
Nutrition of the newborn

Water for a breastfed baby: when is it given?

Until now, doctors of the old school repeat the dogmas learned by heart many years ago. One of them is the need to give water to the baby while breastfeeding. But is it?

Blends for babies

The question of choosing a mixture for a child is not so difficult, considering even an individual approach. Therefore, the mother can choose the mixture herself, having carefully studied all the nuances and composition.

Causes and How to Get Rid of Hiccups in a Newborn after Feeding

The problem that many parents face is hiccups in newborns after feeding. Consider the reasons for its appearance, risk factors and methods of treatment.

Teas and herbs for breastfeeding: what can be drunk and what are forbidden

During breastfeeding, women are forced to limit themselves not only in food, but also in beverages. Carbonated water, some juices and alcohol are strictly forbidden.

Lure for Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky got fame as one of the best and charismatic pediatricians of the post-Soviet period.

Feeding by months with breastfeeding

Today there is no consensus on which month and in what order to introduce the newborn to the feeding.

Complementary feeding schemes for breastfeeding

To date, there is no consensus on how and with which products to start feeding a newborn baby. The debate on this issue between specialists is ongoing.

Porridge for children under one year

The first porridges for children under one year should be low-allergenic and dairy-free. It is recommended for the first complementary meal to cook rice, buckwheat, oatmeal cereals.

Cranberry for children: can or not?

Cranberry for children is a colossal source of nutrients that strengthens children's immunity and improves metabolic processes in the body.


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