Pumpkin during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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When choosing a pumpkin during pregnancy, pay attention to the color, the condition of the peel. Intense yellow or orange shade indicates a large amount of carotene, a thick and stiff skin - about a healthy flesh. It is interesting that, in addition to the traditional color, pumpkins are white, green, even blue.
Is it possible to eat a pumpkin during pregnancy?
Beautiful vegetables, garden decoration, many use not in the diet, but for the sake of decor. Of course, pumpkin deserves better use. The question "Is it possible to eat a pumpkin during pregnancy?" Sounds almost rhetorically, if you know about its usefulness in general and pregnancy in particular.
Pumpkin in the menu of the pregnant woman already from the first weeks should occupy an honorable place, diversify its food, especially as recipes of pumpkin dishes - abound.
- Pies, soups, cereals, pancakes, side dishes, salads with the addition of cereals, other ingredients are available and easy to prepare.
- The pulp is subject to roasting, baking, freezing, marinating.
- Raw rubbed pulp is a dietary component for stomach ulcers and 12-colon, useful for burns, eczema, dermatitis.
- Pumpkin can be stuffed with meat.
- From it prepare desserts - jams, jams, jelly with fruit, for example, oranges.
- Fresh and canned juices are useful and tasty both separately and mixed with fruit fresh.
Pumpkin juice is useful for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, acts as a natural hypnotic, activates peristalsis.
Seeds of pumpkin during pregnancy are used as a harmless preventive against helminths.
Leaves and stems also find use in pregnancy - decoction from the stems is taken as a diuretic in recent months. Edible are even flowers.
Pumpkin porridge during pregnancy
Nutritionists are advised to use small fruits as a whole, because from the cut pumpkin during storage, useful substances are quickly destroyed. Pumpkin flesh is useful to the whole family, including children, as a diet. The most useful properties are stored in fresh pulp, juice and seeds, as well as in cooked and baked puree.
Pumpkin porridge during pregnancy is one of the most simple and useful dishes. Prepare it about the same way as mashed potatoes, only from grated meat. Stewed until tender, the mass is pounded, added to taste sugar, milk or olive oil. For this dish, any kind of pumpkin is suitable.
To improve the taste and nutritional qualities in the pumpkin puree add cereals (millet, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley), dried fruits, milk, honey or sugar. Culinary specialists combine pumpkin with other ingredients.
Cooked, baked pumpkin, as well as porridge can be given and nursing mother, but very carefully, so as not to provoke an allergy, and not earlier than ten days after childbirth. It should also be sure that the vegetable was grown in an ecological way.
Pumpkin juice during pregnancy
Fresh pumpkin juice - a natural concentrate of all useful than rich fruit garden. Juice contains mineral substances, vitamins PP, C, D, E, B, K, beta-carotene, a complex of trace elements, pectins. Water, which is 90% juice, is also a very useful ingredient.
Pumpkin juice during pregnancy:
- calms the nerves;
- improves sleep;
- relieves stools;
- acts as a diuretic, helps to clean the kidneys from the sand;
- increases immunity;
- relieves sore throat;
- strengthens enamel of teeth.
Fresh juice has a beneficial effect on the intestines. With inflammation of the thick section, pumpkin juice is taken for several months, two to three glasses a day.
To prepare the juice, pumpkin is peeled from the peel and seeds, cut into pieces. The easiest way is to get the juice with a juicer or rub the flesh and squeeze it on the gauze. The resulting fresh can be sweetened with honey, cooled with ice cubes, add lemon juice to it. More useful for juice are small fruits of a bright shade: they contain especially a lot of fructose and carotene.
A glass of pumpkin juice during pregnancy is the maximum daily dose. A newborn baby the first portions can be given in the seventh month of life.
Boiled pumpkin in pregnancy
Cooked pumpkin during pregnancy is used due to its medicinal properties. It contains all the same substances as the raw pulp, they only act softer. And in terms of the amount of vitamin K and iron, this dish has no equal. Therefore, the boiled pumpkin is very desirable in the diet for anemia (anemia), problems with blood coagulability.
Boiled or braised pulp:
- normalizes the increased acidity of the stomach;
- improves digestion;
- contributes to the treatment of inflammation in the large intestine;
- reduces the elevated temperature, in particular, with inflammation of the bronchi (acute and chronic bronchitis);
- influences as a sleeping pill (with the addition of honey).
Quite a rare vitamin-like substance called vitamin T is also found in the pumpkin. It enhances the action of enzymes, removes cholesterol and harmful fats, accelerates the assimilation of heavy products. In this way, the substance helps to get rid of excess weight and stop the progression of atherosclerosis.
When treating digestive organs, boiled, baked flesh is taken for three to four months at 1.5 - 2 kg per day.
Raw pumpkin is also useful - to stimulate peristalsis, urine, cleanse the body of toxins. But the daily portion of raw pumpkin during pregnancy should not exceed half a kilogram.
Millet porridge with pumpkin in pregnancy
The nutritional value of a popular vegetable is known since the pumpkin adorned every vegetable garden, and the dishes from it - every table. Over time, the benefit was reduced only to seeds, and the taste of pumpkin pulp was undeservedly forgotten. To restore the popularity of the past, it is worth recalling the tasty, healthy, dietary properties of garden pumpkin and its need in the diet of each person, including future mothers.
Pumpkin is rich in vitamins, microelements, fiber, pectins. Millet adds a lot of nutritiousness and taste. Millet porridge with pumpkin during pregnancy is one of the most popular and fastest in cooking.
