Insomnia in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 02.05.2024

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Can insomnia be associated with pregnancy? Is there insomnia during pregnancy? And if so, what is insomnia in pregnancy - the norm or pathology? Is it necessary to treat this phenomenon? There are a lot of questions related to sleep disorders during child bearing. Let's try to understand this question.
Causes of insomnia during pregnancy
Perhaps the most common cause of sleep disorders during pregnancy is significant hormonal changes in the female body. Now most of the energy and energy is wasted on the preservation and development of the embryo. As a result, many natural processes are violated, including the ability to sleep.
Do not give to relax and fall asleep for many more reasons:
- the need for frequent visits to the toilet (due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the area of the bladder);
- the appearance of heartburn (because of possible malfunctions in the digestive system);
- the appearance of heaviness and pain in the spine, caused by the weight of the growing body of the child;
- periodic movements and tremors of the child in the abdomen;
- discomfort due to the inability to determine the posture for sleep;
- nocturnal seizures caused by increased stress on the lower extremity vascular system;
- difficulty breathing in later terms due to pressure by the uterus on the diaphragm;
- sensation of itching on the abdomen due to excessive skin tension;
- emotional instability, nervous overloads, which are provoked by a constant tension of the nervous system;
- change in the nature of dreams, due to all the same experiences and fears.
Insomnia as a sign of pregnancy
Manifestations of insomnia can be detected already in the first weeks of the gestation period. Indeed, many specialists are inclined to view this symptom as one of the signs of an "interesting situation". Insomnia in the first days of pregnancy can be replaced by drowsiness, which is associated with large hormonal changes.
Of course, during the gestation period, the need for a full-fledged and quality sleep only increases. A woman simply needs to sleep enough to make up for lost energy for a day: after all, the body of a pregnant woman works in fact "for two." However, the change in the amount of some hormones affects brain activity, which makes it sometimes difficult to fall asleep, or the process of getting back to bed after getting up late at night or for drinking a glass of water becomes more complicated.
Despite the fact that many doctors describe insomnia as a sign of pregnancy, it is necessary to understand that this is by no means the only and especially not the main symptom of this condition. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions: donate blood to β-hCG or make a test: these indicators will be more accurate.
Insomnia in early pregnancy
According to statistics, insomnia at an early age happens in every second pregnant woman. Such a condition can form as a result of a hormonal surge, and as a result of new emotions and experiences for a woman.
There are several types of insomnia:
- the beginning of insomnia - you go to bed, look for a comfortable position, tossing and turning, but at the same time you can not sleep for hours. Perhaps you think a lot about your condition, experience, analyze. All these thoughts do not give you rest even at night;
- middle insomnia - you can sleep here, most likely, without difficulty. However, during the night you often wake up, the sleep process is interrupted periodically. In the morning after such a dream, you are unlikely to feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy;
- the final form of insomnia - fall asleep without problems, sleep seems to be strong, but closer to the morning hours sleep as a hand removes. It seemed, why not sleep, because before the morning rises there are some 2-3 hours. But the dream is gone, and all attempts to return it are futile.
It is noticed that insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy is just the second or third kind. Complicates the state of lack of sleep and the fact that, along with insomnia, a woman begins to suffer from toxicosis, which makes sleep even more unstable.
Insomnia in the second trimester of pregnancy, as a rule, passes, giving some "breather" to a woman.
However, sleep disturbance at the beginning of pregnancy is much less common than in the third trimester.
Insomnia in late pregnancy
The period of the third trimester is a period of time from 26 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. During this time, the uterus is constantly increasing, its muscular system is preparing for contractile activity. Sometimes a woman can already notice the appearance of cramping conditions. Such moments pass without leaving a trace and should not be disturbed, if there are no secretions and strong painful sensations, otherwise it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor.
In later periods of pregnancy, the expectant mother increasingly feels tired, being in bed becomes uncomfortable. This becomes one of the reasons for sleep deprivation at night: the enlarged abdomen, swollen sensitive glands interfere. How to lie down, so that it would be convenient for both the woman and the unborn baby?
Insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy makes the future mother look for the best and most comfortable postures during the night rest. The best position for sleeping on late terms is the position on the side. And, resting on the left side of the body, you will facilitate the outflow of blood from the lower extremities (through the vena cava), and the position on the right side - facilitates kidney function. For greater comfort, it is recommended to put a cushion or pad under the knee. There is also a special pillow for use in pregnancy: it helps maintain the enlarged abdomen and quickly determine the right posture.
