Ginger recipe
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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Ginger, thanks to its taste properties, adds a touch to every dish, whether it's salad, meat, biscuits or drinks. It is worth noting the excellent combination of ginger with fish and meat products. In turn, beverages can not only provide a pleasant aroma, but also enhance health.
The first recipe for dishes with ginger is a salad with addition in the form of peanuts. The cooking process requires ginger of 5 g, 30 ml of lime juice, sugar of about 5 grams, pepper (preferably red), 50 ml of nut oil, garlic cloves, 30 g of ground nuts, salt, slightly less than a kilogram of carrots, coriander, ground black pepper and parsley.
Preparation begins with rubbing carrots, cleaning ginger, after which it should be finely chopped, and the red pepper should be ground with black.
Greens must be cut, the length of each piece should not exceed 1 cm, peanuts are ground with a blender, and garlic is passed through the press. Refueling is easy, just combine juice, sugar, nut oil, and then a little salt.
All components must be mixed together with dressing.
Another recipe for ginger dishes involves cooking chicken with ginger with a grill. To do this, you need the following products: 2 chicken breasts, a quarter of a glass of soy sauce, 20-25 ml of sesame oil, 30 g of honey, about 3 cm of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 10 g of sesame seeds, green onions and salt.
The process begins with the combination of soy sauce, sesame oil, honey, grated ginger and garlic squeezed from the press. At the same time, the breasts should be washed and divided into 2 parts, after which we leave them in the marinade for a quarter of an hour.
Grill (grate) should be oiled, and the marinade separated and brought to a boil for 5 minutes. Then lay the breast on the grill and fry for 10 minutes. In parallel, it is necessary to water the meat with a marinade, after which a crust will form.
After the preparedness of the breasts it is necessary to sprinkle them with sesame seeds and chopped green onions. Chicken is served with pickled ginger.
The recipe for salads with ginger
Ginger is considered a universal additional ingredient to a huge number of salads, giving them a special flavor and aroma. The first recipe for salads with ginger, along with eggplant slices, includes such ingredients: ginger ground with a volume of 25 grams, 1 chili pepper, 3 small eggplants, 4-5 garlic cloves, green onions (5-6 feathers), sunflower oil.
In addition, for salad dressing you need soy sauce - about 50-60 ml, vinegar - 25 ml, black pepper, water - a quarter of a glass, granulated sugar - 40 grams and salt.
First, grind the eggplants in the form of circles and fry the oil. Then you need to squeeze the garlic through a special garlic press, chop the peppers and onions to 1.5 cm.
Ginger needs to be cleaned and rubbed, and then mixed with the already prepared ingredients. The sauce is prepared very simply - just mix all the ingredients that are included in its composition (listed above together with the required volume). At the end, season the salad dressing.
Another recipe for salads with ginger contains the following products: crushed ginger - 2 g, 1 sweet pepper, salt, ground pepper, 2 onions, cinnamon, cloves, sunflower oil - 25 ml, three quarters of a kilogram of pineapple with canned jars, 15 g of sugar and 30 ml of lemon juice.
Preparation begins with grinding ginger, chopping small pieces of onions, cleaning and cutting peppers. Pineapples must be cut into cubes, and 2 kinds of ground pepper together with a clove should be ground in a mortar.
After the completion of the preparation of all the ingredients, they must be connected and filled with oil. It is recommended to pour a salad of lemon juice and sugar on top, then mix well.
Recipes of meat with ginger
Ginger refers to those ingredients of any dish that can not be missed by taste or olfactory receptors, especially if it concerns meat products.
Recipes of meat with ginger are so diverse that everyone can choose the most optimal for him. So, the first dish needs such ingredients: the pulp of beef - half a kilogram, vegetable oil, one orange, 2 onion heads, 30 grams of sugar, 30 ml of soy sauce, ground ginger - about 10-15 grams, 1-st clove of garlic and 5 grams of starch.
Meat preparation begins with slicing onions, preferably semi-rings, which is then fried in a frying pan with butter, ginger, finely chopped garlic and grated orange peel until it softens.
The sauce is prepared by combining soy sauce, citrus juice, sugar and starch. While the beef should be cut into slices (thin), add salt and in a pan with butter fry with chopped onion and already prepared sauce. Fry about 5-7 minutes. Serve better with any side dish - rice, pasta or buckwheat.
