
Back wrists wrist

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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You will need:

Dumbbells and training bench.


Extender of wrist

  • Initial position

Sit on a bench, legs bent at the knees, feet at the width of the shoulders. Take the dumbbells in your hand and place your forearms on your hips, palms down. The wrists do not touch the knees. Lean forward if you need it.

PLEASE NOTE: Why train your wrists? Because the strong muscles of the wrists help you raise more burdens when you do exercises for the hands.

  • Basic movement

Bending your wrists, lower the dumbbells.

PLEASE NOTE: The forearms should be pressed against the hips. The grip must be strong throughout the exercise.

  • Final position

Lower the dumbbells as low as possible, then lift them as high as possible.

PLEASE NOTE: Do one approach, then go straight to the next exercise (wrist flexion).

trusted-source[1], [2], [3], [4]

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