
Nutrition of the newborn

What kind of food should a child receive in 4-6 months?

If your baby is on natural feeding, then at this age it is necessary to introduce lure (corrective products) - fruit and vegetable juices and mashed potatoes.

What should be the food at the age of one to three months?

If the child is on artificial feeding, then feed it six times a day at intervals of three and a half hours in the afternoon and a six-hour break at night. Since the introduction of complementary foods, children are transferred to five meals every four hours with an eight-hour break at night.

Why there are problems with mammary glands and how to solve them?

The first problem is the form of the nipples that is uncomfortable for the child. If the nipples are flat or retracted, this greatly complicates breastfeeding, especially when the baby is easily aroused.

What kind of feeding is more useful for the child?

Undoubtedly, natural feeding (that is, breast-feeding) is much better than artificial feeding. The tremendous advantage of breastfeeding is the absolute sterility of breast milk. In addition, breastfeeding is a huge saving of money.

What can and can not be eaten after delivery and during lactation?

In the diet should be more dairy and sour-milk products: 3-4 glasses of milk a day, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese. We must not forget that you have to drink about two liters of liquid per day ...

Artificial feeding

In fact, there are very few contraindications to breastfeeding, but there are many reasons to not breastfeed a baby. 64% of mothers start breastfeeding, but 52% continue it only for 2 weeks and 39% for 6 weeks.


It should be considered a mistake to recommend mothers infected with HIV to switch to artificial feeding, since if the infant has avoided infection in utero, it is unlikely that he can get infected from the mother, and the benefits of breastfeeding may outweigh the small additional risk of infection.

Feeding babies for up to a year

Milk of mother is the best food for the child, guaranteeing its harmonious development and growth.


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