Recipes of meat with ginger can make the meat very tender. An example is the following recipe. For him, you need beef - about a kilogram, onions, one carrot, garlic, spices and ginger to taste.
Beef should be cut across the path fibers with slices, the thickness of which should not exceed 1 cm. Vegetables are finely ground and mixed.
Now you should take the pan, preferably with a thick house, grease with oil and layers, first lay vegetables, then meat and so on. On the top layer it is necessary to lay a sheet of laurel, fragrant and black pepper.
Before you put the stew, you need to pour completely with water and leave on a small fire for 2 hours under a slightly open lid. At the end of time, the meat will become very gentle, and the gravy can be used with any garnish.
Recipes of pork with ginger
Recipes of pork with ginger are used in restaurants as main dishes. One of these recipes is presented below. So, it takes a half kilogram of pork, 5 small cloves of garlic, lemon, half a glass of cognac, 30 grams of honey and ginger.
Culinary process begins with the cleaning of meat from fat, after which the pork is placed on the bottom of the pan, sprinkled with lemon juice on top and sprinkled with finely chopped garlic. Marinate is recommended a little more than half an hour.
After this, it is necessary to fry in a frying pan with butter until a tasty crust. Meat sauce is prepared by mixing cognac, honey and ginger, and then heating in a frying pan. In the end, you should pour the meat sauce, close the lid and send it to the oven for half an hour until cooked.
Recipes of pork with ginger may include other ingredients, without alcohol, but with fruit. For example, for the next dish you need pork with a volume of about a kilogram, ginger crushed - to taste, 4 onion bulbs, 2 apples, 30 ml soy sauce, a little butter.
The cooking process begins with the preparation of meat. Pork must be cleaned of films and grease, then cut into cubes up to 4 cm on each side.
For marinade, you need to mix ginger and soy sauce, pour in meat and mix well. Packing pork in a film, you should leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
During this time the meat will absorb the marinade, and then it is necessary to fry it in butter on one side. When the meat is turned over, then cover it with half the volume of onions cut into half rings, and leave a piece of butter on top to make the sauce creamy.
Stew under the lid should be up to a quarter of an hour on a small fire. Then you should take the kazanok, lay the remaining onion, meat and the sauce obtained during the frying process to the bottom. Stew it on a small fire for more than an hour, and 10 minutes before cooking, add soy sauce and apples. Meat is suitable for your favorite side dish.
Beef recipe with ginger
The recipe of beef with ginger ensures the preparation of tasty and hearty meat with an unforgettable aroma. While ginger is the main ingredient for giving beef a unique taste. Meat can be served with any side dish, and cooking itself does not take long.
The recipe of beef with ginger consists of ingredients: meat about a kilogram, 1 carrot, 5 cloves of garlic, ginger, greens, salt, bay leaves, pepper (black peas) and sunflower oil.
The culinary process of cooking starts with the preparation of meat, first it is necessary to wash the beef and clean it from the foil. After this, it should be cut across the fibers to 1 cm slices.
Vegetables need to be cleaned and grinded with a grater, with the exception of onions, which should be finely chopped. Then you need to pour a little sunflower oil on the pan and lay out first the vegetables, then the meat and vegetables again. Continue until the ingredients are completely laid out on the pan, and on top of the bay leaf and peas.
The whole mass should be filled with water and covered with a lid. Thus, meat with vegetables will be stewed for about 2 hours. Serve the dish, decorated with greens, with a side dish.
Chicken recipes with ginger
Recipes of chicken with ginger provide the appearance of oriental aroma in the process of baking meat, and the taste will be characterized by spicy and piquant notes.
The first recipe includes 2 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper ground, a kilogram of chicken meat, half a liter of wine, preferably white dry, 50 grams of ginger, a quarter of a glass of olive oil and 4 peas of black pepper. Preparation of marinade begins with grinding grater ginger, garlic - press, and peas - in a mortar. These ingredients are poured with wine and half of the prepared volume of oil.
The chicken should be washed and cut in half along the ridge, after which we marinade it for 4 hours, turning every hour. At the end of the time, you need to get chicken meat, cover with remaining oil and send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees per hour - one and a half. Throughout the baking should be watered meat formed juice.
