Diet in case of thyroid disease
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of such diseases is possible and necessary, however, the outcome and prognosis of therapy largely depends on our nutrition - the daily intake of products that support the work of the thyroid gland. About what is a diet in the disease of the thyroid gland, we'll talk in this article.
Poor environmental conditions, unbalanced nutrition, and, as a primary reason, lack of iodine in food and water can trigger a disruption of the thyroid function. It can be an excess (thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism) or a deficiency (hypothyroidism) of the number of thyroid hormones.
Nutrition for thyroid disease
For a normal function of metabolic processes in the body, an organ such as the thyroid gland synthesizes certain types of hormones. In the case when such hormones are not synthesized enough, experts say that the thyroid gland is hypofunctioning. In this state, metabolic processes slow down, a person becomes addicted to fullness. Skin becomes dry, memory and attention worsen.
The main component of rational nutrition with such symptoms should be iodine. This substance our body acquires with inhaled air and products coming with food. For normal hormone production, the human body requires about 140 micrograms of iodine daily.
The best sources of iodine are fish and marine products: kelp, seaweed (nori), tuna, crab meat, pollock, shrimp, squid and other marine fish. A significant amount of this element contains vegetables, fruits, greens grown on iodine-rich soil.
With a pronounced shortage of iodine in nutrition, iodized salt is recommended. Saturated with iodine, this salt should be constantly present on the kitchen table and used for cooking. It should be borne in mind that the salt with iodine can retain its medicinal properties only up to 4 months, after the expiration of this period, the necessary element simply evaporates.
When hypothyroidism is useful to eat legumes, corn, cereals, root crops, tomatoes. It is not recommended to use only ordinary white cabbage and cereal porridge - these products contain substances that do not allow iodine to be absorbed.
What is the diet for thyroid disease?
In disorders of the functional ability of the thyroid gland, it is advisable to adhere to a vegetarian mode of nutrition - a diet with the predominant use of fresh fruits, vegetables, root crops, seeds and nuts. In such products there is a natural iodine, without which a normal balance of processes in the body is impossible.
In hypothyroidism, food should consist of a variety of seafood, and with hyperthyroidism, products containing iodine should be limited.
In addition to the iodine element in diseases of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to use products with a high content of cobalt, manganese, copper and selenium. Such substances contribute to the normal absorption of iodine and are found in berries, pumpkin, root crops, dog rose, salad, as well as in the broths of hop cones, wormwood, yarrow.
Treatment of thyroid gland is best started with the use of products that purify the blood. Such products include the root and stalks of celery, garlic, radish. A good effect is sprouted grains and legumes: oats, barley, wheat, lentils, beans. The daily ration should consist of a sufficient number of different types of nuts, flax seeds, sunflower.
Drinking water must be cleaned (not from the tap), better mineral alkaline.
Diet recipes for thyroid disease
In disorders of the thyroid gland, it is strongly recommended to include in the daily diet such dishes as chicken meat in a double boiler, boiled or baked on the grill, chilled from chicken or turkey meat in vegetable broth. You can eat a protein omelette for a couple (yolks are better to exclude).
Dishes from cereals include casseroles, crumbly and milk porridges, puddings, muesli. You can bake potatoes in the peel, laying in the middle of cheese or greens.
For lunch, vegetarian soups with cereals and potatoes, bean borsch, vegetable stew, vegetable pilaf (you can add dried fruits), fruit salads are preferred. Salads from boiled vegetables, vinaigrette, bean salad perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger.
As a dessert it will be appropriate to fruit jelly, mousse, compote or jelly from dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices.
In the menu, try to avoid macaroni, semolina and millet cereals, strong meat, mushroom broths. It is not recommended ice cream, cakes, pastries, chocolate, pastries.
Instead of bread, you can bake unleavened cakes, which if desired should be sprinkled with cumin, sesame, pour honey or vegetable oil.
The menu of a diet at disease of a thyroid gland
We offer you several options for a dietary menu for thyroid disease.
