Black radish
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Black radish is an unusually useful plant, which has been known to our compatriots from the earliest times as a human health and widely used in alternative medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
The homeland of radishes is Asia. Since ancient times, radish is bred as a vegetable. In the wild state to date, it is no longer known. Now black radish is cultivated in Europe, North America, Australia and in the temperate climate of Asia. The best soil for the growth of black radish is humus, deep, somewhat moist soil. The plant prefers humous, deep, somewhat moist soil.
Black radish has an unusually ancient history. It is known that even in ancient Egypt during the construction of the pyramids, Egyptian workers used black radish to maintain health, body tone and efficiency. Today radish is used as a vegetable and for medical and medicinal purposes. There are different varieties of radish, among themselves they differ in the form and coloration of the root crop. Black radish is considered the most useful and effective: the fact is that it is sharper than other species, and sharpness determines the principle of radish action.
Composition of black radish
Black radish is not the leader among vegetables in terms of vitamins and minerals, however, the composition in it is perfectly balanced, it has only a little bit of everything. A unique combination, which includes mineral substances, essential oils, vitamins and much more, make black radish an active medicine.
Black radish contains proteins, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose and fructose, fats, provitamin A (carotene), retinol (vitamin A), vitamin B9, K, C, trace elements - iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc. The most useful is black radish in fresh form. 100 grams of radish contains: almost 2 g of proteins, 0.2 g of fats, 6.7 g of carbohydrates, 2.1 g of dietary fiber (fiber), as well as organic acids, water, starch, ashes, mono- and disaccharides.
Useful properties of black radish
Vitamins B and C, which are part of black radish, are needed for the human body to function normally. Ascorbic acid, which is found in large amounts in black radish, promotes recovery from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, bronchial asthma, restores the body after illness.
Vitamin В1 in black radish is necessary for small children for growth, helps fat metabolism, cardiovascular and nervous system.
The Benefits of Black Radish
- Black radish has diuretic and choleretic effects: it is peculiar to promote and accelerate the processes of dissolution of stones and sand in the kidneys and bilious.
- Black radish has a bactericidal effect: phytoncides contained in root crops in large quantities are destructive to microbes and protect the human body from various infectious diseases. A black radish in combination with onion and garlic is the best natural remedy, which helps to improve the intestinal microflora.
- Black radish is characterized by increased expectoration, because if you have bronchitis, whooping cough, hemoptysis and accompanied by a strong long cough, you are recommended radish with honey.
- Excitement of appetite. Sulfuric essential oils, abundant in black radish, excite appetite and stimulate digestion.
- Black radish can serve as an analgesic. Acupressure with the use of black radish juice will relieve pain due to radiculitis, as well as with a bruise.
- Black radish reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, because it has an antisclerotic effect.
- The high content of iodine makes black radish its source, because it is extremely useful for disorders of the thyroid gland, as well as for its diseases, since iodine promotes the formation of the necessary hormones.
- The presence of fiber in large quantities helps the work of organs involved in digestive processes. Therefore, black radish is used when a person has chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, weak intestinal peristalsis, constipation.
- Black radish removes swelling, by removing excess fluid from the body and normalizing the water-salt balance.
- Due to the content of lysozyme in black radish, this root is extremely effective against various parasites.
Healing properties of black radish
The miraculous healing and medicinal effect of radish is achieved due to potassium salts, which are easily digested and healthy. Potassium salts remove from the human body with urine toxic products of metabolism, excess fluid in tissues, promote the regulation of water-salt metabolism. But according to the content of potassium salts, the radish is the generally recognized leader: they contain 600 mg%.
In addition, in black radish, there are many useful organic substances, enzymes and phytoncides. It is also a natural antibiotic, promoted by a high content of glycosides, which are antimicrobial substances.
Another essential wealth of black radish is the substance lysozyme. Its important property is suppression of the growth of bacteria, fungi, protozoa.
The Harm of Black Radish
The recommendation of gastroenterologists is the introduction of black radish in the diet gradually, observing some caution, to see how the body will react to this product. In large quantities, it should not immediately be there.
