
Science and Technology

Scientists: Red wine can be considered the equivalent of exercise

According to the authors of the paper, resveratrol (an ingredient of red wine) can prevent the negative impact of space flights and the sedentary lifestyle on human health. This means that red wine can be considered a "liquid" equivalent to the physical exercises so necessary for the human body to preserve all functions.

06 July 2011, 15:15

Scientists have created a device that allows lame people to walk normally

Scientists have created a device that emits electrical impulses. It gives people the freedom of action, allowing them to walk normally ...
01 July 2011, 21:40

A smartphone device has been developed that diagnoses cataract at an early stage

The device is placed on the screen of the mobile device. Familiar with the technology of its work, the user can give feedback to the program, which will determine the parameters of the opacity of the lens ...
01 July 2011, 21:27

Chemical compounds used in cosmetics cause obesity

In the epidemic of obesity, it is not only an unhealthy lifestyle that is to blame, but also the chemical compounds used in common beauty products ...
01 July 2011, 21:17

Vitamin D can protect women who have previously had skin cancer from developing melanoma

As a recent study has shown, taking vitamin D can protect women who have previously had skin cancer from a much more dangerous form of the disease - melanoma ...
01 July 2011, 21:10

Refusal of meat threatens early aging of the skin and a decrease in life expectancy

British scientists have established that a general rejection of animal products threatens early skin aging ...
28 June 2011, 21:30

Periodontitis leads to impotence

This conclusion was reached by employees of Liuzhou Medical College in the course of laboratory research ...
28 June 2011, 21:23

Researchers found the weakest place in the human immunodeficiency virus

In the future, researchers want to find the virus several other weak spots - and then it will be possible to develop a vaccine that does not really leave HIV any chances ...
22 June 2011, 14:17

Scientists have found a way to defeat gray hair

Specialists of the Medical Center at the University of New York have established that a special protein Wnt is responsible for the pigmented condition of the hair ...
20 June 2011, 19:00

A Vietnamese resident has a tumor of a leg weighing over 80 kg

A Vietnamese resident has a tumor of a leg weighing more than 80 kilograms and a diameter of about a meter ...
20 June 2011, 18:29


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