After the readiness to lay the chicken on the salad leaves and decorate with olives and slices of tomatoes.
Recipes of chicken with ginger are in the cookbook of each hostess. Here is the preparation of chicken meat in Thai. This requires a half kilogram of chicken fillet, one onion, several cloves of garlic, ginger up to 5 cm, one chili pepper, 2 grams of ground pepper (black), 3 grams of turmeric, half a liter of coconut milk, 2 leaves of laurel, salt and sunflower oil.
The cooking process consists in cutting the fillet with pieces that are salted and laid out on a dry frying pan. The fry is produced in the juice.
In parallel, it is necessary to cut onions, garlic and ginger, after which all fry in a frying pan with oil until the appearance of a ruddy shade.
When the chicken is cooked, it is necessary to top it with coconut milk, chopped chili, laurel leaf and turmeric. After 5 minutes of boiling, add the roast and wait for another 5 minutes.
You can serve chicken with rice sauce and saffron.
Recipe for chicken breasts with ginger
The recipe for chicken breasts with ginger is designed for 4 servings and includes the following ingredients. For this dish, you need to prepare 6 chicken breasts that can be used whole or cut into two pieces. Salt and peppers must be selected individually, as not everyone likes spices, so their volume is not indicated.
Vegetable oil will be needed to lubricate the baking dish, in this connection it will be enough to have 2 tbsp. You can take any oil, but preferably olive.
In addition, you should prepare a glass of orange juice, preferably undiluted, a quarter of a glass of butter in melted form, boiled rice, slightly more than 5 grams of ginger, 5 ml of sauce (soy) and several slices of pineapple.
The very recipe of chicken breasts with ginger suggests first to lubricate the surfaces of the chests with spices, after which a preheated oven and a preheated olive oil mold should be placed prepared meat. The duration of baking is about half an hour with a temperature of not less than 180 degrees.
While the chicken is in the oven, you need to cook the sauce. To do this, mix the juice of oranges, butter, soy sauce and chopped ginger and cook for no more than 5 minutes.
At the end of half an hour of meat in the oven, it is necessary to periodically water it with the cooked sauce for 30 minutes, without getting out of the oven, giving it an extra flavor and taste.
Once the chicken is ready, you need to serve it with pieces of pineapple and hot rice.
The recipe for jam from ginger
Such jam by no means all will risk to cook because of prejudiced attitude towards its appearance. However, taking into account the healing properties that ginger possesses, even baking with its addition is now common.
The most commonly used ginger for making tea. Thus, it increases tone, improves well-being and an invigorating effect on the body.
The recipe for jam from ginger involves the use of a certain amount of ginger, since the main thing here is a sense of proportion. If you use a large amount of ginger, the jam will turn out to be bitter and very sharp, which is not typical for desserts.
In our time, seasonings are distributed in a ready-made form based on ginger, however the most healing properties are contained in fresh produce. In this regard, it is recommended to use the root of ginger, which must be cleaned and chopped.
The recipe for jam from ginger assumes the use of a peel of oranges (2 pieces), just over 100 g of ginger (you can have more, but then the jam will be sharp), slightly less glass of sugar, a third of a glass of water and a lemon.
First, you must clean the ginger, cut into cubes and pour water. The same thing should be done with the crusts of the orange, only not crushing. Soak is necessary for 3 days, periodically changing the water. At the end of time, the orange peel should be cut and added to the pan with water, sugar and ginger.
As soon as the water boils, the pan is removed from the fire and cooled for 2-3 hours, after which it is re-heated and cooled, and as only 3 times.
The last time you boil it is necessary to add lemon juice, and the jam is ready.
The recipe for candied ginger candies
Ginger candies are not only for sweets, but also for an effective way to combat colds. In addition, they help with the throat and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
The recipe for ginger candies is very simple, as it does not require much material and time. It is enough to buy ginger, peel it and cut into thin slices. The volume of ginger is about 200 g.
After that, pour the ginger in a pan with water to completely cover it, put it on the fire for boiling. Cook should be about 30 minutes, during which all the burning properties of ginger will become less intense.