Contraindications to the use of black radish
Black radish has an effect on mucous membranes, because there are cases when its use may be contraindicated. Do not include in your diet radish, if a person:
- stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice;
- just with increased acidity;
- inflammatory diseases of the liver;
- glomerulonephritis;
- organic heart disease
- if a person has recently suffered a heart attack.
In addition, a person may suffer from an individual intolerance to radish.
Recipe for making black radish juice
The black radish is cut and placed in a juicer or tinder on a grater, after which it is well squeezed. The course of treatment begins with 50 grams per day, on an empty stomach. After a few days, the dose is gradually increased to 200 g of juice per day (preferably in 4 divided doses); then her dose is again gradually reduced to 50 g per day.
Black radish juice is used for bronchitis, cough, cold and hoarseness, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, bronchi and heart, with rheumatism. Fresh radish juice is used topically at radiculitis, neuralgia, myositis.
Recipe for making black radish juice with honey
A large radish rubbed on the grater, the resulting mass, as well as the juice that was released during the rubbing, you need to mix with three tablespoons of honey, insist for 10 hours, and then squeeze. The resulting juice of black radish is taken on a spoon several times a day.
Radish black with honey
There is another version of the preparation of black radish with honey: a large radish cut off the top (about one third), clean out the middle. As a result of these actions, a cavity is formed in the radish, which is filled with honey or covered with sugar. After all this, the radish stands in the heat for several hours. In the cleaned cavity, under the influence of honey or sugar, the radish will let the juice drink, and then eat the radish itself.
Black radish juice
Radish juice for anemia and decreased immunity:
- 100 ml of radish juice is combined with 100 ml of beet juice. Take 100 ml twice daily before meals for one month.
Radish juice with bronchitis and cough:
- 100 ml of radish juice is consumed three to four times a day, rinsing his throat
Radish juice for colds:
- 100 ml of radish juice is combined with 15 g of honey and mixed. Take 100 ml three times a day until complete recovery.
Radish juice with sugar when coughing:
- 100 grams of radish slices, sprinkle 20 g of sugar and leave until the appearance of juice. Juice in the amount of 20 ml is taken every two hours.
Radish juice for the prevention of atherosclerosis:
- 50 ml of radish juice is mixed with 50 ml of apple juice. The resulting mixture is taken in 100 ml twice a day for one to two months. The course of treatment should be repeated every six months.
Radish juice with sinusitis:
- To eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis, 3-6 drops of freshly squeezed radish juice is digested in the nose twice a day.
Radish juice with bay leaf infusion in diabetes mellitus:
- 10 g of bay leaves are poured into 600 ml of water and insisted for 3-4 hours. Take usually 100 ml of infusion, adding to it 20 ml of freshly squeezed radish juice, three times a day.
Radish juice, if poor appetite:
- 15-20 ml of radish juice is taken three times a day for fifteen minutes before meals.
Treatment with black radish
Since ancient times, black radish has been used in various ways for treatment. One of the most common forms of using black radish is its juice. It is considered very healing and helps with many ailments.
Black radish from stagnation of bile
Black radish is famous for its choleretic properties, because it is used in cases of difficult passage of bile and in situations of accumulation of a large number of salts. To get rid of stagnant bile, black radish extracts juice by any of the above methods, in this case it's best to even squeeze out the black radish juice with a juicer. To run the bile juice of black radish use one teaspoon after eating.
After the beginning of the course of such treatment in the first few days in the region of the liver, pain can be felt, which can be removed by a hot water bottle. When the pain passes and no longer makes itself felt, the amount of juice consumed can be increased by a little to 100 ml at a time. When passing the treatment of black radish juice, it is better to network on a fresh diet, avoid sour and salty.
