hair follicles.

Such a composition determines the usefulness of chamomile for hair: it nourishes them, prevents loss, gives shine, beautiful shade.

Does chamomile dry hair? Quite the contrary, it moisturizes them, helps to repair thin and dried out, restore their health and strength. [3], [4], [5], [6]

Dosing and administration

If you did not manage to pick the flowers of chamomile - no problem, in pharmacies it is sold in bags and loose. When brewing the latter will have to strain the decoction, so it is more convenient to use filter bags. How to properly prepare the composition to rinse the hair after washing? There are 2 ways: hot and cold. In the first case, a couple of spoons (two sachets) pour a glass of boiling water and leave for some time to infuse (at least an hour). In the second - you need a glass of raw materials or as many packets as there are spoons in a glass and half a liter of cold water. In order for the herb to give its useful properties will take much more time, so it is best to do it overnight. The resulting solution is diluted with water depending on what effect is needed: to get a shade you will need a greater concentration of decoction. You can also take the required volume at once, so that you do not need to dilute it later.

Options for other recipes using chamomile are listed below:

  • Chamomile hair mask - in any thick base product (kefir, yogurt, sour cream) drop 5 drops of essential oil, apply to the entire length of the hair, leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse;
  • Nettle and chamomile for hair - combining these two useful plants means a powerful therapy for weakened, hair loss-prone hair. Nettle is rich in a whole complex of vitamins, including ascorbic acid, carotene, tannin, trace elements: calcium, manganese, potassium, iodine. The plant has tannins, organic acids, phytoncides. Rinsing hair nettle and chamomile after washing will improve the scalp, will give impetus for the growth of new strong curls;
  • Chamomile with glycerin for hair - this combination of components is used to lighten them. In addition, glycerin is an excellent moisturizer, gives shine and radiance to the strands. The mask is prepared as follows: brewed in a glass of chamomile and insist. Warm solution is combined with 60g 100% glycerin, stirred, wet clean dry hair and leave for 40-60 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Two procedures a week will restore brittle and dull from the sun or perm curls;
  • Honey and chamomile for hair - biologically active bee product, which has more than 400 useful substances, will serve well for the hair. A mask of chamomile infusion with a teaspoon of honey will help to strengthen them, act as a growth stimulator, nourish their vitality;
  • Chamomile and aloe are worthy partners in hair care. Aloe moisturizes them well, nourishes, helps to get rid of dandruff, skin damage. It is an effective antioxidant, does not allow toxins to penetrate the hair and epidermis. For juice you will need mature leaves, which are crushed and squeezed through gauze into a ready decoction of chamomile. The mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair;
  • Chamomile and lemon - adding lemon juice to the prepared remedy gives a quick result on hair lightening. Especially this composition "works" in the summer on light hair. The sun accelerates the process, the effect of melting. It is advised to pour the composition into a bottle with a sprayer and spray it on the hair every time before going outdoors;
  • Chamomile turpentine oil for hair - it is obtained from burdock roots, and its strength is such that it can stop even baldness. For a mask, it is enough to combine a spoonful of the product and the same amount of chamomile essential oil. Apply to the hair, cover the head with a polyethylene, over a towel, leave for an hour. Washed with warm water and shampoo, then rinse with a decoction of chamomile. Burdock root can also be added to rinse, having previously made a decoction of it;
  • chamomile and bay leaf - fight hair loss. This duo stimulates blood circulation in the tissues of the scalp, metabolic processes, has antifungal, antiseptic action. Laurel leaf is crushed in a coffee grinder. Three tablespoons of one and other raw materials are poured half a liter of hot water, closed with a tight lid and insisted for several hours. The composition is rubbed into the roots of the hair and subsequently not washed off;
  • chamomile and sage for hair - the very name of the plant translated means "to be healthy", contains tannins, aromatic resins, flavonoids, acids. It is a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Its usefulness for the hair is that its decoctions, paired with chamomile, make curls elastic, shiny, prevent their loss;
  • Chamomile with sugar for hair - this combination is used to straighten them: in a glass of chamomile decoction put a small spoonful of sugar and stir until it dissolves. After that, the liquid is poured into a sprayer and sprayed on the entire length of wet hair. Dry with a hair dryer, pulling the strands with a comb;
  • calendula and chamomile - infusions of this composition are good for oily hair. Calendula normalizes the sebaceous glands of the scalp, effectively cleanses hair, eliminates dandruff, itching, gives them elasticity, silkiness;
  • mint and chamomile - the beneficial properties of one plant overlap with the other. Rinsing the hair with their infusions will give the effect of revitalization of brittle broken locks, make healthier hair follicles, hair will be thicker, stronger, healthier. In addition, they will be saturated with a pleasant aroma of peppermint and will exude a great smell and shine;
  • Chamomile and henna for hair - this combination is used to give russet hair a golden color. To prepare the composition, you need to pour henna powder with a hot infusion of chamomile, stir, after cooling, apply to the hair. In addition, henna will benefit the curls, because it has disinfectant components, vitamins of the B group. It is a good tool for conditioning the hair, creating volume;
  • Chamomile and peroxide to lighten hair - their mixture will allow you to make your hair lighter at home. To do this, you will need a glass of chamomile decoction, 30g 3% hydrogen peroxide, 5 tablespoons of vodka. Having mixed the ingredients, moisten the curls, leave in this state for half an hour, wash off.

How to dry chamomile for hair?

Chamomile collection can be prepared in the summer by yourself, then it will bring not only benefits to the hair, but also moral and aesthetic satisfaction. The only caveat is that not every plant has the above described properties, they apply only to the medicinal chamomile. It can be recognized by the special shape of the flower: a convex yellow core and petals downward. During the flowering period, they are plucked, spread out in the fresh air in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight. Dried raw materials are stored either in paper or cloth bags, or in glass containers. Is the plant capable of causing harm? Yes, chamomile can cause allergies. The appearance of itching, redness indicates that this is not your hair care product.


Since all the proposed potions are intended for external use, the only contraindication may be an allergic reaction to the herb or other component of the recipe. Related to this are possible complications in the form of itching, rashes redness of the scalp. The appearance of the hair can also deteriorate. In this case, the use of chamomile and other herbs should be discontinued.


There are no universal products suitable for all hair types and characteristics. This is associated with different reviews: some received the results that they expected, others hoped for more. On the side of the favorable effect of chamomile on the hair is the fact of its systematic use. A one-time appeal to phytoremediation of the hair does not work. Many russet-haired women who do not want to resort to chemical coloring of the hair, are satisfied with the resulting pleasant shade and shine.


In order to strengthen and revitalize your hair by natural methods, you can use various herbs suitable for a particular type of hair. To do this, you can select whole collections of the following plants: burdock, mother and stepmother, rosemary, calendula, nettle, birch leaves, basil, St. John's wort, sage, oregano, peppermint blossoms, mint blossoms, cambogia and many others that are worthy analogs of chamomile. And prepare from them you can rinse, masks, compositions for rubbing into the scalp.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Chamomile for hair" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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