Release of leucorrhoea during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Isolation of leucorrhoea during pregnancy is quite common, and their nature can tell about a particular problem. Often, women are unaware of the changes that may occur during pregnancy, so you need to know about all the possible causes and symptoms that are accompanied by secretions of a different nature. The need for treatment and its main principles depend on the type of pathology that promotes such secretions.
The epidemiology of the development of genital diseases in pregnant women is associated with infection with various microorganisms during this period due to the state of immunosuppression. More than 90% of these diseases are accompanied by the release of leucorrhoea, which helps in diagnosis. Cases of primary infection during pregnancy are insignificant, because at the onset of pregnancy, women try to protect their health. Therefore, about 78% of cases of diseases are characterized by secondary infection or activation of the chronic process.
Causes of the pregnancy during pregnancy
To understand the reasons for the selection of leucorrhoea, you need to know what they should be under normal conditions and why they arise.
The female body is exposed to the action of many sex hormones throughout life. They regulate not only the function of the genital organs but also the normal operation of many internal organs of the female body. The main sex hormones that affect the female body throughout the cycle are progesterone and estrogens. The concentration of these hormones throughout the cycle varies, and thus, the structure and functioning of the internal genital organs changes.
Speaking about the secretions that a healthy woman has throughout her life, it should be noted that in the norm such discharges have characteristic features. Naturally, this process is individual and their number is also special, but there are normative values that are accepted as normal allocations, and have a name - leucorrhoea. In its structure it is a secret which consists of the mucous contents of the vagina, epithelial cells, some bacteria and their membranes, and also some acids. During the menstrual cycle, the epithelium of the cervix, vagina, and endometrium has the property of passing through different phases of mitotic division. As a result, all old cells are replaced with new ones, and all unnecessary dead cells are slipped into the cervical canal. In addition, in the vagina under normal conditions, opportunistic bacteria live, which are called Dodderlein sticks. These bacteria perform a very important function - they convert glycogen cells to lactic acid, and in turn lactic acid provides an acidic environment in the vagina, which prevents reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of progesterone, a certain amount of mucus is secreted by the glandular cells of the cervical canal and all these components - mucus, lactic acid, desquamated cells - are those secretions called bely. Such discharges have a cyclicity throughout the cycle, and due to this, most often at the beginning of the cycle of precipitations the greatest amount, and then, as a result of a decrease in the action of progesterone, their quantity also decreases. The color of the whiteness may fluctuate - under normal conditions, the color is either white or transparent, and the amount can be from insignificant to abundant, which is a feature of every woman. No odor and unpleasant sensations of leucorrhoea should be caused.
In pregnant women, the amount of whites usually increases, which is associated with an increase in the action of progesterone. But, despite this, their character does not change - they are still white or transparent, odorless and without additional properties. There are cases when women notice that the nature of the secretions has changed during pregnancy, and in order to find out the cause, it is necessary to know these factors that can influence the change in their nature.
Pregnancy is a period of immunosuppression of the female body. In this case, all systems may suffer from reduced immunity, and the organs of the reproductive system are not an exception. When the body is not ready to fight the pathogenic microorganisms with the same force, it can be more affected by the development of diseases, therefore the very fact of pregnancy can already be a risk factor for the development of changes in the nature and properties of leucorrhoea. Symptoms of the development of different diseases are characterized by different properties. Among the main reasons for the change in the nature of leucorrhoea is infection with pathogenic microorganisms such as fungal, trichomonads, gonococci, genital herpes, ureaplasma and some other organisms. Therefore, the main cause of the change in the character of whiter during pregnancy is a local infectious disease. But we should not forget about other possible causes, such as taking antibacterial drugs. In this case, antibiotics not only kill the cause of the disease, from which it is taken, but also they kill the "good" opportunistic bacteria of the intestine and vagina, in this case Doderlein's sticks. Therefore, because of the simple administration of antibiotics, candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis can develop, which is the reason for the isolation of whites during pregnancy.
If during a pregnancy any chronic process is activated, for example, chronic adnexitis, it can also be accompanied by the release of leucorrhoea. But besides this there are other symptoms that need to be taken into account.
The pathogenesis of disturbances in the nature of secretions in certain diseases is that bacteria disrupt the normal process of vital activity of cells of the cervical canal and vagina, and those dead cells are secreted. To get the bacterium into the genitalia, the local immune system reacts, and those leukocytes that kill the pathogen also stand out with a secret. Therefore, the nature of the discharge changes.