When you extracted the juice from the radish, it should have left the cake - separated from the juice of the pulp. This cake should be mixed with sugar or honey in the proportion of a half kilogram of sugar or three hundred grams of honey per kilogram of radish pulp. The resulting mass is placed in a warm place under the press, it needs to ferment, and then it will be ready for use. After consuming the juice, the second part of the treatment begins - the received fermented mass is taken one to three tablespoons while eating until it is over.
Black radish with bronchitis
The cake of black radish obtained after pressing the juice is used also as mustard plasters. These are called redechs, they are made from fresh cake, and it is good that there is a little juice left in it - not to squeeze it too much. Then spread on gauze and put as a mustard on the scapula for 15-20 minutes. Polyethylene is not recommended, as air must be supplied to the hopper. After a while in the area of the reduction, a person feels a burning sensation, similar to burning from a mustard plaster. Redechnik helps to draw from the bronchi a viscous secret, which is gathered in them.
After the redness of the skin under the carpenter, the compress is shifted to another place, to the other side of the body. For the effect to be more intense, it is recommended that 100 ml of black radish juice be ingested during this procedure.
Compress of black radish
Compresses from black radish can be used not only for bronchitis. In situations similar to the use of mustard plasters, you can use redekers instead. To do this, apply a shredded black radish to the sore spot in a gauze pouch.
Black radish for the treatment of poor digestion
Black radish - an indispensable assistant, if you have poor digestion. From it you can make a salad, mixed with carrots and beets and flavored with vegetable oil. If this combination of vegetables is at least once a day, then the work of the stomach and intestine will noticeably improve.
Black radish for the treatment of rheumatic pain in muscles and joints. Black radish can be used to treat rheumatic pains in muscles and joints. To do this, a half cup of radish juice is mixed with a glass of honey, add half a glass of 0.5 cups of vodka and a tablespoon of salt. The resulting mixture is shaken and rubs it with sore spots.
Black radish with constipation
Due to the high fiber content, black radish promotes more complete emptying of the intestine. Therefore, it is often used for atonic constipation. Here the main thing is not to get carried away and eat a day not more than 50 g of black radish.
Black radish with anemia
Black radish is a wonderful remedy that helps with anemia. It is treated with a mixture of three juices: black radish juice, carrot and beetroot juice. For example, take a half a kilo of each vegetable, extract the juice, pour into one container (heat-resistant dishes), cover it with a lid, and for best effect stick in the dough, and put in the oven for three hours. The resulting mixture is consumed one tablespoon three times a day, fifteen minutes before meals, until the patient's condition improves. Do not advise to continue this treatment for more than three months.
Black radish against hypertension
People who suffer from hypertension, black radish is very useful. In this case, it is useful to use three times a day on a tablespoon of the following mixture: 20 ml of radish juice, beets, horseradish and carrots, juice of one lemon.
Black radish with a strong cough
Black radish has an expectorant effect, therefore it is widely used in the treatment of severe cough. To get rid of cough, doctors recommend drinking black radish juice. It can be prepared in this way: the radish is cut into small cubes, covered with sugar and insisted for eight hours. The resulting juice is drunk one tablespoon every hour.
Black radish from children coughing
Black radish is often used to treat cough in children. This is a strong expectorant, which allows you to withdraw phlegm and get rid of cough.
To get rid of a child's cough, most often use radish with honey. Prepare it in one of the two most common ways - or cutting off the radish "cap" and cleaning the cavity, which under the influence of honey filled with juice, or cutting radish cubes and pour honey. Both methods are good, your goal is to get radish juice, which gives the child one teaspoon four or six times a day. The presence of honey makes the taste of honey more pleasant and sweet, so it will be easier for a child to take it. The only thing to watch is that the baby does not have any allergies to honey.
Tincture of black radish
All sorts of tinctures of black radish have a wide range of effects. They also treat various diseases.
Tincture on black radish with skin diseases: 100 ml of wine mixed with 100 ml of radish juice and keep them on low heat until all the liquid evaporates. Apply topically, treat affected areas.
Tincture on black radish with neoplasms
Alcohol tincture, prepared from black radish, it is good to use as a medicine for neoplasms. Half a kilo of black radish is cut and poured with two glasses of vodka. The resulting mixture is insisted for two weeks in a dark place, then eat 30 grams a day before meals.
