
Social life

Social media - is it as safe as it seems?

The most usual data that a person puts on his page on the Internet, can ruin a business, deprive money or destroy a family.
30 September 2013, 09:41

There are products that will help sweet tooth get rid of addiction

Everyone knows that excessive consumption of sugar and foods containing it is incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. Many health problems arise because of too much sugar entering the bloodstream with food.
11 September 2013, 09:06

A small amount of alcohol prevents the occurrence of bone disease

Specialists from Scotland have proven that the daily use of a small amount of red wine positively affects the human body. The results of studies conducted to study the characteristics of the female body during the menopause showed that alcohol positively affects the general condition, the work of the nervous system and the work of the musculoskeletal system.
21 August 2013, 10:00

Several cups of cocoa improves brain performance

Scientists are sure: two cups of fresh cocoa per day can provide good memory, speed of reaction and brain performance.
14 August 2013, 09:17

Food that will help to deal with stressful situations

American psychotherapists told the popular medical publication interesting information about the fact that stress can be controlled not only with the help of medications and psychotherapy, but also with the help of changing the diet.
08 August 2013, 09:00

Coffee lovers suffer less from suicidal tendencies

Experts from Great Britain reported that among fans of coffee there are practically no people with depressive and suicidal tendencies. According to some scientists, with the help of a fragrant and invigorating drink you can save many people from irreparable acts.
01 August 2013, 09:00

Full Moon can affect the duration and quality of sleep

Specialists from Switzerland have finally been able to prove the relationship between the lunar cycle and the duration of a night's sleep. For a long time, many people complained of poor health and too sensitive sleep during the full moon. Recent studies of scientists from the University of Basel showed that the relationship between the full moon and the quality of sleep actually exists.
31 July 2013, 09:00

Cold drinking water favorably affects the work of the brain

The positive impact of drinking water on the health of the human body is known for quite some time. Water is the main fluid in the body and its value is difficult to overestimate. It is water that provides transportation function and constant temperature support, and is also a key element of all reactions that take place in the cells of a living organism.
25 July 2013, 09:00

Sexual dependence is truth or fiction?

In the modern world, more and more addictions arise. Along with harmful habits like alcoholism and drug addiction, they appear onomania (better known as shopaholism), Internet addiction and even sexual addiction.
23 July 2013, 09:00

Singing is as good for health as yoga

Swedish scientists who are studying the diseases of the human respiratory system reported that some types of singing can be useful for human health.
17 July 2013, 12:15


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