Thus, whites during pregnancy can be the main guide to the state of local immunity in women. Any change in their nature may be a consequence of the disease, which must be diagnosed as soon as possible and treatment started, because there is a risk of infection of the fetus.
Symptoms of the pregnancy during pregnancy
The color of whiter during pregnancy can testify a lot about the development of the disease or about the normal process in the reproductive system. Sometimes whit as a sign of pregnancy, can change their nature, which can push a woman about the possibility of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that increased release of progesterone stimulates the functioning of glandular cells and the amount of whites at the onset increases. They do not change their normal nature, but abundant leucorrhoea during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon. Beli at pregnancy on early terms have such character and white color. Discharges in the second trimester of pregnancy become more viscous, which protects the fetus with the gradual formation of the mucous plug. Therefore, during this period they can look like a dense glassy transparent mass, which should not be feared.
Symptoms of bleeding during pregnancy should first be differentiated for each disease separately. The first signs of this or that pathology is a change in the color and nature of the vaginal discharge.
Bacterial vaginosis is a disease whose main clinical sign is the release of leucorrhoea, which has an unpleasant fishy smell, alkaline environment and causes many unpleasant sensations. Under normal conditions, the ratio of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms is such that aerobes predominate. Under certain conditions, the amount of aerobic microorganisms decreases, which leads to a disruption of the microflora and a shift in the pH of the vagina, and this is a factor in the multiplication of different pathogens. Whitening in this disease because of its alkaline secretion irritate the mucous and cause itching, burning, tingling and have a sharp unpleasant smell.
If the discharge has a white or gray color and curdled character, cause severe itching, then it is a question of candidiasis or thrush - infection with fungi. It often develops against the background of taking antibacterial drugs or simply against the background of a decrease in immunity.
Trichomoniasis is a disease that is caused by a trichomonas and is characterized by specific discharges from the vagina. Such leucorrhoea have a foamy character and yellow-green color, their number is quite large and they also cause itching and burning of the genitals.
Gonorrhea is characterized by the appearance of secretions of green or yellow, a homogeneous mucus thick. Gonococci, which cause this pathology, are located intracellularly, so the symptoms can be troubling for a long time.
If the cause of bleeding is an exacerbation of chronic adnexitis or oophoritis, then the leucorrhoea has a purulent character, yellow or green, and a characteristic odor.
Complications and consequences
The consequence of untimely diagnosis of infectious lesions can be penetration of the bacteria through the placenta, which may, depending on the term of pregnancy, manifest teratogenic effects on the fetus. Sometimes such bacteria can cause fetoplacental insufficiency, or directly affect the fetus with the development of congenital malformations.
The complications that can occur against the background of untimely diagnosis of infectious lesions are very serious, so it is necessary to pay attention to any changes in the nature of the leucorrhoea, especially in pregnant women.
Diagnostics of the pregnancy during pregnancy
Diagnosis should be as wide as possible, and should begin with an anamnesis. After all, thanks to correctly collected anamnesis, it is possible to establish the moment when the character of leucorrhoea first changed.
When vaginal examination sometimes it is enough only to see the nature of the leucorrhoea, which may lead to the idea of a presumptive diagnosis, and in order to clarify it, you need to conduct additional examinations.
Analyzes that allow you to pinpoint the cause of the change in leucorrhoea are a study of the vaginal secretion. This study involves taking a smear from the vagina, and then placing the material under the microscope. If necessary, you can sow the material on a nutrient medium. The result of this study makes it possible to determine the pathogenic microorganism. For example, if the causative agent is the gonococcus, then under the microscope you can see the causative agent inside the leukocytes in the form of coffee beans - this is a characteristic and specific sign of the disease. Sometimes in the vaginal secret can be determined leukocytes, which indicates a purulent process. In bacterial vaginosis, vaginal secretion determines the key cells or gardnerella, which are the pathognomonic symptom of this particular disease. This is an important diagnostic feature.
Instrumental diagnostics at occurrence of those or other selections can be limited only to those cases when it is necessary to exclude chronic inflammatory processes. Sometimes, with a chronic oophoritis or ovarian cyst, the nature of the discharge in a pregnant woman may change. Then you need to do an ultrasound and find out the function of the ovaries and surrounding tissues. In addition, ultrasound helps to diagnose the condition of the fetus and to exclude the development of the fetus. Sometimes, if necessary, you can perform colposcopy and use a targeted biopsy to conduct a more accurate study of the secret.