Tincture on black radish for the treatment of arthrosis
In the treatment of arthrosis effective tincture of black radish, cranberries and cognac. Cranberries, black radish and beets, each in the amount of 500 g, pour a liter of cognac and leave for fourteen days in an open form. Tincture is used in amounts of one tablespoon in the morning, on an empty stomach.
Tincture on black radish with cancer diseases
As it did not look strange, black radish is used even in the treatment of cancer. Tincture of black radish in this case is prepared as follows: one kilogram of grated radish pour a liter of vodka and stand for two weeks. A quarter cup of this tincture is drunk several times a day during the crescent moon. The course is repeated every two months.
Black radish for weight loss
A set of substances that are contained in black radish, promote the acceleration of metabolic processes in the human body. Because the juice of black radish is often used for weight loss - drink small portions daily after each meal. The results become more palpable if you eat properly and limit fatty and flour foods.
Black radish for hair
Black radish juice has a beneficial effect on the hair. Cosmetologists use it to strengthen hair and improve their growth. Hair follicles become lively when rubbed into the scalp of black radish juice, the presence in it of nutrients promotes root nutrition and hair growth.
From black radish make masks for hair. For this, the black radish is ground (on a blender, grater, meat grinder). Then the gruel is squeezed through the cheesecloth to get the juice. Before you wash your hair (one hour before this procedure), the juice of black radish is rubbed into the roots of the hair. From black radish, the scalp may begin to burn a little, but it's normal, there's nothing wrong with that. If the burning is difficult to endure, then you can wash the radish off the hair before. Hair after such a mask grows fine, if they used to fall out, it will stop. To make the effect more noticeable, a black radish hair mask is used every week.
Black radish with alopecia
Due to the fact that black radish has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, scalp, strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss, the juice of black radish and a mask based on it are widely used as a remedy for alopecia. The fact is that in black radish high content of trace elements such as zinc, calcium, silicon and sulfur, and they are necessary for good hair growth.
Radish juice is rubbed into the scalp half an hour before washing. Already after the third or fourth such procedure, you can see fresh fluff on the bald patches.
Well-managed hair loss shampoo from black radish. To make it, you need two large fruits of black radish, one egg yolk of a raw egg, one small lemon. Radish finely grate and squeeze juice from it. A half-glass of black radish juice is mixed with one yolk and lemon juice. The prepared shampoo is rubbed into the scalp, gently massaging for two minutes. Rinse off with cool water, adding a little vinegar.
Black radish in pregnancy
Black radish in pregnancy is contraindicated for use. The presence in it of essential oils is the main reason why black radish can not be eaten by future mothers. In addition, many experts agree that the black radish contributes to the tone of the uterus, and this is a threat to bear the fetus. Therefore, this alternative medicine during pregnancy can by no means be applicable.
Although many future mothers still eat radish with honey, not knowing, or closing their eyes to such warnings. Of course, when a radish with honey is cooked, it usually lasts several hours until the juice is released, and during this time the concentration of essential oils in it decreases. In addition, usually as a medicine, radish juice is taken in small amounts, so the likelihood of harm to the mother and child is very low. And in addition to the above, it is important in what state is the mother of the future mother: if the uterus is calm, its tone does not cause fear, nurturing nothing threatens, then many allow themselves a little black radish as a medicine.
But physicians agree: black radish can be dangerous for pregnancy, so it's better not to take risks and not use it during this period, because you can never fully predict how it can affect the health of the future mother and her baby.
Recipes from black radish
Salads from black radish
Layered salad of black radish - salad "Gorodeysky"
Ingredients for cooking puff pastry with black radish:
- one black radish;
- one carrot;
- three potatoes;
- one onion;
- two chicken eggs;
- 150 g of mayonnaise;
- two pinches of salt
The essence of this salad is in its puffiness: it has a cylindrical shape. It is not easy to achieve it. You can use a deep dish, and then turn the prepared salad to a dish, but there is a risk of doing this procedure unsuccessfully, and the salad can disintegrate, the layers - mix, the dish will get a sloppy and unappetizing appearance.
