
Science and Technology

Wireless technologies can threaten the health of people and especially children

If children have thinner bones of the skull, radiation is a great danger for children in the process of forming nervous tissue. Therefore, children should use a mobile phone or wireless technology only if necessary, and do not talk for long.
24 May 2011, 20:36

Gastric bacterium causes Parkinson's disease

Living in the stomach in almost half of the earth's inhabitants, Helicobacter pylori so modifies cholesterol that it causes degeneration of dopamine-producing cells in the brain ...
23 May 2011, 19:58

The cause of breast cancer resistance to chemotherapy is found

Resistance to chemotherapy is one of the most serious problems of modern oncology. Its severity is largely due to the fact that different types of cancer "get used" to drugs in different ways, and ...
23 May 2011, 19:45

Forecast scientists: in the future nanorobots will defeat many diseases

Professor of theoretical physics at the University of New York Michio Kaku is famous throughout the world for his bold predictions. He was the first representative of official science to stand up for such insane projects as the creation of a time machine and perpetual motion machine
22 May 2011, 12:41

Scientists will treat cancer with the help of the herpes virus

Combining traditional treatment and treatment with herpes virus can achieve amazing results. How does this new drug work?
22 May 2011, 12:29

Cockroaches and locusts can become raw materials for the production of antibiotics

A group of scientists from the University of Nottingham (Great Britain), led by Simon Lee, has established that cockroaches and locusts can become a promising raw material for the production of antibiotics.
21 May 2011, 11:25

Sexual orientation is given by vowels

We constantly talk with people who do not know, and only from this we form an opinion on the personal characteristics of the interlocutor - about his field, age and sexual orientation ...
19 May 2011, 08:23

The revolutionary discovery of "alternative hearing" made by American scientists

It turned out that a person can hear sounds around the tympanic membrane.
19 May 2011, 08:16

Avocados, bananas, strawberries intensify the work of the brain

British nutritionists have developed a list of food products designed to activate the brain ...
17 May 2011, 07:55

Canadian psychiatrists believe in the placebo effect

A recent poll confirmed that every fifth psychiatrist in Canada uses a placebo in his practice.
16 May 2011, 19:39


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