Sleep on the back, perhaps, at first it seems more convenient. However, later you will feel quite a considerable discomfort. In this position, the uterus presses more on the diaphragm, the bladder and the vasculature: this affects the respiratory system, forcing you to go to the toilet more often. There are pains in the spine, varicose disease and hemorrhoids may worsen.
Insomnia at the 32nd week of pregnancy
By this time, the child in the tummy of his mother turns his head downwards. This gives the woman extra discomfort: the child kicks and behaves quite actively. In addition, during this period, cramping spasms of the muscular system of the uterus, resembling labor pains, can already be observed. Sleep at week 32 is restless and unstable.
Insomnia at 33 weeks of gestation
Because of the enlarged abdomen, the future mother is shifting part of the internal organs. The child during this period can already hear and even react in the womb to the mother's voice. Therefore, if the baby behaves restlessly and does not let you fall asleep, talk with him: there is a big chance that the baby will hear the voice of mom and calm down.
Insomnia at 34 weeks of gestation
With the onset of the 34th week, a woman can be especially worried about chest pains: thus, the breasts are preparing for the forthcoming lactation. In addition to pain and possible signs of toxicosis, the expectant mother may also experience psychological discomfort. First of all, it can be visited by thoughts about the dangers of premature birth, the health of the child, about the coming changes in the life principles. During this period, the support of relatives and friends is very important for a woman.
Insomnia at 35 weeks gestation
This week is considered the most "severe" in the full sense of the word: the future mother adds the maximum number of kilograms for this week. Constant fatigue and nervous tension only intensify, and it is unlikely that you can rest during the day or at night. An enlarged abdomen practically deprives them of the opportunity to fully sleep. In addition, the pressure of the uterus on the bladder forces almost every half hour to go to the toilet. Tip one: watch out for the amount of liquids drunk, especially at night.
Insomnia at 36 weeks gestation
Breathing becomes easier due to the physiological ablation of the abdomen. Passes a feeling of heartburn and shortness of breath. The number of visits to the toilet does not decrease. Perhaps the appearance of pain in the pelvic area, which is associated with the preparation of the bone pelvic region for the forthcoming birth. Negative dreams can be dreamed, provoked by frequent thoughts about a possible outcome of pregnancy. In addition to the enlarged abdomen, swelling also interferes, appearing even in those women who have never suffered in their lives.
Insomnia at 37 weeks of gestation
On the 37th week, hot flushes, excessive sweating, especially at night, can be troubling. The births are approaching, and with them the fear of the forthcoming births is growing: but now it can happen almost at any moment. All this takes away rest and sleep, you can only dream of a full rest. Although the rest at this time is recommended most: before childbirth it is necessary to gain strength.
Insomnia at the 38th week of pregnancy
The time of the onset of labor is inexorably approaching. A woman is extremely difficult to move and even harder to sleep. Many people explain this by the inconvenience in choosing a sleeping posture, and also by the fear that the delivery is about to begin, because the number and frequency of false labor increases.
Insomnia at 39 weeks gestation
39 week - the time of lack of sleep and fatigue. The lower abdomen hurts, the pressure of the fetus increases. Force is almost anything not enough, it remains only to expect the beginning of labor. To improve sleep and stabilize the nervous system, it is recommended to take a break: read the literature for future mothers, look through magazines, choose things for the baby. Remember: your excessive feelings and fears are transmitted to the child.
Insomnia at the 40th week of pregnancy
As a rule, many women are already at the hospital. The rest wait patiently for the X-time. The child no longer shows such activity, as before, so it does not often bother. There may be pain along the spine and in the limbs, it also hurts the perineum and the lower abdomen. The most important moment in this period is to keep yourself in hand, not to succumb to emotions and panic, in any doubtful situations one should consult a doctor. Insomnia at 40 weeks can become almost chronic. If you can not sleep in any way, then, at least, just relax, sitting in the chair.
Insomnia in the last weeks of pregnancy makes a woman tired and unassembled. Of course, this is not very good for the child. The severity of the enlarged abdomen, convulsive muscle twitching, puffiness, shortness of breath, heartburn and motor activity of the child, frequent urge to urinate - how to fall asleep with all this? However, for the health of the future baby and for one's own health, one must learn to fall asleep, rest and gain strength. After all, the birth of a child is ahead.
