
Science and Technology

Breastfeeding programs a person's metabolism for life

Nutrition in the first days or weeks of life can have long-term effects on the health of the child, especially the risk of developing metabolic disorders.

16 May 2011, 19:21

The gene that triggers the formation of the nervous system is discovered

Japanese researchers have found a gene that triggers the transformation of germ cells into nerve cells.
16 May 2011, 19:06

15 eggs - the key to successful delivery after IVF

The scientists came to the conclusion that the optimal number of eggs that need to be withdrawn during one menstrual cycle in a woman for fertilization in a test tube is 15 ...
16 May 2011, 07:56

Antiretroviral drugs reduce the risk of HIV infection by 96%

People infected with HIV can reduce the risk of contracting their sexual partners by 96% if they start taking antiretroviral drugs immediately after the virus is detected.
16 May 2011, 07:51

Scientists first identified lung stem cells

Researchers from the Boston hospital Brigham and Women's (USA) for the first time in history isolated human lung stem cells ...
13 May 2011, 08:11

Paracetamol increases the risk of developing a rare form of cancer

Regular use of paracetamol may increase the risk of developing a rare form of cancer ...
11 May 2011, 19:29

Prevention of obesity in children will be performed in utero

The National Health Service of Great Britain (NHS) will conduct an experiment on intrauterine prophylaxis of obesity in children ...
11 May 2011, 18:58

The drug from HIV helps prevent cervical cancer

Scientists claim that a widely used drug against HIV called Lopinavir can help prevent cervical cancer.
10 May 2011, 21:56

From fire to fire: how chemotherapy creates autoimmune inflammation

Antineoplastic medications give a signal to the synthesis of immune receptors that regard the damaged DNA of tumor cells as a "signal to fight" and begin a "protective" inflammatory reaction.
01 April 2011, 15:23

Top 5 April Fools' Scientific Discoveries

Scientific journals are at the forefront of the mildly fooling of April Fools' readers! First, the achievements of modern science can sometimes seem so crazy that the public is ready to believe in absentia everything and everything. It's true? Secondly, very few people are waiting for scientists to crack dry sparkling humor. But in vain.
01 April 2011, 15:10


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