
Social life

Low-fat dairy products will not protect against obesity

It's no secret that one of the most common diseases of the US population is obesity. Specialists and common people try to fight a dangerous disease by limiting too high-calorie and unhealthy products.
26 March 2013, 09:00

Products that can replace the morning cup of coffee

For most adults, every morning begins with a cup of fresh, fragrant coffee. Not surprisingly, this invigorating drink has acquired a huge number of faithful fans who can not imagine an awakening without it. Doctors have repeatedly conducted a study of the drink from coffee beans in order to determine its possible contraindications.
24 March 2013, 09:00

Brazilian hair removal can cause a viral disease

Specialists from France reported that the popular Brazilian hair removal today can be dangerous to health.
22 March 2013, 14:00

The female body needs more time to sleep

Psychologists from Duke University (USA) found that women need a lot more time to recover from a productive day than men. Proceeding from this, the scientists concluded that women, in order to feel cheerful, should spend more time on a healthy and sound sleep.
22 March 2013, 09:00

Retired employment: advantages and disadvantages

Retirement is not only the end of professional activity, but also a change in the entire life of a person. This event should be prepared well in advance. When retiring, you can be satisfied with your life, or, conversely, regret that you have to leave work. Therefore, retirement has several advantages.
21 March 2013, 10:19

A balanced diet will help avoid spring pressure jumps

Springtime is characterized not only by the bright sun, warm light wind and green lawns, but also by sharp changes in air temperature and instability of atmospheric pressure, which is why many people on the planet have problems with the cardiovascular system.
20 March 2013, 09:18

Acetylsalicylic acid can be used as a cancer prevention

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid, a classic medicine that can certainly be found in the medicine cabinet of every person, is used to treat many diseases.
19 March 2013, 09:18

What to wear in the spring?

What to wear in the spring? This is a typical women's question, which arises not only in the spring, it literally torments the beautiful half of mankind on a daily basis. In order not to get confused in the world of fashion trends and to pick up a truly stylish spring wardrobe, let's turn to the ideas and recommendations of famous world couturiers.
16 March 2013, 10:22

Why is it difficult for some people to wake up in the morning?

Scientists have finally answered a question that many people are worried about: why is it so difficult to wake up the morning? It turns out that the reason for this is the incorrectly working biological clock of a person. Wrong biological clock experts call the internal clock of a person who work out of sync with a twenty-four hour rhythm.
14 March 2013, 09:36

Red dry wine promotes health and longevity

Researchers from the United Kingdom reported that in the near future the average life expectancy of a person could double. According to doctors, 80 years is not the limit for human capabilities, and with the help of a drug that is currently under development, they will be able to increase the life expectancy of a person to 150-160 years.
13 March 2013, 09:30


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