- Recipe 1
Cereals for millet porridge with pumpkin during pregnancy are soaked for the night. Grated meat is mixed with millet, raisins, olive oil, salt, add sugar and cooked in the oven for 30 minutes. Serve with sour cream.
- Recipe 2
For 0.5 kg of shabby or finely chopped pulp - three glasses of milk, a glass of millet, salt and sugar to taste. Pumpkin boil for 10 minutes, washed several times the millet add and cook until ready for the same amount. To improve taste, insist under the lid.
Baked pumpkin in pregnancy
For roasting more suitable pink color grades of candied, honey, melon pumpkin. The baked pumpkin is rich in calcium magnesium and potassium, vitamin-antioxidant E, vitamin D. These substances contained in a pumpkin during pregnancy are necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the formation and growth of healthy teeth, and the preservation of youthful skin.
Baked pumpkin during pregnancy increases immunity, improves digestion, protects against edema, removes toxins and sodium salts, has choleretic, laxative, diuretic effects. It can be consumed in large enough quantities without fear of gaining extra pounds.
The baked pumpkin is cooked in different ways:
- 50-gram slices are spread in a pot, bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
- Pieces of pulp without skin and seeds are baked on a baking sheet at medium temperature.
- A more modern method is in a multivarker with the appropriate mode.
Baked pumpkin slices are served with sour cream, mashed with a fork mixed with porridge to taste.
Pumpkin from swelling in pregnancy
One of the important properties of pumpkin is a diuretic; it is due to the fact that 90% of a large vegetable is water. It helps pumpkin from swelling during pregnancy, because it:
- reduces the signs of toxicosis;
- relieves nausea;
- Displays fluid;
- quench thirst;
- reduces heat.
Such qualities are boiled, baked, pumpkin juice. Diuretic pumpkin effect during pregnancy helps to reduce the burden on the heart, getting rid of excess weight, improving heart activity.
Kashitsa from baked, boiled pumpkin during pregnancy helps to remove fatigue and pain of the feet.
Benefits of Pumpkin in Pregnancy
Pumpkin is one of the most useful products for future mothers. It saturates the body with a useful liquid, has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect. With a normal course of the pumpkin during pregnancy enriches the body of the mother and the future child with useful substances, it has a beneficial effect on individual organs and processes.
At different times of pregnancy raw or boiled pumpkin, juice or seeds play a different, but always important and useful role.
- Laxative action helps to get rid of constipation.
- Pumpkin improves kidney function, removes excess fluid, which is especially important in the third trimester.
- The pulp cleanses the skin, relieves pain in the legs with physical overloads.
- Toxicosis and nausea disappear from the pulp, juice or seeds.
- Orange vegetable improves sleep, raises mood, relieves depression.
- Pumpkin dishes provide healthy hair, good skin and nails during pregnancy.
Pumpkin is useful to women suffering from chronic liver diseases, cardiovascular problems.
To ensure that dishes from the pumpkin do not seem tasteless, they need to be properly prepared, combining with other useful ingredients.
Pumpkin during pregnancy is an excellent cosmetic. Masks for facial skin care are made of it.
Contraindications to the use of pumpkin in pregnancy
If the benefits of pumpkin during pregnancy are obvious and known from ancient times, then the shortcomings still need to be looked for. In any case, with moderate consumption, the largest fruit garden fruit does not cause side effects or undesirable reactions.
Contraindications to the use of pumpkins in pregnancy are associated with certain diseases (peptic ulcer, acute manifestations of gastritis, chronic diarrhea, genitourinary problems) or addictions to allergies. This is more of a juice, because it contains the most components. You can not use a pumpkin patient with a severe form of diabetes.
To abuse pumpkin, as well as other products, it is not necessary for pregnant women not to provoke an allergic reaction. It should also be taken into account that canned juices contain preservatives, a lot of sugar, sometimes - dyes.
Pumpkin during pregnancy is included in the list of the most useful products. In addition to the tendency to allergies, there are practically no contraindications. To a healthy vegetable is not "palled", you need to use its flesh, as well as juice and seeds, in combination with other food ingredients.
Gourd in planning pregnancy
Pumpkin in the planning of pregnancy is very useful, and this benefit has been known for a long time. The active substances of garden vegetables have a beneficial effect on conception, in particular, the juice promotes the growth of the endometrium and the strong anchoring of the embryo in the uterine wall. And carotene in a pumpkin is much more than carrots and sea-buckthorn, which is important for eyes and eyes - both women and fetuses.
Pumpkin contains other valuable substances:
- vitamins
Vitamin A is good for eyesight; D is especially required in the winter, when there is not enough sun for its synthesis in the body. Vitamin B promotes the absorption of folic acid.
- microelements
Zinc, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium - all of them are necessary for the mother's body in preparation for pregnancy, and all of them are rich in pumpkin flesh. Potassium reserve will save from possible cramps, iron - from lack of oxygen, calcium and phosphorus will ensure the formation of a healthy skeleton.
- pectin
Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, keeps the tooth enamel healthy.
- cellulose
Positively affects the intestines, stimulates its peristalsis.
- Carbohydrates
Nourish the cells of the brain.
Pumpkin is considered a dietary product. Pumpkin flesh during pregnancy is a very digestible, but low-calorie product, which is very important when preparing for pregnancy. Pumpkin is used in alternative medicine, cooking, dietology, cosmetology.