Who to contact?
Treatment of insomnia during pregnancy
What to do with insomnia during pregnancy?
We will give you some tips on how to deal with insomnia during pregnancy. We will be glad if any of the tips will help you.
During the day:
- do not waste your energy, take care of yourself. Do not think that if you are tired, then you will sleep better - sometimes an overly intense heavy day does not allow you to relax in the evening;
- give up the habit of taking a nap during the day. Most likely, it will help to restore the quality of night rest;
- if you are not allowed to fall asleep a dream of a negative nature, share it with your beloved husband or girlfriend. According to psychologists, it helps to get rid of even the most terrible nightmares;
- in the afternoon try to make a simple exercise or visit yoga classes for pregnant women, you can just take a walk in the fresh air;
- do not lie in bed all the time: there you can spend only the night. Move to the sofa, to the armchair, sit, walk, but do not lie in bed.
Closer to the evening, you should begin early, leisurely preparation for a night's rest. What it consists of:
- try not to gorge yourself for the night, and also do not drink a lot of liquid so as not to run into the toilet;
- Do not schedule for the second half of the day cases that may require mental or physical exertion;
- should avoid scandals and unpleasant meetings, as well as horror movies and action films;
- just before going to bed, it is recommended to take a warm shower;
- light an aromatic lamp with a relaxing scent of lavender or mint;
- before going to bed, drink a little warm milk with a spoonful of honey or chamomile infusion;
- skin on the abdomen lubricate closer to the night with special oil or cream from stretch marks - this will prevent night itching;
- you can ask your beloved to give you a relaxing massage of the collar zone, feet and legs. This will help you to calm down and tune in to sleep;
- Ask the doctor about the possibility of using homeopathic medicines;
- be sure to ventilate the room shortly before sleep, in the warm season you can sleep with an open window;
- if you use pajamas, then it should be as convenient as possible and do not contain synthetics;
- the quality of the mattress, the number and height of the pillows also play a big role. Of course, the ideal option is a special orthopedic mattress and a pillow for pregnant women;
- Sometimes an extra high pillow is required - from heartburn and to combat shortness of breath;
- try not to sleep on your back and especially on your stomach. The best posture, according to doctors, is the "embryo posture";
- if you can not sleep for 30 minutes, do not force yourself. Walk around the apartment, look through the magazine, turn on the quiet music, until you really get the feeling that you still want to sleep.
A good remedy for insomnia during pregnancy is natural honey. In moderate amounts, it will not hurt either you or your baby, besides it will help relieve tension and anxiety before going to bed. How can I use it?
- Mix a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of natural apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Before going to bed, it is enough to take a sip of such a drink to sleep well (for acid reflux and increased acidity, you can not use this recipe).
- Drink warm milk or chamomile tea with honey.
- Eat before a dream a spoonful of honey mixed with walnuts.
Since the use of any medication during pregnancy is contraindicated (including insomnia), you can try the following methods:
- open a bottle of valerian tincture and inhale a couple of valerian a few minutes;
- Lubricate the temporal areas with lavender oil.
Do not take medicines and medicinal herbs without consulting your doctor. This puts you at risk not only to harm yourself, but also to the future child.
Preventive maintenance of a sleeplessness at pregnancy
First of all, you should not expect the mandatory arrival of insomnia with pregnancy: fortunately, it is not at all, and, perhaps, it will bypass you. Think only of the good, your future happiness - the child, and your friendly family.
Try to change your location during the day, do not sit in one place for long. If you work, at lunchtime get up from the workplace, take a walk, go to a cafe. The same can be done in the evening. A walk just before bedtime is one of the best ways to prevent insomnia.
Attend gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, sign up for a psychological training or seminar for future parents. Distract and do not let yourself get stuck on the possible problems. Remember what you dreamed about, what you would like to learn. Perhaps you wanted to learn Chinese or learn how to play Tamtam? While your baby is not yet born, but you have already gone on maternity leave, you will have enough time to realize your dreams.
Go to a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables: first, it will relieve you of constipation, secondly, it will serve as a good prevention of stretch marks; thirdly, vitaminized nutrition will surely please your future baby, and he will surely be born strong and healthy.
Live with positive thinking, think only of the good, enjoy life. Only under such conditions, insomnia during pregnancy will not overshadow your so happy life period.