- Breakfast - fruit salad of apple, banana and orange, green or herbal tea;
- Snack - a sandwich with black bread and cheese, tea with milk;
- Lunch - light chicken soup, vegetable pilaf, compote;
- Snack - oat cracker, herbal tea;
- Dinner - buckwheat casserole with vegetables and cheese, a slice of black bread;
- At night - a glass of yogurt.
The second option:
- Breakfast - syrniki with yoghurt, tea made from rose hips;
- Snack - milk soup with cereal;
- Lunch - bean borsch, baked potatoes with steam frying pan, jelly;
- Snack - a handful of nuts or dried fruits, tea;
- Supper - stewed vegetables, a piece of dark bread;
- At night - a cup of milk.
- Breakfast - protein steam omelet, Borodinsky bread with cheese, coffee without sugar;
- Snack - a fruit mix of pear, banana and orange;
- Lunch - fish soup, potato casserole, compote;
- Snack - cottage cheese pudding, tea;
- Supper - fish meatballs for a couple with buckwheat, a piece of dark bread, compote;
- At night - kefir.
The second option:
- Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with honey, black tea;
- Snack - vinaigrette with a chunky scone;
- Lunch - soup, baked potatoes, salad from sea kale, dried fruit jelly;
- Snack - an apple or a banana;
- Dinner - fish baked in foil with vegetables, a slice of unleavened bread, compote;
- At night - tea with milk.
With any diseases of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to consume fresh vegetables, greens and fruits - the body needs fiber to improve the work of metabolic processes. Diet in case of thyroid disease should be based on the results of the tests, agreed with the doctor. Do not go to the diet yourself, first you should clarify the diagnosis of an endocrinologist! We give you advice on proper nutrition in case of illness, but the last word should remain with your doctor.
What can you eat with thyroid disease?
The list of products recommended for insufficient thyroid function is quite extensive:
- unrefined oil (sunflower, sea-buckthorn, olive, walnut, etc.);
- milk natural products (can be sour-milk);
- products of beekeeping (honey, honeycombs, zabrus);
- cereals, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, except millet);
- fresh and baked roots (potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes);
- dried fruits (figs, prunes, dates, apricots, dried apricots);
- pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, corn, patisson, peas, beans, lentils, soybeans;
- apples (with seeds), pears, apricots, plums;
- broth from vegetables;
- bezdorozhevoy dark bread, you can Borodinsky;
- fish (sea and river, pike, trout, cod, hake, flounder, mackerel);
- mussels, crabs, sea kale, shrimp, squid;
- melons and melons;
- persimmon, chokeberry, grape.
Food for hypothyroidism should be varied. However, sugar, flour products, sharp and salted-smoked dishes should, if not eliminate, at least be significantly reduced. Good natural coffee with hypothyroidism is allowed, but with thyrotoxicosis - on the contrary, is not welcome.
Products that can be recommended for hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis - excess thyroid function):
- dairy and sour-milk natural products (cottage cheese, milk, curdled milk, cheese);
- low-fat meat (chicken, turkey);
- cereal cereals.
Nutrition for hyperthyroidism should be frequent, but with a small amount of food (fractional meals). Cooking is best done on a steam or in the oven: fried and smoked food is not allowed.
What you can not eat with thyroid disease?
When the diagnosis of hypothyroidism is not recommended:
- fatty meats (pork, rabbit, lamb) and sausage products;
- spread, margarines, synthetic fats;
- sugar, flour and confectionery products, bread products from white flour of superior quality, buns;
- products with preservatives and carcinogens, synthetic dyes and stabilizers;
- mayonnaise, ketchup, chili, mustard, horseradish, all kinds of vinegar;
- chocolate, cocoa, cola;
- smoked meat - fat, fish, meat;
- eggs and dishes from them;
- alcoholic beverages, cigarettes.
When a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is not recommended:
- seafood (fish, seaweed);
- iodized salt;
- coffee and strong tea;
- chocolate with a high content of cocoa, coca-cola;
- rich meat and fish broths;
- garlic, sorrel, fatty meat, lard, canned food;
- alcoholic and low alcohol drinks;
- spices and spices.
With any pathology of the thyroid gland, it is important not to skip meals. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe the intake of additional vitamins and microelements (as a prophylactic support of the body).