Raw vegetables and fruits with breastfeeding
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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In order for a newborn to develop normally, receive the necessary nutrients for this, it is important to breastfeed. Only the mother's milk will provide a balance of vitamins, minerals, fats, but for this, the mother herself needs to eat right and ensure their intake into the baby's body. Raw vegetables and fruits - a real storehouse of healthy ingredients, without which an unthinkably balanced diet, and besides this is a way to lose weight after pregnancy, but not all so unambiguously.
Can you feed your mother raw vegetables?
Experts say that in the first months of the development of the digestive system of the child's organism, it is necessary to approach very carefully the choice of raw vegetables and to stop at those of them that are easily perceived by it. In the diet of a woman during lactation, the proportion of raw vegetables and fruits can be a quarter of the daily volume of food. The new vegetable should be injected no more often than once in 3 days, in small portions, while watching the reaction of the baby, try to use them grown by themselves in the garden, and when buying a market or store, ask for a certificate of nitrate content. For reinsurance before meals they are soaked in salted water for 2 hours. Let us dwell in more detail on the most popular of them:
- fresh cucumbers - in their composition more than 90% of water, in the rest - potassium, magnesium, calcium, a lot of iodine, vitamins B, C, PP. For the mother they are desirable, because low-calorie, cellulose has a beneficial effect on digestion, have a laxative, diuretic effect, but the child can cause bloating, colic, and sometimes dysbacteriosis. Rarely cucumbers are able to cause allergies due to the presence of salicylates, but for such a reaction they need a lot to eat. Introduce them in the diet can be no earlier than 4-5 months;
- fresh cabbage - white cabbage not all adults perceive normally, and what to say about babies. Although it contains components useful to humans: vitamins A, C, P, B1, K, B6, methionine, enzymes, phytoncides, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, but often causes irritation of the intestine, flatulence. All these useful substances could strengthen the children's organism, if not for its coarse fiber, it would create an undesirable load on the still unformed digestive system and cause gas formation, tenderness in the tummy. Decisive in this matter may be the reaction of the mother to a fresh vegetable, if she does not have any unpleasant sensations, then the child is able to adequately perceive it, but certainly not from the first months of life;
- fresh tomatoes - in the first 2-3 months of a baby's life they can cause him trouble, but then, gradually introducing them into their diet, this vegetable will only benefit the child and mother. The main thing that there was no allergy, tk. Their red color indicates a potential allergenicity of the product. Fortunately, there are yellow tomatoes, and they need to give preference. Rich in vitamins composition will increase the immunity of the child, protect it from various infections, serotonin normalizes the work of the nervous system, choline will raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, numerous minerals will play their positive role in the formation of healthy bone, muscle system, regulation of cellular metabolism;
- raw carrots - everyone knows the useful properties of this vegetable, but beta-carotene in its composition can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. The last argument forces us to postpone for 5-7 months the inclusion in our diet of raw carrots, in boiled or baked form it can be present in a month. Together with the mother's milk, the child will receive beta-carotene, which is necessary for visual acuity, B vitamins - for brain activity, nerve cells, vitamins C, E, involved in the formation of immunity, numerous micro- and macro elements, without which vital body growth processes are impossible ;
- raw onions - there is an opinion that onions can change the taste of breast milk, give it bitterness, and there is a possibility that the baby will give it up. All this is fiction, tk. No one in large quantities does not use it, especially breastfeeding mother. It is not worth to give it up altogether. Thanks to the phytoncides present in it, there is resistance to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, the fastest healing of diaper rash and other skin problems, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestine, is a source of vitamin C, E, B, PP, carotene, iron, potassium, organic acids. The green onion feather can increase the production of breast milk;
- fresh fennel - the relevance of this plant in the diet of nursing mothers certainly does not cause any doubt, tk. All use dill water to eliminate spasms and colic in the baby. For a woman during lactation, it will also bring undoubted benefits: it removes the heaviness in the stomach, reduces the intensity of the headache, reduces problems with sleep disturbances, and increases the amount of milk in the mammary glands. Its useful qualities, it is due to the presence in its composition of folic acid, nicotinic acid, carotene, routine, vitamins B, E, C, anetin - an antispasmodic substance.
Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat raw fruit?
It is very tempting after a number of restrictions during the bearing of the child to return to various goodies, which include raw fruits, especially if a joyful event occurred in the summer and around the abundance of fragrant bright fruits. But is it possible to use them raw during lactation? There are several rules, how to choose them, so as not to cause allergies and painful bloating. Firstly, in the first month of the child's life, it is necessary to exclude fruit of bright saturated colors, because their pigment provokes allergic rashes on the skin. Secondly, for the same reason, citrus fruits are generally prohibited, thirdly, it is not worth eating fruits known for their weakening effect on the intestine: plums, grapes, individual pear varieties.
Fresh pineapple
Fresh pineapple is a low-calorie dietary product containing in its composition vitamins C, B1, B5, B6, PP and a small amount of minerals. Unique it makes the enzyme bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunostimulating effect. It promotes protein digestion and absorption in the digestive tract. However, this is one of the strongest allergens, so start entering it into your menu mom should not be earlier than the child will be 5 months old, starting with a small piece and watching the reaction of the baby. Fresh pineapple juice contains a large amount of ascorbic and malic acid, so it must be diluted with water in a ratio of one part of the juice to 3-4 parts of water.
Fresh apples
Apples are the most affordable and common in our region of fruit. They are abundant in both summer and winter on the shelves of stores: different varieties, sizes, skin color, taste. We know that they have a lot of iron and this has a good effect on the level of hemoglobin in the blood. They also contain numerous organic acids: lemon, apple, wine and other, strengthening vessels, as well as carbohydrates, which are the source of energy necessary for the growth and normal functioning of all the life systems of the child. Apples accelerate metabolism, pectins in it contribute to improving the motor skills of digestive organs and absorbing them with walls of nutrients. All these characteristics indicate the undoubted benefits of fruit during lactation. The only trouble associated with it, is the possible manifestation of allergies from red apples, so before using them it is best to peel. A few fruits a day will bring pleasure and sate the necessary ingredients for both mother and baby, and in order to avoid spasms it is best to start eating them from the month of the baby's age.