Treatment of the pregnancy during pregnancy
Treatment of a different nature of leucorrhoea depends directly on the pathogen, because there are microorganisms that are sensitive to certain antibacterial agents. The main principle of treatment is complex. It is important to use systemic antibiotics against the background of local therapy. The best means of local treatment are candles.
- Josamycin is an antibiotic from the macrolide group, which is the drug of choice for the treatment of pathologies caused by intracellular microorganisms, such as gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis. The use of this drug system, but it must necessarily combine with the reception of local funds. The drug penetrates inside the cell and blocks the work of the microbial wall, thus neutralizing the bacterium itself. Dosage of the drug - one tablet twice a day. The course of treatment is selected individually, depending on the pathogen. Side effects are possible in the form of stomach pain, dizziness, depression of pressure. Precautions - do not take with kidney disease.
- Metronidazole is an antibacterial drug from the group of imidazoles, which is the drug of choice for the treatment of trichomoniasis and certain diseases caused by anaerobic microorganisms. It is especially effective against anaerobes, so it can be used to treat bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis. The drug is used in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories and dosage is one suppository once a day, for ten days. Side effects spiramycin - paresthesia, violations of skin sensitivity, numbness of hands and feet, tremor, violation of outflow of bile, as well as dispatches. Precautions - use of the drug during pregnancy for the treatment of trichomoniasis is decided only by the doctor, because the drug can be toxic to the child. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of benefit and harm.
- Terjinan is a combined remedy that contains two antibacterial drugs (neomycin and ternidazole), an antifungal (nystatin) and a hormonal drug (prednisolone). He thanks to this composition has a wide range of actions and due to local action it allows to get rid of acute infections. The drug is released in tableted pharmacological form and the dosage is one tablet per night for ten or six days. The way of using the drug - one vaginal tablet should be inserted into the applicator and inserted into the vagina at night using the applicator. After this, it takes some time to lie down in a horizontal position for the best action of the drug. Side effects occur rarely due to the local topical effect of the drug, but there may be dizziness and headache, as well as local burning and itching in the area of application of the drug.
- Pimafucin is an antifungal drug that is considered to be the most acceptable for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women, as it least penetrates the feto-placental barrier. The active substance of the drug is natamycin, an antibiotic from the macrolide group, which acts on the fungal flora. The method of application of the drug - in vaginal tablets at the same time of day. Dosage of the drug - one tablet per day for three or six days. Side effects are possible from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, fluid retention is possible. Precautions - in the case of antibiotics, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced, so you need to correctly dose the drugs and take their interaction into account, taking medication with a break.
- Local remedies for restoring microflora and improving the function of local immunity after antibiotic treatment are an indispensable component of treatment, especially for pregnant women. For this purpose, probiotics are used, which are best used locally - this facilitates the rapid restoration of the function of Dodderlein sticks and other aerobic conditionally pathogenic bacteria.
Ecowagh is a drug from the group of combined probiotics, the main active ingredient of which is lactobacilli of two different species. Due to this composition, the bilateral effect of the drug is manifested - normalization of the microflora of the vagina and enhancement of the effect of the treatment. The drug is used in the form of tablets. Dosage - one tablet per day, the method of application - vaginally. Side effects are rare, local manifestations of discomfort and burning are possible.
Vitamins and physiotherapeutic treatment of infectious diseases during pregnancy can be used in combination if there are no contraindications from the woman and the fetus.
Operative treatment of such pathology is not used.
Alternative treatment of pregnancy secretion during pregnancy
Alternative methods of treatment of infectious lesions of the genital tract during pregnancy are very effective, therefore they are widely used in complex treatment.
- Use of compresses is very useful for the treatment of pathological discharge. For the compress, you can use tea tree oil and a drop of ten drops of marigold, adding a few drops of olive oil. From this solution, you need to make a tampon and enter for two hours into the vagina. Such a compress contains many antibacterial agents.
- As an antibacterial and immunomodulating agent, the use of sea-buckthorn is recommended. To do this, take the sea buckthorn oil and apply oil to the tampon, put into the vagina for twenty minutes. Such a product has excellent moisturizing properties, which will remove irritation after treatment with a suppository or antibiotics.
