Leakage of amniotic fluid: causes, signs, how it looks, definition
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pregnancy is a restless time, full of emotions and anxious symptoms. One of the reasons for concern is the fear of not recognizing the leakage of amniotic fluid. Women are often interested in the symptoms and mechanism of this phenomenon: how to distinguish when amniotic fluid flows, and when the discharges are completely natural and do not require concern. In many cases, this leakage goes unnoticed only because the woman confuses the allocation of an amniotic fluid with intense secretions from the vagina of a natural nature. Often in practice, there are times when women worry completely in vain. Those secretions that they took for amniotic fluid, in fact, are natural secretions or urine.
Therefore, it is so important to have at least elementary knowledge in this area and independently to distinguish pathological and normal secretions. From this already depends the course of further action. If in fact there is a leakage of amniotic fluid - you need to act immediately - call an ambulance, see a doctor. If the liquid is of a different nature, you should make sure of it as soon as possible and do not worry for a single extra minute.
It is necessary to understand that under the amniotic fluid is meant a fluid that acts as a habitat for the fetus. It provides reliable protection, supplies nutritional components, displays disintegration products, toxins. Also, thanks to this environment, the child is completely safe and protected from damaging effects of mechanical factors. The liquid promotes a comfortable position, in which the walls of the uterus do not squeeze the fruit, provides a turgor, serves as a shock absorber of movements, provides a normal and full-fledged formation.
Fluid with fetal membranes have bactericidal properties, which prevents contamination by microorganisms from the environment.
The container of this fluid is a fetal bladder, the development and formation of which occurs as the child develops. The amount of fluid also increases with the development of the child, up to 1-1.5 liters to the estimated date of delivery. It is formed by sweating the components of the mother's blood through the placental vessels.
Despite the fact that such a phenomenon takes place, there is much talk and writing about it, it does not occur very often. Leakage is observed in approximately one case out of 30,000. Among scientists and practitioners there are ongoing disputes as to how much amniotic fluid should be taken as the norm. Physicians agree that the volume is in direct proportion to the gestation period and is approximately 35 ml at the tenth week. By the fourteenth, this volume increases approximately 3 times and averages 100 ml. At the twentieth week this volume is 400 ml. The greatest volume of fluid is observed at 38 weeks - about 1000-1500 ml. Immediately before the birth of the baby, these figures decrease and reach about 1000 ml.
The composition of the amniotic fluid is quite interesting: about 98% it is formed by water, the rest is the substances dissolved in it. 85 women run out of water on time, 15% do so prematurely.
Causes of the leakage of amniotic fluid
The possibility of taking the right measures is directly proportional to the knowledge of the causes that amniotic fluid flows. The problem is that determining the exact cause of leakage is a fairly complex and time-consuming process. It is not always possible to determine one particular cause.
Knowledge of the reasons for leakage is necessary in order to be able to take correct measures. Determine the exact cause of leakage is difficult. Especially when the amount of water is insignificant. The research of this issue is still conducted by scientists from different countries of the world, and there is still no exact answer. Most researchers identify a number of reasons that can directly or indirectly affect this phenomenon. On average, there are five main reasons.
Most researchers tend to believe that leakage is a consequence of infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting both external and internal reproductive organs. These processes are closely related to the development of pathogenic microflora. As a result, the placenta and fetal membranes soften. The process may result in severe bleeding, the fetus may undergo hypoxia.
The process can also begin because the fetus is wrongly performed, and the pelvic region is narrowed. This provokes leakage and is accompanied by a slow opening of the cervix. Also, if there is cervical insufficiency (which is observed in a quarter of pregnant women), the water will leak. The fetal bladder protrudes, acquires a high vulnerability, which significantly increases the risk of developing the infectious process. Inflammation of the amniotic cavity within which the pathogenic microflora develops.
The effects of chemical, narcotic, harmful substances, nicotine, pathological lesions of bone tissue, large fetal size, twins entail cervical insufficiency, which can cause leakage.
Often, leakage begins because the woman was given invasive methods of research. Particularly negatively affects the capture of amniotic fluid, if a woman underwent a biopsy of villi chorion.
After sex, intense discharge is observed, often mistakenly confused with amniotic fluid. It must be remembered that natural vaginal discharge is quite intense. After sex, they intensify. Additionally, sperm is added to the entire liquid. In addition, the sperm contains prostaglandins, which stimulate an additional synthesis of mucus. Leakage occurs only if there is a probability of miscarriage, excessive tonus. In the course of sexual intercourse, excitation occurs, the tone becomes stronger. For your own comfort it is better to be tested.
