
Food that will help to deal with stressful situations

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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08 August 2013, 09:00

American psychotherapists told the popular medical publication interesting information about the fact that stress can be controlled not only with the help of medications and psychotherapy, but also with the help of changing the diet. Several years ago, US therapists began work on research on the relationship between the nutritional system and the mental state of a person. After numerous experiments in which patients of a popular therapist voluntarily took part, a book with "recipes" and recommendations on the daily diet during stressful situations was published.

According to experts, to maintain a good mood and well-being, you should adhere to a specially developed nutrition system, which is described in detail in the book "The De-Stress Diet". Experiments conducted by therapists helped to compile an approximate list of products that favorably affect the work of the nervous system and contribute to the fight against stressful situations.

The first in the list of products was named celery. Doctors believe that dishes with a high content of this vegetable can have a calming effect. Experiments conducted earlier in Europe have shown that to remove symptoms of too high blood pressure, which is one of the main signs of being in a stressful situation, it is sufficient to consume 2 to 4 stalks of celery daily. The stalks of celery contain a large amount of tryptophan, which is an indispensable substance that enters the human body only with plant food and can affect the performance of the nervous system.

The next in the list of products that can prevent stress, is garlic. Substances that are contained in garlic, normal blood circulation and blood sugar level. Garlic is considered to be one of the best natural antioxidants.

Various kinds of cabbage (Brussels, color, white-head, kohlrabi) are also recommended for use to those people who suffer from unstable nervous system and are often prone to stressful situations. Vegetables contain sulfur enzymes that inhibit the growth and development of cancer cells. According to some reports, the use of vegetable salads with a lot of cabbage can reduce the likelihood of depression.

A good means to relieve fatigue and chronic stress, therapists consider liquorice and the products that contain this plant. The roots of the plant are widely used both in cooking and for medical purposes. In addition, that the constituents of licorice can help in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors are confident that the possible influence of licorice on blood sugar positively affects the productivity and performance of a person.

Red fish with a high content of useful for the body fats and acids, omega-3 contributes to stress resistance and increased reaction speed.

Among drinks and desserts, undoubted leaders are calming herbal tea from chamomile and St. John's wort and, of course, black chocolate. It's hard to believe, but only 40 grams of chocolate for breakfast can ensure a good mood throughout the day. Cocoa beans contribute to the production of endorphins and provide the brain with the necessary amount of energy.

Experts from the United States believe that a nutrition system designed to combat stress can be used as a preventive measure.

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