After cooking, you need to drain the water and start to prepare the syrup. To do this, you need a quarter of a glass of water, in which sugar is added in half a cup size, after which you need to bring the solution to a boil, add ginger, reduce the heat and continue cooking, stirring constantly. The water will gradually evaporate and as soon as a thick mass remains at the bottom, it is necessary to remove it from the fire and wait until it cools.
Each slice of ginger should be sprinkled with sugar and laid on a baking sheet, which should be covered with parchment. Gradually drying the ginger, you need to put it in a container that is tightly closed.
In this form, ginger can be stored for up to 3 months. You can eat with tea as a sweet.
The recipe for biscuits with ginger
The recipe for cookies with ginger will provide the flavor of the baked dough together with spices and a sharp taste of ginger. For the recipe you need flour with a volume of about half a kilogram, salt, cloves, ginger ground 15 grams, egg, cinnamon 5 grams, margarine 150 grams, 10 grams of soda, a glass of sugar, a third glass of molasses, rum essence 2-3 ml, citrus (orange) - 2-3 g.
Cookie preparation begins with heating the oven to 180 degrees, the pan for which should be oiled with sunflower oil and covered with parchment. During this time, it is necessary to sift the flour and combine it with spices, salt and soda.
Separately in a bowl you need to beat margarine to a homogeneous mass and not stop whipping, add sugar and egg. After that you need to use molasses and mix everything again. And after the addition of zest and rum essence.
The recipe for biscuits with ginger involves mixing until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, after which you need to add flour with spices and gently mix in the dough.
From a piece of dough it is necessary to form small balls up to 2-cm in diameter. The top of each ball should be dipped in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon and placed on a baking sheet with an interval of up to 4 cm. The balls must be slightly pressed down.
Bake should be about 10 minutes before the appearance of blush.
The recipe for ginger with sugar
The recipe for ginger with sugar is perfect for home use, as it is very simple. Also you can not fail to note the taste and benefit to the body, not counting the fact that ginger helps to fight with extra pounds.
The recipe for ginger with sugar includes the purified root of ginger (kilogram), water and sugar (half a kilogram). First, cut the ginger in slices or slices, then place in a saucepan, add sugar, add water and leave on fire.
Water, which should cover a little ginger, should be boiled, then reduce the heat and cook until until at the bottom of the pan there is only caramelized syrup of thick consistency.
At this time, it should be noted that the pieces of ginger became transparent and slightly iridescent. Then it is necessary to pass through the sieve this mass to separate the ginger from the syrup.
Ginger should be sprinkled with sugar on all sides and slightly dried in the oven, clearly controlling the temperature regime. In addition, you can prepare dried ginger in sugar, first putting it for a few minutes into the water, and then sprinkling sugar.
The recipe for pie with ginger
The recipe for pie with ginger is known for its English cuisine. It is so easy to prepare that it does not take much time and energy. In addition, it does not require special knowledge in cooking and is very easy to prepare.
The cooking time of the pie is only 50 minutes, after which you can enjoy a soft crumbly dough and a crisp crust. The most important thing is not to overdo the ginger, otherwise the so-called "dessert" will turn out to be sharp.
The recipe for pie with ginger is as follows: first you should sift a glass of wheat flour and add to it 1.5 tsp ginger (dry), 1 tsp. Soda, a little salt and 10 g of baking powder. While everything is mixing, it is necessary to preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
In addition, one must melt 100 g of butter and, as it melts, sugar should be added 5 tbsp and honey 100 g, and then mixed until homogeneous.
After this, it is necessary to combine the flour with the resulting oil mixture and add a quarter of a glass of milk (fresh) and an egg. Now you need to thoroughly beat everything and put it in a previously preheated and greased with sunflower oil mold.
The cake should be in the oven for about 40 minutes before a crust is formed. After preparation, it is recommended to decorate with powdered sugar, coconut shavings or any other confectionery substance.
The recipe for sauce with ginger
Sauce with ginger is used as a supplement to many dishes from fish, cape or vegetables. With the help of auxiliary ingredients - onions, garlic, coriander, honey and other spices, the sauce takes on a fascinating aroma and unusual taste.
This recipe of a sauce with ginger will help enrich any dish with a bright tint of taste, as the combination of ginger with lemon and honey creates an amazing composition.
