
Intimate problems and disorders

Sexuality plays a central role in a person's life and worldview. As a source of the continuation of the genus, sexuality is naturally the most important function of the human psyche. For each person, sexual identity is a fundamental component of self-identification, it reflects on the somatic constitution, the source of our development, affects the emotional life, the fulfillment of social roles and even economic existence. Our sexual functioning or its shortcomings can have a profound impact on mental well-being, personal connections and relationships. The inability of a person to manifest sexual activity in the form of sexual norms accepted for his sex can lead to serious feelings and mental trauma.

The process of sexual arousal and its violation

Modern sexology (the science of sexual life), in particular, highlights such pressing problems: the characteristics of male and female sexuality in aspects and psychophysiology

Disorders of gender identity

The sex of a person is determined at the time of fertilization when the spermatozoon and the ovum are combined. From this moment the development of a man or a woman is influenced by the complex interrelation of prenatal and postnatal factors ...


It is possible to talk about the existence of paraphilia if sexual fantasy or sexual behavior is directed at a person who disagrees with such intentions or an inanimate object ...

Sexual drive disorders

About a decrease in sexual desire, you can speak with a prolonged expressed decrease or loss of sexual desire. Persons with such disorders ...

Disorders of orgasm

Disorders of orgasm include inhibition of orgasm in women and men, as well as premature ejaculation in men ...

Erectile dysfunction in men and a lack of sexual excitability in women

Erectile dysfunction in men and a lack of sexual excitability in women - a consequence of the excitation phase in the cycle of sexual reactions ...

Violations of sexual fantasies

Fantasies are a normal and important part of sexuality. They can manifest themselves in the form of fleeting images or refined, time-stretched scenes containing a variety of sexual behaviors in different localities ...

Causes of Sexual Disorders

A number of organic and psychological factors can cause disorders of the cycle of sexual reactions and cause problems such as the loss of sexual desire or the capacity for sexual arousal, the difficulty of orgasm, pain during intercourse and aversion to sex ...

"Normal" and "broken" sexuality

A lot of circumstances and situations can cause sexual disorders. In this section, we consider the most common sexual problems and functional disorders, various therapeutic methods for their treatment ...

Vaginismus and psedovaginizm

The majority of women have a violation of psychosexual development with a more or less pronounced transformation of the sexual role ...


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