Risk factors
If a woman has an infection in the genital area, she automatically becomes at risk. Especially if problems arose long before the woman became pregnant. Women with congenital defects of the uterus and cervical deficiency require increased attention, as the neck loses its ability to resist the pressure of a growing child. In case of polyhydramnios and multiple fetuses, some of the fluid may leak.
At the heart of pathogenesis is the pathological condition of the cervix, at which it does not close enough and a part of the fluid flows. In this situation, microorganisms easily penetrate into the neck, which cause an inflammatory and infectious process. As a result of vital activity, reproduction of microorganisms, the inflammatory process spreads further, the walls of the uterus become thinner, the membranes become thin and lose elasticity. They are not capable of full-fledged performance of their functions. The process is aggravated, and the liquid begins to be released through the cervix. It can stand out as drops, almost unnoticeably, or profusely. In later pregnancy, leakage can occur as a result of the fact that the muscles of the pelvic floor relax, and the outflow of fluid can not be controlled.
Symptoms of the leakage of amniotic fluid
It is quite difficult to detect leakage if the woman is in the early stages. First, the volume of liquid is still small. Secondly, all the excretions are amplified, which can knock down a woman, confuse the sensations. Detect the amniotic fluid can be a transparent or greenish shade and the absence of any smell. Allocations increase when lying in a horizontal position. They have an involuntary character, they can not be controlled.
In later terms, it is much easier to detect leakage, more precisely, it can not be overlooked: an abundant liquid separation takes place, approximately 0.5 liters. At these stages, the liquid already acquires a slight specific odor, accompanied by contractions. This is a sign of approaching births, which usually occur the next 3 hours.
First signs
If there are wet spots on the underwear, this is the first signs. At the initial stages, the amount of fluid is insignificant, later - abundant. If at first liquid can leak through small drops and it can be overlooked, then in late terms the liquid pours out, has an unusual smell.
The rate of leakage of amniotic fluid
Normally, the outflow of fluid should occur only when the birth has already begun. At other times it should not be. Water flows through the genital tract. This should not happen before 38 weeks. At a time, 500 ml of liquid is poured out. The smell is unusual, specific. All this is accompanied by fights, strength and intensity gradually increases.
Sensations of leakage of amniotic fluid
There is a sensation of a sudden or gradual leakage of fluid from the female genital tract. No specific sensations are observed in this case. Pain, burning, itching is not felt. When a liquid is poured immediately before delivery, immediately after the outflow the fights follow, which can have a painful character.
Leakage of amniotic fluid in 1, 2, 3 trimester
The only way out is abortion. Until now, there are no conservation cases in practice that would have been successful. Most attempts ended in severe sepsis in the parturient mother and fetus. Leakage is accompanied by an active spread of pathogenic microflora and an inflammatory process, the walls of the amniotic cavity become thinner and lose elasticity. In many cases, leakage is a consequence of a woman's fall. Also often observed in persons who have been subjected to violence.
Up to 20 weeks, leakage is always accompanied by inflammation. At this stage, the baby can not be saved. If it was possible to save, the newborn had multiple violations, often incompatible with life.
Fluid pouring in the second trimester still entails a number of risks and threats to life. Optimal conditions are created for the penetration of the infection, its spread and reproduction. As soon as there are all grounds for diagnosing, ultrasound is prescribed. With the help of ultrasound determine how mature the fruit, determine the degree of its readiness for existence outside the mother's body.
With a sufficient degree of development of the kidneys and respiratory organs, they begin to stimulate generic activity. This is the best option, because it helps to save the child's life. If the child is not yet mature enough, it is necessary to prolong the pregnancy and expect the fetus to be ready for birth.
If amniotic fluid flows into the third trimester, ultrasound is performed, which makes it possible to assess the degree of maturity of the fetus. If the fetus is ready for existence outside the uterus, stimulation of the labor activity is carried out. With insufficient maturity of the fetus, prolongation of pregnancy is carried out.
Leak of amniotic fluid at 38, 39, 40 weeks of gestation
In any of these periods, you can expect the onset of labor, so if there is a fluid outflow, you should expect an early birth. Usually immediately after the outflow of fluid, labor and further labor begin. If this does not happen, after a while, the birth should be stimulated to avoid complications. The kid is ready for birth.