- A good tool in the treatment of the separation of leucorrhoea from the vagina is the use as a means to wash the solution of chamomile, plantain and kefir. On a liter of water you need to take three bags of chamomile or a hundred grams of grass, three leaves of plantain and cook over low heat for twenty minutes. After the solution has cooled, add three tablespoons of low-fat kefir and use a bath to wash it. Repeat the procedure for ten days.
- Calendula ointment is a remedy that is widely used in such pathology due to its natural composition and rich properties. Calendula is a natural source of mineral substances and many microelements. Flowers of marigold have in their composition vitamins of different groups - A, C, D and different microelements. This plant contains active substances and polyunsaturated acids - which improves local metabolic processes in the cell and stimulates the metabolism of the whole organism, providing antibacterial and antifungal agents. For treatment, the calendula ointment can be used by diluting it in water and using it for bathing. The use of a clean ointment during pregnancy should be acute.
Herbs in the treatment of this pathology are also widely used.
- Particularly effective in the treatment of pregnancy-induced bleeding when caused by anaerobes, infusion of modrina, hips and leaves of the string. To make medicinal tea you need to take ten grams of herbs, pour water in the amount of half a liter, and then after it tastes twenty minutes, strain and drink. Dosage - about a liter of tea you need to drink a day, controlling another fluid in the presence of edema.
- Sabelnik is a plant that promotes the stimulation of the function of endothelial cells of the vagina and activates local immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the development of secondary bacterial infections. To make medicinal tea, you need to take 50 grams of sabelnik leaves, this should be cooked on low heat for five to ten minutes and then filtered. To drink such tea you need three times a day for half a cup.
- Yarrow has a tropism to the vaginal tissue and helps to reduce the expression of itching and dryness with the development of bacterial lesions. Infusion can be done by boiling the leaves of yarrow in hot water for ten minutes, and then after it has cooled down to take on the pile of solution twice a day. This agent also has a systemic immunomodulatory effect.
Homeopathy in the treatment of bleeding during pregnancy is widely used, especially in chronic inflammatory processes.
- Carbonium is a homeopathic remedy that has a composition of organic substances and promotes normalization of local immunity of the vagina, restoration of interferons and normalization of microflora. Method of application - in the pharmacological form of homeopathic drops, dosage - three drops three times a day for the first month, then two drops per day. The course of treatment with the drug is long - about three months. There were no side effects. Contraindications to the admission of Carbonia is an allergy to peonies.
- Crocus is a plant that improves trophism of tissues, reduces the severity of burning and dryness of the vagina due to the emollient properties and has a number of antibacterial substances. The drug is particularly effective in the presence of early gestosis, which is accompanied by nausea and constipation, which further affects the microflora of the vagina. The drug is released in granules and doses six pellets every six hours.
- Granulosa phosphoricus is a homeopathic remedy of inorganic origin. The drug has a regenerating effect, improves local blood circulation and lymph flow, which increases the effectiveness of the drug with concomitant circulatory disorders in the placenta. The method of applying the drug - three drops three times a day, under the control of the heartbeat - with the appearance of tachycardia, the dose can be reduced. There were no side effects. Precautions - do not take with allergies to pollen from plants.
- Adonis vernalis is a homeopathic remedy of plant origin, which is effective in inflammatory diseases of the ovary. Used to treat bleeding in patients with severe pain in the lower abdomen due to spasmolytic effect. Issued in the form of drops and used in the dosage of eight drops at a time. Method of application - the solution should be dripped into 100 milliliters of boiled water and drunk half an hour before meals. The course of treatment can begin before pregnancy, if a woman is sick with hepatitis, with a dose of three drops, and then throughout the pregnancy take eight drops. Precautions - it is not recommended to use the drug in women with hypertension or gestosis. Side effects are rare, allergic skin reactions are possible.
It is very important to adhere to proper nutrition, so that the intestinal microflora contributes to a high immune status. In case of any changes in the state of health, one should consult a doctor to diagnose the problem, then the prognosis for resolving the problem will be favorable.
Isolation of leucorrhoea during pregnancy can often tell about a woman's condition, because this is the secret of the vital activity of the local flora. In order for pregnancy to proceed without complications and there were no infectious lesions, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene, nutrition and general health of the pregnant woman. In case of any changes in the vaginal discharge, you should consult a doctor, because at the initial stages any pathologies are treated more easily.