To make everything work out as best as possible, it's good to use a paper or thin cardboard, from the inside, they should be lined with foil. After the preparation of the salad, the design stretches out and is removed from the salad.
Potatoes are cooked "in a uniform", cut into small cubes, then spread out with the lowest layer, cover with a thin layer of mayonnaise and slightly add salt. The cut bulb is sprinkled with the next layer. Radish rubbed on a grated carrot in Korean and overlay another layer, which is also smeared with mayonnaise. Carrots, grated on a large grater, superimposed over radishes with mayonnaise. Then, peel the apple from the peel and seeds and rub on the middle grater, distribute the resulting apple mass over the carrots, then abundantly fill with mayonnaise. Welded hard-boiled eggs, grated on a fine grater, sprinkle the top of the salad. After all the layers of lettuce laid, the foil shape is removed - it can be pulled upwards and thus removed.
Black radish salad with meat
Ingredients for preparation of salad from black radish with meat (the quantity is chosen at will, to taste):
- black radish;
- onion;
- boiled beef or veal;
- mayonnaise;
- salt to taste.
For the preparation of salad, first of all boil the meat and finely cut into strips. Then the peeled radish is rubbed on a large grater. Onions, cut into half rings, fry in vegetable oil until golden crust appears. All the prepared ingredients are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise, salt is added to taste. Salad can be served on the table.
Salad of black radish with carrots and sour cream
Ingredients for preparation of salad from black radish with carrots and sour cream:
- one large black radish;
- two carrots;
- half a glass of sour cream;
- salt to taste.
Black radish and carrots rubbed on a grater for beets, add salt to taste and leave to stand for twenty minutes to reduce bitterness. After that, all is poured with sour cream and spread in a salad bowl. This salad is well suited to hot and cold dishes, especially beef and lamb.
Salad of black radish with sour cream and cottage cheese
- three hundred grams of black radish;
- one hundred grams of onions;
- one hundred grams of tomatoes;
- one hundred grams of cottage cheese;
- one hundred gram of sour cream;
- salt, sugar to taste.
Radish is cleaned, rubbed on a grater, slightly squeezed to get rid of excess juice, salt to taste. Then mix with finely chopped onion, sugar, mix everything, put it in a salad bowl, top with sour cream and sprinkle with cottage cheese. Top of the salad is decorated with sliced tomato slices.
French salad with black radish
Ingredients for the preparation of French salad with black radish:
- one beet;
- one carrot;
- one radish (medium size);
- two or three potatoes;
- one bunch of greenery (dill, parsley, green onion, etc.);
- two hundred and fifty grams of mayonnaise.
Vegetables in raw form - beetroot, carrot, black radish - rub on a large grater or on shredding. Finely chopped potatoes are fried in a deep-fried crust until golden brown. On a flat dish, all the vegetables and finely chopped greens are laid out by the same size in groups. Mayonnaise is poured into the center. The recipe provides for that you do not need to salad the salad, mix it already on the table.
Radish in Korean
Ingredients for cooking radishes in Korean:
- half a kilogram of black radish;
- one onion;
- two slices of garlic;
- vegetable oil;
- black pepper;
- allspice;
- red hot pepper;
- cloves;
- cinnamon;
- Bay leaf;
- table vinegar;
- salt.
Using a coffee grinder, all the seasonings are ground and mixed - black, fragrant, red hot pepper, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf. Black radish cut into thin strips, salt and left to stand for several hours. Garlic is passed through the press, after which it adds a little vegetable oil to it. Radish is mixed with prepared spices and garlic, all the resulting mass is left for fifteen to twenty minutes. Vegetable oil is calcined in a frying pan, cooled and poured into a salad.