Leakage of amniotic fluid without fights
Usually immediately start a fight. But there are cases when fights for a long time there.
If there was a leakage of fluid, you need to quickly go to the maternity hospital, where you must tell the doctor the exact time when the release of fluid began.
This is information on which the doctor determines the child's condition and potential threats. In some cases, after the outbreak of labor there is no such thing. This period can last up to 72 hours. Usually, if there are no contractions within 12 hours after the outflow of water, stimulation is carried out. At the risk of infection, stimulation is carried out after 5-6 hours.
Leakage can be observed both at night and during the day. Usually at night leakage indicate wet marks on the sheet.
There are three stages of leakage of amniotic fluid - leakage at an early stage of pregnancy, is the most dangerous and often results in forced abortion.
Leakage in the middle stage of pregnancy is also dangerous, entailing the risk of infection of the fetus. With sufficient maturity, the child is artificially induced. If the baby is not yet ready for independent existence, prolongation of pregnancy is carried out.
At the third, late stage, the leakage is relatively safe. Usually at this time the fetus is already ripe and there are deliveries: natural, or artificially caused. If the fetus is immature, pregnancy is prolonged until maturity.
Leakage of amniotic fluid can develop within normal limits, and may be pathological. In the first case, this phenomenon is part of the natural childbirth, occurs at the time when the first stage of labor is nearing its end. In this case, the cervix is fully or partially revealed. If the leakage is pathological, the outflow can occur absolutely at any stage, even in the first trimester. There are 5 main types of leakage: timely, premature, earlier, belated and pourable due to high rupture of the cervix.
Complications and consequences
It leads to unpredictable consequences. They will not be only if the fetus is full and already able to live an independent life, outside the uterus. If the pregnancy is premature, there can be serious consequences and complications, up to intrauterine infection of the fetus and infection of the body. A frequent complication is chorioamnionitis. Also, endometritis often develops, during which the uterus itself becomes inflamed. Consequence - the spread of the infection process throughout the body.
What is dangerous leakage of amniotic fluid?
Leakage is an unsafe process. The danger is that only a part of the liquid remains, and the remaining ones lose their ability to function normally. The fetus becomes vulnerable, the risk of infection, sepsis increases. As a result, both the fetus and the mother may die.
This is due to a violation of the natural barrier, which provides protection of the fetus from infection, mechanical damage. Through this barrier can penetrate various microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi. It is possible to squeeze the umbilical cord, as a result of which normal metabolism is disturbed. Violated the conditions under which free movement and full development of the fetus are possible. The synthesis of the necessary components, impermeability and sterility is disrupted.
Diagnostics of the leakage of amniotic fluid
Diagnosis can be done independently, or on medical advice. Assess the nature of the secretions that remain on the sheet, underwear. Commercial test systems are being sold. For example, special pads, rapid tests, the action of which is based on the difference in pH. The amniotic fluid has the highest acidity index. The system contains an indicator that reacts to the liquid that enters it. This changes the hue of the indicator and the environment.
Special laboratory and instrumental methods of research are available at the doctor's office.
How to determine leakage of amniotic fluid at home?
Should resort to a small test. It is necessary that the bladder is empty. The perineum should be clean and not wet. A white cloth must be placed on the bed. You should lie down on it, lie still, without stirring, for about an hour. Then you can get up. If there are no selections, you need not worry.
Express tests for leakage of amniotic fluid
Most tests are easy to use, absolutely not complicated. The principle of their action is the determination of the level of acidity. The indicator interacts with various media, resulting in chemical reactions. Initially, the tests are yellow. When natural vaginal discharges with a pH of 4.5 fall on the indicator, no reaction occurs. Because it initially corresponds to this level of acidity. The reaction occurs when other liquids enter, then a color change occurs.
For example, urine has a pH of 5.5, which corresponds to a greenish-blue hue. The highest acidity index in the amniotic fluid, pH = 7. If they fall on the indicator, it is colored in an intense blue-green color.
Strips for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid
A method that makes it possible to clarify the nature of the precipitates. The appearance of two strips indicates the presence of leakage, one strip indicates that the secreted fluid is not amniotic. If there are no strips, the test is unsuitable, or incorrect. The procedure must be repeated.
