
Exercises for the muscles of the back

Push-ups for muscle strength

Take the classic position for push-ups, but put your hands on the bar of the bar ...

A safe exercise for the muscles of the back

Protect your upper back from injury with the following exercise ...

Types of push-ups

Here are 7 kinds of push-ups that you can try today ..

Press to get the V-shaped back

Note: If you feel pain doing the bench press, this exercise is not for you ...

Push-ups for the muscles of the back

If you learn to do the correct push-ups - and maintain proper posture inside and outside the gym - you will reduce your risk of experiencing back pain ...

Pull-ups: working for the result

Turn your weakness into an advantage, using "negative pull-ups." Do only lowering using a heavier weight than you can lift: this is the fastest way to gain strength ...

Pulling on the crossbar

Pulling up is the best way to pump the largest muscle group in the upper body: the widest back muscle ...


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