Chinese Emperor Salad
Ingredients necessary for the Chinese Emperor salad:
- three hundred and fifty grams of sweet pepper;
- three hundred grams of cucumber;
- three hundred grams of black radish;
- two hundred and fifty grams of carrots;
- two hundred grams of boiled chicken fillet;
- garlic;
- soy sauce.
Chicken fillet boiled, then cut into small pieces. Peeled cucumber, black radish and carrots rub on the middle grater. Sweet pepper is purified from seeds and cut into thin strips. The ground garlic is mixed with a small amount of soy sauce and water. Salad is best laid out on a flat dish in such a way that the center housed chicken fillet, and vegetables - around it, after which everything is poured over garlic-soy sauce. Usually this salad is stirred after it was served.
Black radish with squid
Ingredients for preparation of black radish with squid:
- one hundred and fifty-two hundred grams of squid;
- one or two black radishes;
- one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- one or two tablespoons of vinegar;
- parsley;
- salt.
Boiled squid and peeled radish cut into thin strips, all this is mixed, seasoned with vegetable oil, salt and vinegar, and then sprinkled with parsley.
Dishes of black radish
Pelmeni with black radish
Ingredients for cooking ravioli with black radish:
- two hundred to three hundred grams of black radish;
- one hundred and fifty grams of carrots;
- one tablespoon of butter (cream or vegetable);
- one tablespoon of sour cream (thick);
- one onion;
- salt;
- sugar (optional).
Radish is cleaned and rubbed on a large grater, the same is done with carrots, add a pinch of salt to taste, sometimes sprinkled with sugar. Then the received weight is a little twisted by hands that vegetables have allocated juice. In order for the radish to evaporate, she needs to stand for about fifteen or twenty minutes. Fans of the acute stage can be skipped. Finely chop the onion in the oil until golden brown. After that, add the previously prepared mass of radish and carrots, as well as a spoonful of thick sour cream (in a lean version - a third of a glass of vegetable broth or water). Vegetables are extinguished until the moisture is absorbed and evaporated, sometimes even a little fried. As a result, vegetables should turn soft, but not turn into porridge. The resulting minced cold.
In the meantime, there are months of lean dough, from which pelmeni are made with prepared vegetable mince.
Dumplings with black radish are boiled in boiling salted water for ten to twelve minutes.
On the table served with sour cream, you can prepare sour-garlic sauce, with butter and ground pepper.
Black radish with kvass
Ingredients for cooking black radish with kvas:
- two small black radishes;
- one glass of kvass;
- two teaspoons of vegetable oil;
- salt.
Black radish is peeled and rubbed on a medium grater. After that, they are salted, seasoned with vegetable oil, poured with kvass and served in broth cups.
Storage of black radish
Black radish is an unusually useful medicinal product that is widely used in alternative medicine. In order that this healing root is always at hand at any time of the year, it is important to understand how to store it correctly, what storage conditions it is better to create in order to maximize the beneficial properties of black radish.
A young black radish of summer harvests is stored at room temperature for a week. If the summer radish is put in a refrigerator (with a temperature of + 1 ... + 2 ° C and relative humidity of 94-96%), then it can lie there without problems for twenty days.
Varieties of winter radish are subject to longer storage. If it is planned that the radish will be stored in the refrigerator, it is advisable immediately after harvesting to immediately put it in the camera. Winter radish well tolerates storage, can safely be suitable for 200-220 days. Best of all are stored such varieties as Winter Round Black, Winter Round White.
Black radish is often stored in a cellar, it is best to do it in moist sand at a temperature of + 2 ... + 3 ° C with a relative humidity of 80-85%. In this case, the root crops intended for storage must be unbroken without flaws and damage, since the decay process can begin and from the damaged root crop go to all the rest. Radish can not be poured with sand, but it is stored longer and better.
According to experts, if properly stored, radish not only does not lose its useful trace elements and medicinal properties, but, conversely, increases them, because in winter and spring it is very useful for consumption and desirable for appearance on the table.
Black radish is an extremely useful product widely used in alternative medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. In addition, its unusual taste makes it possible to prepare interesting and spicy dishes.