
Social life

Specialists managed to find out the cause of the appearance of gray hair

Specialists from the American University conducted a series of studies aimed at studying the features of human hair pigmentation. As you know, with age, human hair loses pigmentation, which causes the appearance of gray hair. Gray hair appears at different ages and does not always depend only on the number of years lived.

18 June 2013, 09:00

Men are more likely than women to be suicidal

Specialists from Stanford University were able to trace the relationship between gender and suicidal tendencies. It turned out that the male representatives are several times more likely to commit suicide attempts, which often lead to a fatal outcome.
17 June 2013, 09:00

Scientists reported an ineffectiveness of the popular diet

Experts from Belgium reported that recent studies have proven the absolute inefficiency of the once fashionable diet for blood groups.
12 June 2013, 09:00

The mental state affects life expectancy

Scientists from the city of Pittsburgh (USA, Pennsylvania) found that the average life expectancy of a person can directly depend on his mental state and even named character traits that, in their opinion, can shorten life for a few years.
07 June 2013, 09:00

The most useful summer drinks are named

There is nothing more pleasant in the summer heat than a refreshing drink. Which of the products to choose, and from the thirst to get rid of, and health does not hurt?
03 June 2013, 12:57

What to choose - walking or running?

Among the few free sports are singled out by jogging and walking. The pros and cons of such trainings have been debated for a long time.
02 June 2013, 14:00

Strong coffee will save from hangover syndrome

The fact that a cup of strong coffee saves from a hangover is known to every adult person who at least once had to face the consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages.
27 May 2013, 09:00

Oily food causes lethargy and drowsiness

American scientists have found a relationship between caloric intake of food and daytime activity of an adult. It turns out that the more fatty foods we eat, the lower the capacity for work and the more difficult it is to lead an active lifestyle.

20 May 2013, 09:00

Named products that improve memory and brain performance

Many people dream that scientists have finally invented a miracle cure, with the help of which it will be possible to instantly improve memory. Each of us would like to have the opportunity on the fly to grasp new information, to memorize random facts and not to forget important moments from life.
14 May 2013, 09:00

Orange juice in the morning - the guarantee of a good day

Over time, nutritionists around the world are trying to determine the most useful and invigorating morning drink. Some scientists lean with hot drinks with caffeine content, others - to sour-milk products, others insist on the special effect of fresh fruit or vegetable juices.
10 May 2013, 09:00


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