Products for hair growth
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021
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Luxurious well-groomed hair does not leave anyone indifferent. They best decorate a woman, and nothing will replace this natural ornament.
For men, the condition of their hairstyles is also an important thing.
It would seem that in our time hair care is not a problem: there would be money. And every possible means on the cosmetic market - a dime a dozen.
But there is one "but": the hair should be groomed and cherished not only from the outside, but also necessarily nourished from the inside. First of all - vitamins.
Vitamins for hair growth in foods
What are the recommended vitamin products for hair growth specialists? Hair has a strong need for many vitamins: A, B5, B12, C, E, K, N.
- A - restores healthy structure, natural elasticity of hair
- В5 - strengthens hair, sates with oxygen, promotes growth of a hair cover
- B12 - activates growth, promotes their strength
- C - vasoconstrictive, preserves hair follicles from possible destruction
- E - improves growth, at the same time relieves headache
- K - restores dull hair, makes them shiny
- Н - in a complex with other vitamins promotes mastering of useful substances, warns occurrence of dandruff.
In principle, all vitamins for hair growth in foods are needed and important.
You should know that hair in terms of chemical composition is a protein structure, and without regular intake of amino acids in the hair lacks proteins. The deficit will be full of nutrition, including meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts. Nothing is superfluous in this menu, prepared from quality raw materials.
Products for strengthening and growth of hair
Products to strengthen and grow hair can be combined into several groups.
Livestock products
- beef - vitamin A, zinc activate growth, strengthen hair
- poultry meat - a source of easily digestible proteins, iron
- fish - fatty grades contain B12, protein, zinc
- eggs - in any form replenish the body with protein, vitamin B12
- dairy products - rich in calcium, B12, K.
- cabbage - a storehouse of vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iodine;
- carrots - a reserve of vitamin A;
- onion - vitamin C;
- green vegetables - vitamin C;
- wheat - contains iron;
- soy - helps increase hemoglobin;
- beans, peas - a rich source of vitamin E and many proteins.
Citrus, nuts, dried fruits
- Lemons, mandarins, oranges, grapefruits - citrus fruits perfectly cope with the protection of blood vessels, hair follicles and the whole organism from the harmful effects of unfavorable factors.
- Nuts - natural containers of proteins and proteins, in particular - peanuts, almonds.
- Raisins - promotes stimulation of hair follicles.
All products for hair growth should be quality, environmentally friendly, fresh.
Nail and hair growth products
Products for hair growth are also useful for nails. After all, you do not have to be a fortune teller to foresee: if a person has problems with hair, then his nails are not perfect.
A healthy alternative to dull hair and constantly breaking nails consists, in addition to cosmetic methods, in proper nutrition. Here is an approximate set of useful products for the growth of nails and hair:
- Potatoes (sweet)
Needed in the diet for hair due to the abundance of vitamin A. Its deficiency causes the foliation of the nail plates, hair loss. Potatoes fill this gap in small amounts.
- Spinach
Contained in spinach beta-carotene, vitamin C lead to an excellent condition of nails and hair.
- Lentils
This type of legumes contains vital proteins, biotin, iron minerals, zinc
- Whey protein
It is the source of keratin, which forms a hair and nail substance.
- Walnut nuts
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, vitamin E. The latter prevent hair loss, protect proteinaceous substances at the cellular level. For efficiency, it is advisable to eat nuts regularly.
- Sea fish
Salad with tuna under olive oil is an ideal set of ingredients for the prevention and restoration of dull, dropping hair and thin, breaking nails. Possible options: salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel, other seafood ...
Vitamins for hair in foods
Vitamins for hair in products can not be looked for long. The stocks of such organic substances in nature are huge, they are constantly updated, and with a reasonable use of these resources must be enough for everyone and always.
To provide themselves with vitamins necessary for healthy hair and nails, it takes a little: external care plus directional nutrition. Fortunately, for this purpose we need not overseas exotic products, but public products.
- Carotene and vitamin A will enrich any vegetable or fruit, "colored" by nature in bright colors of green-yellow-orange scales. There are a lot of such gifts of nature: pumpkin, carrot, sweet pepper, persimmon. Most of them are normally stored in winter, so they are available in any period of the year.
- Vitamin E, except for use for hair and nails, is considered a fabulous "juvenile" substance. A teaspoon of olive oil on an empty stomach will provide (attention to women!) And a brilliant appearance, and eternal youth.
- Vitamin B5 contains fruits of leguminous plants, cabbage, bran, peanuts.
- Vitamin B6 (helps assimilation of useful fats) is found in germinated wheat seeds, yeast, bran, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, uncooked grain, bananas. Pork meat and liver also supplement diet B6.
- Vitamin B12 will benefit dry hair. Contained in salmon, tuna, salmon, herring, olives.
- Vitamin C is fully provided by green vegetables and fruits of the citrus family.
Hair products are best used in different combinations, in order to diversify the menu.
The best products for hair growth
Speaking about healthy nutrition, it is necessary to exclude from it that which does not benefit the entire body or individual organs. This is known for its "harm", but still popular on our tables are dishes - fried, too sharp and salty, smoked, fast food. In the same list - carbonated drinks.
An excellent choice for hair support will be simple but delicious and healthy dishes prepared in most of the same simple and affordable products.
- If the hair is dull and does not grow, put zinc into the diet. It is enough in sea kale, cottage cheese. Green tea, vegetable dishes and fruit desserts contain antioxidants that prevent premature aging of hair and gray hair. Copper in pumpkin seeds, nuts, avocados will relieve such an extremely unpleasant phenomenon as dandruff.
- For normal growth, the hair needs a sufficient amount of water (daily dose - about two liters), vegetable and fish fats (olive oil, unsaturated omega-3 acids).
- The necessary trace elements contain: oatmeal, potatoes, asparagus, pepper, celery - silicon; Milk, sour-milk products, canned fish, walnuts and hazelnuts - calcium; cocoa, chocolate, peanuts, pumpkin seeds and sesame - zinc.
- About vitamins and products containing them for hair growth is described in detail above. Recall, through commas, this group of the best products for hair growth: vegetables-fruits yellow-green, olives and oil from them, pork and poultry meat, liver, cereals and legumes. A truly inexhaustible supply of natural gifts - at the feet of a man. It remains to raise and take ...
For all the importance of rational nutrition, the right choice of products for hair growth can not be considered a panacea. Sometimes the problem with hair nails has deeper reasons, and an integrated approach is needed. Only consultation of competent specialists should answer all questions in such cases.