
Science and Technology

Homosexuality is an innate phenomenon

The results of brain studies of hetero- and homosexuals reinforce the point of view of researchers who consider the sexual orientation of an innate ...
20 June 2011, 18:24

Sunscreen with a factor below 30 does not protect against burns and skin cancer

The National Health Service of Great Britain (NHS) recommended that citizens use creams with sunscreen factor 15 (SPF15).
03 June 2011, 00:10

Botox gives the breast the right shape and adds volume

Experts say that the introduction of Botox tightens the skin, giving the breast the right shape, removing wrinkles and adding volume. In this case, Botox is injected into the skin around the chest, and not into the muscles.

27 May 2011, 08:06

Sweeteners do not increase the risk of obesity and diabetes

American scientists have reviewed the research on the effects of high-fructose syrup and sucrose on metabolism, compared to conventional table sugar and found no significant differences in the metabolism of these products.
27 May 2011, 07:38

Scientists have found a way to treat Alzheimer's disease with antibodies

The researchers found a way to treat Alzheimer's disease with antibodies with double specificity: one half of the antibody molecule deceives the checkpoint between the brain and the blood capillary, and the other is bound to a protein that leads to the death of brain neurons.
27 May 2011, 07:16

Study: Pregnancy increases the risk of developing autoimmune diseases

A successfully resolved pregnancy increases the risk of developing autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
26 May 2011, 23:45

Scientists have found a medicine that erases bad memories

Specialists from the University of Montreal found that the drug metiarapon affects the ability of the brain to change the stored memories.
26 May 2011, 23:37

Regular walks in the open air improve the prognosis of prostate cancer

Based on the results of their research, the authors state that even with a diagnosis of prostate cancer, regular walks for at least 3 hours per week significantly reduce the risk of metastasis, and, therefore, increase the chances of survival.
26 May 2011, 23:30

Scientists have discovered a protein that causes Alzheimer's disease

Many years of research by researchers from the Feinstein Institute of Medical Research (USA), specializing in Alzheimer's disease, led them to the protein c-Abl, which scientists believe is one of the main causes of this severe neurodegenerative disease.
25 May 2011, 22:46

Scientists have created a cure for premature ejaculation

Recently, a representative of the American pharmaceutical company Ampio Pharmaceuticals proudly announced the successful completion of the last stage of the clinical trial of Zertane, which provides the ability of a man to have a prolonged sexual intercourse.
24 May 2011, 21:02


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