Test for leakage of amniotic fluid
Experts recommend using two tests - AmniSure® ROM Test and FRAUTEST amnio. They are highly efficient, well-established due to their accuracy and informativeness.
Instructions for a test for the leakage of amniotic fluid
Specialists and manufacturers have developed a special step-by-step instruction. It is necessary to prepare a test, print the packaging, read the instructions. The test contains a special test tube with a solvent.
It is necessary to draw a biological material that will be examined. To do this, you need to take a swab and make a swab yourself by collecting vaginal discharge. After that, the tampon is placed in a test tube with a solvent and observed for a further reaction. The first reaction takes place within 1 minute. If amniotic fluid is released, they contain a plaque immunoglobulin. It is he who reacts with the solvent.
After this, a special indicator, represented in the kit in the form of a strip, should be placed in the tube. The result will be known after 5-10 minutes. In the presence of amniotic fluid, a blue-green color will appear.
Amnishur test for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid
Perform testing in accordance with the standard instruction for the use of such systems. There is a color change reaction if a placental microglobulin is present in the smear. The main reaction occurs in a test tube between the reagent, a swab with a smear and an indicator.
The method is absolutely reliable and effective, it is used both in home practice and in a professional for detecting the discharge of amniotic fluid. The advantage of the test is that it reacts even to minimal amounts of fluid, which makes it possible to detect pathology long before the first visible signs appear.
Pads for the leakage of amniotic fluid
Today you can buy special gaskets, which make it possible to determine the cause of leaks. Externally, the gaskets are the same as ordinary hygiene, the difference is that they contain an indicator that reacts even to a slight discharge of the amniotic fluid. The test is unusually simple: the lining is attached to the underwear and left for the whole day. Then check its condition. If there is leakage of the amniotic fluid, the gasket changes color, becoming blue-blue. If this is any other selection, there will be no change in color.
Frautest on leakage of amniotic fluid
The test, which is produced by FRAUTEST, whose products are used in professional obstetrical practice and recognized by specialists from all over the world. The test is issued in the form of gaskets, which include an indicator. To get an amniotic fluid, a change in the color of the test system is inherent. The test is conducted 12 hours.
Babushkin method for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid
It is recommended to fold the diaper into 7 layers, put it in the perineum and walk with it throughout the day. When leaking amniotic fluid, at least 5 layers will be impregnated.
Analysis for the leakage of amniotic fluid
Sometimes it is difficult to correctly diagnose. Difficulties arise even when the examination is conducted by a professional. Therefore, the analysis is based on the analysis, which allows you to get absolutely accurate results. Even instrumental diagnosis does not give exact results.
Color of amniotic fluid during leakage
Color is an important diagnostic sign by which a doctor determines a lot. Normally, the amniotic fluid is clear. Turbidity and other colors indicate different pathologies. When a yellow shade appears and a slight turbidity, you can also not worry, since such a picture is considered a variant of the norm.
If a reddish tinge and insignificant blotches appear on the background of yellow waters, the process is accompanied by fights - you can safely say: the birth began.
The green color of the water is a negative sign, the fruit is seriously damaged. He speaks of defecation in the womb, a lack, the probability of developing intrauterine pneumonia. Possible hypoxia.
The appearance of a dark brown hue is catastrophic. In 99% indicates intrauterine fetal death. The urgent issue of saving the mother's life is acute. However, at present, this pathology is rare, because women regularly visit a doctor and a similar pathology can be noticed in a timely manner.
The appearance of red color, which indicates the opening of the bleeding.
Smear on leakage of amniotic fluid
For the analysis, you need to take an ordinary swab from the vaginal environment and apply it to the slide. If, during drying, the smear forms a structure resembling a fern leaf, or a maple leaf is an amniotic fluid.
Instrumental diagnostics
It is preferable to focus on the results of analyzes, since instrumental diagnostics is of little informative.
Ultrasound for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid
Have an ultrasound. This study makes it possible to indirectly confirm the diagnosis. According to the results of ultrasound diagnosis is made: oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, does not directly indicate leakage.
Differential diagnosis
A differentiated diagnosis is performed, during which the amniotic fluid, urine or ordinary vaginal discharge is differentiated. Laboratory diagnostics prevail over the instrumental.
Odor of amniotic fluid during leakage
The amniotic fluid is odorless. In later pregnancy they may have a slight specific odor.
How to distinguish the leakage of amniotic fluid from excreta?
