Why pulls the lower abdomen at 37 weeks of pregnancy and what should I do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When there is very little time left before the birth of the baby, many pregnant women are concerned that they are pulling the lower abdomen at 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Let's figure out why this is related, and whether to worry about this.
Causes of the stretching pain in the abdomen at 37 weeks gestation
So, what are the causes of the pulling sensations in the abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy?
How you think, how much the size of a uterus increases to last two-three weeks of pregnancy? In 25 times!
During normal pregnancy at week 37 (corresponding to 9 obstetric months), the fetus weighs up to 2.5-2.9 kg (with an increase of 45-50 cm), plus amniotic fluid. In general, the gravity is sufficient to cause a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.
In addition, the stomach at this time pulls because the baby in the uterus descends lower - into the pelvic cavity, closer to the symphysis (lonnomu articulation), and it tightens more like ligaments of the pectoral articulation, and ligaments between the bones of the pelvic ring and the sacrum .
It should be borne in mind that during childbirth, which often begin at this time, pregnancy is considered complete, and the child - physiologically ready to start life outside the mother's womb.
So, if the abdomen is strongly pulled during the 37th week of pregnancy, and there is also a symptom in the form of sporadic contractions of the uterus (for 30 seconds to a minute), this may be the first signal of approaching labor. Although Braxton Hicks' so-called false contractions can occasionally occur at the end of the second and throughout the third trimester of gestation - especially in the evening after an active day.
Some gynecologists consider them "training" the muscles of the uterus, others - muscle contractions, increasing blood flow to the placenta for more favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. But not all pregnant women feel these unstable (and not intensifying!) Bouts.
By the way, this symptom is named after his discoverer - British obstetrician John Braxton Hicks, who described him in 1872.
Triggers of the appearance of false bouts and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, that is, risk factors, include: the physical activity of the pregnant woman, the touch of someone to her stomach, the full bladder, sex, dehydration (lack of fluid).
Explaining the pathogenesis of the periodic increase in the tone of the uterus, which pulls the lower abdomen, experts indicate a physiologically conditioned increase in the production of the hypothalamus of the neurohormone oxytocin, which acts on the muscle protein actomyosin, provides a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus during the late gestation period (after 34-35 weeks) childbirth.
Symptoms of the stretching pain in the abdomen at 37 weeks gestation
As obstetrician-gynecologists note, the symptoms of the pulling sensations in the abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy - muscle tension ("hardening" of the uterus muscles) and some soreness in the lower abdomen - are much more often complained about future mothers who have hypertension of the uterus, provoked by either hormonal imbalance, or a large fetus and a large volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).
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Treatment of the stretching pain in the abdomen at 37 weeks gestation
As you understand, no treatment for the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy is provided, and it is not required, since birth can begin from day to day.
And to relieve the unpleasant sensations, women are advised to change the position of the body more often: if they have sat for a long time, if they walked or stood for a long time, lie down. Do not overflow the bladder and empty it in time. A warm shower and a sufficient amount of liquid also helps.
And at any time be ready to start the process of the birth of your long-awaited baby.