
Intimate problems and disorders

Sexuality plays a central role in a person's life and worldview. As a source of the continuation of the genus, sexuality is naturally the most important function of the human psyche. For each person, sexual identity is a fundamental component of self-identification, it reflects on the somatic constitution, the source of our development, affects the emotional life, the fulfillment of social roles and even economic existence. Our sexual functioning or its shortcomings can have a profound impact on mental well-being, personal connections and relationships. The inability of a person to manifest sexual activity in the form of sexual norms accepted for his sex can lead to serious feelings and mental trauma.

How does alcohol affect potency?

Alcohol can affect potency (a man's ability to achieve and maintain an erection) in several ways, both physiologically and psychologically. Here's how alcohol can affect potency:


Ephebophilia is a mental disorder, a kind of pedophilia. Expressed in the sexual attraction of an adult man or woman to adolescent children. 


Consider the types of this disorder, its causes, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


This disorder affects the majority of the female population. As for men, this is very rare for them.

Fast ejaculation

This is a disease that affects many men. Let's consider the main causes of premature ejaculation, treatment methods and methods of prevention.

Treatment of frigidity

Let's look at the most popular and effective ways to treat frigidity with alternative drugs, medications and other methods.

Fear of sex

Fear of sex (genophobia or koitophobia) is a completely unrelated state, and, consequently, it is painful for a person, although it is understandable from the point of view of psychology and medicine.

Sexual disorders in women

Many women initiate or agree to have sexual intercourse, because they want emotional closeness or want to improve their health, confirm their attractiveness or satisfy their partner.

10 hindrances to female orgasm

If during sex women do not reach orgasm, they, as a rule, accuse lovers of it. However, orgasm can "go away" for other reasons.


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