You can distinguish between these two types of discharge in appearance. The waters have a transparent shade, a little cloudy. Vaginal discharge is more dense and mucous, have a different shade, more often white or yellowish.
Leakage of amniotic fluid or incontinence
Amblerous waters leak constantly and they can not be controlled by muscular effort. The urine has a yellow tint and the smell of urine, which can not be said about amniotic oedas. They usually have neither color nor smell. At a pathology amniotic waters get green, brown, red and other shades.
Cervix of the leakage of amniotic fluid
The cervix of the uterus opens directly during the delivery. Leakage does not depend on the conditions of the cervix, but is determined by the condition of the fetal bladder. Most leakage is observed with the cervix closed, but sometimes it happens and is open.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the leakage of amniotic fluid
Treatment for leaking amniotic fluid is not carried out. The doctor determines the likelihood of infection and, according to this, carries out further actions: prolongs pregnancy or stimulates labor activity. Sometimes antibacterial therapy can be used to prevent infection. Also, means are used to relax the muscles, the uterus, fortifying agents, vitamins.
What to do if leaking amniotic fluid?
If there is a leakage of amniotic fluid, immediately call an ambulance or call a doctor. It is important to remain calm, not to panic. If hospitalization is proposed, in no case should you refuse. Only with the constant supervision of doctors and proper treatment can the further development of pathology be prevented.
How to stop leakage of amniotic fluid?
Stop leaking amniotic fluid can not. It is only possible to contact the doctor in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to prevent infection, to save the pregnancy.
Any medicines must be taken strictly on the advice of a doctor, preferably with inpatient treatment. The drugs regulating the tone of the uterus are extremely dangerous, have many side effects. Many of them take under strict control of blood pressure, pulse, electrocardiogram indicators.
To ensure the prolongation of pregnancy take ginipral, which reduces excessive uterine tone. It decreases less often and less intensively. The active substance is hexoprenaline sulfate. Tablets contain 500 mg of active ingredient. Tablets are taken first for 1 pc. Every 3 hours, then every 4-6 hours. The daily dose is 4-8 tablets. The intake of tablets should be accompanied by constant monitoring of the work of the heart of the mother and fetus. At a heart rate of more than 130 beats / min, the dosage is reduced. The drug has numerous side effects, both for the mother and the baby. Up to cardiac and respiratory insufficiency, hypoxia. In newborns, anemia, acidosis, hypoglycemia is possible.
Salbupart - a drug in which the contractile activity of the uterus is significantly reduced. The drug is administered intravenously. One ampoule is mixed with 500 ml of saline and poured in at a rate of 5 drops per minute.
Bricanil - relieves spasm, hypertonia, provides muscle relaxation. Applied with the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, cervical insufficiency. The drug is prescribed for 2.5-5 mg 3 times a day (1-2 tablets).
Partusisten - a drug that is prescribed to relax smooth muscles. Enter intravenously. The optimal dosage is individual, varies over a wide range from 0.5 to 3.0 μg / min. During the infusion, 2 ampoules of the drug (10 ml) are added to a 230 ml saline solution.
Morning and leaking amniotic fluid
The secretions formed when the candle is thawed are often confused with the leakage of amniotic fluid. To obtain an accurate answer, it is better to test for leakage of amniotic fluid.
A pregnant woman, both in the normal course of pregnancy, and in pathology requires vitamins. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily concentration:
- vitamin H - 150 mcg
- vitamin C - 1000 mg
- vitamin D - 45 mg
- vitamin K - 360 mcg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
When carrying out the prolongation of pregnancy, some physiotherapeutic procedures may be used, for example, ultrasound. Physiotherapy is used to relax smooth muscles (electroprocedures), to eliminate and prevent the further spread of the inflammatory and infectious process. Also, electrophoresis is often used, which ensures deep penetration of drugs into the organs.
Alternative treatment
When referring to alternative means of treating the leakage of amniotic fluid, it is better to consult a doctor first. Alternative remedies are effective and safe with proper application, as well as in complex therapy.
One of the effective means that help to relax the muscles of the uterus are therapeutic baths. Baths are held at home. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes, the frequency of the intake is 3-4 times a week. Well proven bath with pine extract. To prepare a bath, make a decoction of needles, about 2-3 liters. Then fill the bath, make a comfortable temperature and pour in the extract of the needles. If desired, you can add a few twigs of needles, cones. After taking the bath immediately do not wipe yourself, wait 3-5 minutes until the moisture absorbs the skin.
