
Science and Technology

The risk of dehydration is a myth, British scientists said

British scientists said that the risk of dehydration is a myth, reports the Daily Mail. According to the traditional opinion of physicians, drinking plain water follows for the prevention of kidney disease and obesity, recalls journalist Sophie Borland.
13 July 2011, 23:30

Scientists have discovered a protein that regulates a biological clock

The scientist from Queen Mary's College of London University managed to find a protein that tells our inner clock, the day is now on the street or the night.
13 July 2011, 23:25

Cannabinoid receptor CB1 prevents the development of senile dementia

The cannabinoid CB1 receptor helps neurons to withstand inflammatory processes and age-related changes in the brain, leading to the death of nerve cells.
13 July 2011, 22:40

People with allergies are less likely to develop cancer

According to statistics, people suffering from the contact form of allergy are less susceptible to certain types of malignant tumors, including brain, breast and skin cancer.
12 July 2011, 21:46

Scientists: Salt deficiency triggers mechanisms similar to heroin addiction

A joint study of American and Australian scientists, salt is addictive, and in the case of a deficiency of this substance, the same genetic and neurological mechanisms are triggered as with nicotine, heroin or cocaine addiction
12 July 2011, 21:26

Human embryos can automatically correct errors in their own DNA

Human embryos with genetic defects can automatically correct errors in their own DNA, promoting the growth of normal cells and minimizing the vital activity of those cells that have the wrong number of chromosomes.
11 July 2011, 23:54

Study: Alcohol is extremely destructive for cellular DNA

In our body, ethanol is converted to acetaldehyde, which behaves quite aggressively with respect to DNA. Two groups of proteins stand up for the protection of genes from harmful substances: one of them neutralizes acetaldehyde itself, the other is engaged in repair of damaged DNA.
09 July 2011, 00:05

Scientists: Autism develops due to environmental influences

Research scientists at Stanford University (USA) say that in most cases, the causes of autism spectrum disorders are not in the field of genetics, but can be attributed to the influence of the environment.
08 July 2011, 23:40

In Sweden, for the first time, a trachea transplantation, stemmed from stem cells

In Sweden, a 36-year-old man with a tracheal cancer, doctors transplanted a new trachea created in the laboratory from his own stem cells. This was the first successful attempt of this kind
08 July 2011, 23:18

Scientists say that soon there will be a "thousand-year-old man"

The first person who will live to his 150th birthday has already been born, says gerontologist Aubrey de Gray. Even more incredible is that the first person who will live for 1000 years, will be born in the next two decades.
06 July 2011, 15:27


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