The recipe for ginger sauce has a small amount of ingredients, which makes it accessible and easy to use. For the recipe, you need 50 ml of soy sauce, about 30 ml of lemon juice (it will take no more than half a lemon), ginger up to 5 cm, 20 ml of honey and 50 ml of sunflower or olive oil.
First you need to clean ginger by taking off a thin film. Then you need to grind it on a grater or knife, but to small size. It is advisable to do this on a plastic cutting board in order to avoid the absorption of the smell of ginger in a wooden board, which will subsequently be difficult to dispose of.
Now you need to do the sauce yourself. To do this, combine soy sauce, ginger and lemon juice, after which, if desired, you can further crush the blender. Then add honey, mix, and then olive oil and mix again thoroughly.
The sauce is ready for use with fish, meat or other dishes.
The recipe for ginger in Korean
One name "in Korean" is associated with something very sharp and searing. Most dishes can not be imagined without such a taste. In addition to a specific taste, from which tears easily flow, such dishes can enhance the immune defenses of the body to confront pathogens.
However, not everyone knows that it is possible to prepare tea in Korean using ginger. Thanks to the vegetable, tea acquires healing properties, which are so necessary in the cold season.
The recipe for ginger in Korean has the following ingredients: slightly more than 50 grams of ginger, 1.3 liters of water, sugar almost glass, 3 grams of cinnamon, 15 g of pine nuts crushed, 2 dates without pits and walnuts 3 pieces.
To make tea, you first need to clean ginger, cut into several pieces and pour water. Once the water boils, you should reduce the heat and continue to boil for about a quarter of an hour.
The recipe for ginger in Korean advises to filter the resulting drink, and then add cinnamon and sugar. Spilling tea but mugs, you can optionally add nuts and dates if desired.
Recipe of pumpkin soup with ginger
Ginger soup has a huge number of cooking methods, as it is prepared in every corner of the world. In winter, it is able to warm and deliver an aromatic pleasure, and in the summer - will give freshness.
The recipe for pumpkin soup with ginger contains the main ingredients and spices. Among the vegetables you will need ginger - a small piece of about 1 cm thick, half a kilo of pumpkin, one leek, 2 carrots and potatoes, and three quarters of a liter of vegetable broth. Of the additional ingredients should be allocated slightly more than 100 ml of cream, 15 g of butter, 3 g of ground coriander, salt and pepper.
Recipe for pumpkin soup with ginger implies the beginning of cooking with the cleaning of ginger, after which it must be grinded with a grater. Then you should combine the ginger with the cream and beat them thoroughly and put them in the refrigerator.
Wash vegetables, pumpkin cut into large, and carrots and potatoes in small pieces. The leek needs to be cleaned and the fresh leaves cut into thin rings.
In a frying pan, melt the butter and add chopped vegetables. They need to fry, add coriander and leave on low heat for another 5 minutes.
In a saucepan with broth, add fried vegetables and cook until ready for about half an hour. At the end of time, it is recommended to whip this mixture with a blender, then spread it in portions, decorate with cream on top with ginger and chopped nuts.
Rice recipe with ginger
The recipe for rice with ginger implies the preparation of fried rice with a wonderful aroma, eggs and soy sauce, which is perfect for the main course, especially for those who watch their weight.
To accomplish this, you need a peanut and sesame oil of 15 ml, 4 small cloves of garlic, 30 g of ginger, 3 leeks, 4 cups of boiled rice, salt, 4 eggs, green onions and a quarter of a glass of soy sauce.
The given recipe of rice with ginger is calculated on 4 portions. To prepare the dish, finely chop the ginger and garlic, then fry in a pan with butter for a minute until the fragrance is formed.
Leek should be cut into centimetrical pieces and add salt to the pan. Periodically stirring, the onion gradually starts to take a soft consistency (no more than 10 minutes), then add more oil 15 ml and rice. The next 5 minutes, all the ingredients are warmed up.
As the rice is cooked, it is necessary to fry the eggs separately in a frying pan, previously slightly whipped in a bowl. Once the rice is ready, it should be divided into 4 portions, add soy sauce, butter (sesame), and on top of the eggs and decorate with green onions.