
Pregnancy: 19 weeks

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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19 week of pregnancy is characterized by an active sensory development! The brain allocates areas for perception of smell, taste, hearing, vision and tactile contact. Some studies have shown that at this stage the baby perceives your voice, so do not hesitate to talk to him.

If you have 19 weeks of pregnancy, the baby weighs 240 grams and grew to 15 centimeters in length. His arms and legs are already proportional to the rest of the body. The kidneys continue to produce urine, and hair begins to grow on the head. On the skin of the child, a damp grease is formed - a protective coating that prevents the amniotic fluid from acting.

Important: the development of each child is strictly individual. Our information is designed to give you an idea of the development of the fetus.

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19 week of pregnancy and changes of the future mother

So 19 weeks of pregnancy came up and you began to feel that you recovered. Over the next weeks, the size of your abdomen will increase rapidly, as a result you may notice some soreness in the lower abdomen or side, especially when you change position or at the end of an active day. Most likely, it is the pain of the round ligament that supports the uterus and is stretched to adapt to the increasing weight.

The 19th week of pregnancy is accompanied by some skin changes that you may notice: palms can turn red, but this is not a cause for concern, redness is caused by excess estrogen. Also, the skin may appear dark spots caused by a temporary increase in pigment. The appearance of such spots on the upper lip, cheeks, and forehead is called chloasma. You can also notice some darkening of the nipples, freckles, scars and labia.

These darkening will disappear after the birth of the child. Therefore, 19 weeks of pregnancy is the time to protect oneself from the sun, which enhances the pigment changes. Wear a hat, and use a sunscreen.

Sore in the muscles "Try to massage your muscles gently or apply a heating pad" - Anonymous


19 week of pregnancy: time to think about the name of the child

For many couples, choosing a name for a child is a fun game, for others it is a complicated negotiation process. Anyway, the 19th week of pregnancy is the time to make a decision, because the name you choose for your child will be recorded in his documents all his life (if he does not decide to change it). What factors should be considered when selecting a name:

  • Sound and compatibility. The sound of a name is one of the main criteria for its selection. Is it melodic? Clearly? Does the name match the surname? Try to avoid names that end with the same sound as the surname begins.
  • Uniqueness. Unusual names have advantages - they contribute to the individualization of your child. On the other hand, a name that no one has heard before or that is difficult to pronounce can cause unwanted attention for your child.
  • Relatives and friends. Many parents call their children in honor of ancestors, other relatives or close friends. Do not you want a few Mishas in the same house? Consider an earlier genealogical tree, perhaps you will choose a more suitable name for you. If you are worried about hurt ego, when considering the name on one side of relatives, think about the double name.
  • Pedigree and heredity. Heritage is an important part of life, and the name of the child can reflect it.
  • Value. The origin and significance of the child's name is not only useful and interesting, but also information-forming character.
  • Initials and nicknames. Children can be particularly cruel when it comes to nicknames, so when choosing a name for your child, consider this factor and reject the potentially embarrassing options.
  • One of the best tests when choosing a child's name: Imagine that you need to loudly shout his name on the playground. If you feel uncomfortable at the same time, think about a different name.

19 week of pregnancy and activity

19 week of pregnancy is the time to search for a kindergarten. Such actions may seem too premature, but in the best educational centers, as a rule, long lines, besides, it is easier for you to do it now than when you have a small child in your hands. Consider options for nurseries, kindergartens and nannies for the baby. It is better not to use the service because of its uselessness, than to miss the chance when it is necessary.

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