Positive effects have therapeutic wiping. To do this, use salt concentrate. Approximately 1 teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of water. Make water at room temperature, wipe the body with the resulting solution. The duration of rubbing is 5-10 minutes. Do not wipe off immediately, you should wait until all the moisture is absorbed. Salt helps to eliminate toxins, excess fluid. Blood pressure is lowering, metabolic processes are normalized.
A long relaxing effect is exerted by the eastern incense in a complex with relaxing, meditative music. It is recommended to light a candle and aromatic sticks. Put a circle around the room. Enable quiet, relaxing music. Lie down in the center of the circle, close your eyes and try to relax as much as possible. It is necessary to feel every cell of the body, feel how they relax, become light and motionless. In this case, you should let go of all thoughts and worries. Just enjoy the aromas and music, doing nothing and not thinking about anything. It is also not recommended to stir too. You need to listen to your heartbeat, breathing, try to feel the movements of the baby. The duration of such a procedure is at least 30 minutes. It is conducted daily, at least 1 month.
Herbal Treatment
When treating herbs, you need to carefully study their properties. It is better to consult a doctor in advance, which will help accurately and correctly choose the necessary remedy, dosage and correctly include it in the complex therapy.
The grass of the blue cornflower helps to relax, reduce the tone of the uterus. To prepare the broth about 5 grams of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and drink during the day.
Chamomile grass has anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a decoction of about 15-20 grams of herbs pour 2-3 cups of boiling water and drink during the day. You can also include chamomile in the tea, just adding a few spoons of herb into the tea pot.
A decoction of nettle and stevia is useful. Herbs are taken in equal parts, mixed together. To prepare the broth you need to take 30-40 grams of grass, pour 1-2 cups of boiling water. Drink like tea for the day. You can add sugar or honey to taste.
Homeopathic remedies, contrary to common misconceptions, are not safe. They can have numerous side effects. Some homeopathic remedies may have an abortive effect. Therefore, it is important to observe precautions. First of all, you need to consult a doctor for advice, and only after that take any funds.
- Nutrient mixture
Prepare a mixture of an equal amount of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs. These substances are grinded through a meat grinder, add 25 pieces of finely chopped walnut. The mixture is filled with honey. Insist 3-4 days, consume 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day. Provides immunostimulating effect, relieves fatigue, weakness. Increases the working capacity and endurance of the body.
- Broth of a dogrose
Broth of dogrose drink in its pure form, or add to taste in tea. Helps eliminate swelling, removing excess fluid from the body. Saturates the body with vitamins, nutrients.
- Mixture "Healing"
To prepare the mixture take about 200 g of juicy leaves of aloe. Add about 250 grams of honey and 400 grams of grape wine. Insist 7 days in a dark place. Drink 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day. Helps reduce fluid outflow, stabilize the body, normalize metabolism.
Means for increased fatigue and excessive discharge of fluid
It is recommended to take powder from dried fruit of magnolia vine, 0.5 grams per day, pouring honey on top. The course of treatment is 30 days. Increases working capacity, improves well-being, eliminates swelling and excessive discharge of their female reproductive tract.
If necessary, delivery, and the impossibility of conducting labor through natural ways, an operation is performed by a cesarean section. If the birth activity has already begun, there is no outflow of water, an amniotomy is made, in which the fetal bladder is punctured, as a result of which the liquid is poured.
If a woman is exposed to the risk factors of her, they can be put on hold, where the main indicators of the mother and fetus are closely monitored and monitored. If a pathology is suspected, preventive measures are taken to prevent the further development of pathology. If a woman has cervical insufficiency, a seam is applied to the cervix and an obstetric pessary is injected. Special care, compliance with the regime of the day, proper nutrition, listening to the doctor's recommendations are the main preventive measures.
If the pregnancy is complete and the baby is ready for independent existence outside the uterus, the prognosis is favorable. Then stimulation of labor is performed, or a caesarean section. At immaturity of the fetal respiratory system and its unavailability for independent existence, prolongation of pregnancy, expectant therapy is carried out. The forecast can be either positive or negative. It can lead to infection, sepsis, which increases the risk of death of both mother and fetus.
If leakage of amniotic fluid occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy, the forecast is unfavorable. An abortion is required, it is impossible to save the child, there is a threat of survival. In the rest, the closer to the delivery begins leakage, the more favorable the forecast.